
This fucking game man.

I'm stuck at cainhurst.



That's because it's a dead end.


That's not telling much.



I'm stuck at the asshole at the top who summons swords

Hit him until he stops hitting back.

Cainhurst is tough but it's optional. Don't feel bad if you need to give up and proceed elsewhere before coming back. It's definitely one of the tougher areas in the game and the boss there is fucking ruthless.

Well it doesn't help one hit takes about 40% of my health

There's an exploit that might be intentional, but I'm not sure. When he starts charging for his second form do a fully charged heavy attack, preferably from behind. This removes the ridiculous poise he has in his second form and makes the fight drastically easier.

When should I hit the Old Hunters DLC? I'm right at the start of Mensis.

Simply grind some levels or keep practicing. I'd say Lv70 to 80 is a fair range to fight him. Don't go beyond 120 since you're really overdoing it at that point. Also, attack the sword he plunges in the ground to stop the flying swords he summons.

You know, I've been waiting for that DLC to go sale and I don't think it's gone on sale once since it came out. Hopefully it's in some kind of E3 sale or some shit.

I'd be at least level 60-70. DLC is really hard, but I think you'll probably be in good condition if you're at Mensis.

That's as good a time as any. Beware though. It's no walk in the park.

Around Lvl 70 is ideal for DLC in NG imo, as long as you have a +9/+10 weapon that is

Isn't it like 15 bucks? Just buy the thing.

Alright, thanks. I'll focus on clearing that then.

You can gun parry a lot of his moves.

When he plants the sword down to do his magical attacks you can destroy it.

Try to get behind him and land a charged attack.

When you kill him put his crown on where he sat.
May the good blood guide your way.

Make sure you do this
Watch him carefully around the half mark for when he kneels down to charge his second form. Get behind him, backstab him (charged r2), and he'll proceed into phase 2 without his buff.

you are stuck in bloodborn... dont try dark souls 1

You can unlock Cainhurst before you're really "ready" for it, so maybe you need to come back when you're stronger.

Parry, he's weak to parry attacks. Get him to his second phase, where he starts using his sword more than his magic. It's hard but if you can get a few parries off him you've basically won.

I recommend taking along whatever runes you have that boost your parry ability too.

Also, in his third phase you can break the sword he stabs in the ground and it won't summon swords. Or summon as many, if you don't make it in time...

I love how you assume dark souls 1 harder which it isn't.

Plus I already beat dark souls 1-3 and they aren't challenging at all.

i played all dark souls and bloodborn i know what im talking about, and bloodborn was easier than dark souls 2(the easiest dark souls)

Not sure if you're meme-ing, but I found DaS1 to be a much easier game. Not sure what that makes me, though. A casual?

You're gonna laugh, but I actually had more trouble with DaS2 than any other Soulsborne game, if you can believe that.

well if u are a noob and cant end bloodborn thats ok, i played it and finished it with low deaths

>dark souls 2(the easiest dark souls)
Unironically the hardest, although I'm probably just saying that because of the shitty mechanics that I can't adapt to. I've played it once, but I went back to play the new version with the dlc. I got to the ice one and uninstalled. I don't think they tried at all with those fucking cat bosses.

dark souls 2? i killed the big part of the bosses with no deads

either bait or underage, but then again i dont even give a shit

dark souls 1... i dont know how many shouts and butt broken i had with that game the first time i played it

I never said that I didn't finish, but that I struggled. Died a shitload of times in Bloodborne before the end, but maybe a couple of times in Dark Souls. I think it's due to the faster paced nature of Bloodborne; there's so much going on at once! People like you that can keep track of all of that are impressive. Good on you.

i finished the three dark souls with claymore :-) my favourite sword

i only died in bloodborn like 20 times the first time i played

AH, KOS...

I'd fuck that mouth

anyone made a thread on from softs announcement about the 3 new games?

As much as I enjoyed Bloodborne, and I really put it in my top ten games, it only makes me more aware how much I want a game that's like that but about killing werewolves and-

Fuck me, I just want a Souls-style Castlevania game.

>Heaven and the cosmos are one

Cainhurst itself is not hard. Run past the shitty blood things at the start and deal with anything else.

Now, that's where it stops being easy though. The boss of Cainhurst is a pain in the ass unless you like to exploit parrying

he's also my favorite boss

this comic sucks

typical tumblr garbage


I feel your pain
>Those fuckin tracking attacks mang

What sucks about it

I think it's pretty good

>mfw playing through it again right now and realizing Brainsuckers are females

he's just angry because it's from tumblr
No one would be this mad at a comic alone

>People always bitched about brainsuckers being difficult
>I thought they were just being shitters
>Turns out they are weak to Pierce and I mained the Rifle Spear and Church Pick

I'm still mad there is no way to save the little girl.

Not that guy but the comic does suck and it has nothing to do with tumblr. It's just quoting something an npc says alongside unrelated fan art.

Similar but non sexual feeling towards vicar amelia
She's such a cute fluffball but she constantly screams in pain, puppers that never stop screaming are not fun puppers

Never talk to her and she makes it through the long night.

The fuck?

One time she glitched on me, and my hunter just ran into a corner. I couldn't move at all, he just kept running straight into the wall, so I expected her to come and finish me off, but she just sat where she was and screamed and screamed until I had to reset.

She just had every bone and organ in her body broken and/or stretched and regrown in the span of 15 seconds. I'm sure that's painful.


>doing Logarious at level 20 for muh low-level BT build
Cainhurst gave me PTSD

I'm in the Choir area and just looked around and realized: where the fuck is Yharnam? Is it a peninsula or is it an island or what? There's water everywhere but some land off in the distance around some of it.

These series are about inevitable doom.
Whether by the heat death of the universe, or the calling of reality ending gods. No matter what you do, it's all going to end badly.

I've only ever seen water in one direction, I just assumed it was a coastal city.

*fucks Maria*

It's just a lake,there's only one waterside.

Brainsuckers are crazy weak to pierce, my +9 Chikage did significantly less damage than a +6/7 Rifle Spear.


Fuck off Gehrman.

Ayys in general are weak to pierce. Using LHS's transformed R2 can hit Amygdala for over 1k damage with a half decent build and the freebie blood gems. And Church Pick's overhand swings can result in chain staggers/viscerals

I spent my first entire first playthrough underleveled. Out of curiousity, what are everyone's first clear level? Mine was Level 72.


I'm a meh player so I was 80+


Just killed the bloody crow of cainhurst. Anyone know what happens to Eileen?

She either disappears because her job is done

Or she disappears because she doesn't want to be seen dying/dead

There's also the heavy implication that cremates herself in a 'sky burial'

the scarce amount of lewd works of her is criminal

Retirement Home.

I assumed it was on a mountain, since you go up quite a lot. Plus, it's the only way some of the areas make sense. Run up some big as stairs, make a left and suddenly the giant cathedral city is now a forest?

As soon as her questline was done and I got everything I could from her, I killed her for an easy 8000 blood echoes and used it to buy her cool mask.

90. I spent some time in Chalice Dungeons and farming for blood vials i guess.

I'm of the strong belief that she hobbles off somewhere to die in peace.

First time I played Bloodborne I beat it in 14 hours. Git gud scrubs

Are bolt/fire gems worth it? They always seem to just make me do way less damage even vs enemies weak to it.

You have to be an arcane character to get any use out of fire/bolt gems otherwise they're trash. When you put them in your weapon, their scaling changes from str/skl to arc.

I think they scale with arcane, right? So they're only beneficial if you have a high (50+) arcane stat.

Then again it's been years since I last played. Could be wrong.

But generally I just take either the tonitrus or the boom hammer. Comes with elemental buffs, so it's easy to deal with.

Alright, that's what it seemed like but I thought I was missing something because doing the math even vs kin it was like 200 damage less than just going full normal damage.
Guess I'll try that next playthrough, even though you don't really get any arcane items until late.

76. Gehrman was a very very enjoyable challenge, and then moon presence was a complete pushover

Its not as bad as it is made out to be
>Get Saw Spear
>Beat BSB
>Beat the first chalice twice and get two fire radial gems
>Get waning fire gem in Cathedral Ward
>burn your way through the game

Also rushing to places like Frontier and Cainhurst can give quick access to tools

She becomes the Wet Nurse

I never really got the point of arcane runs. You have to beat Father Guacamole and Blood Starved Beast while shoving your points into ARC, which at this stage does literally nothing for you. And then you have to beat the chalice dungeons and do all kinds of crap to just get STARTED doing arcane.

Like, if you're doing it for the challenge then fair enough but quite frankly I can't see the point when killing Cleric Beast, the boss that's the easiest to reach and kill, nets you the kirkhammer.

I know a lot of people hate it (I did too) but once you get used to it the kirkhammer is AMAZING.

I can't get over how good The Old Hunters is. What are some other essential / God-tier DLCs?

>The Old Hunters
>The Shivering Isles
>Hearts of Stone (maybe Blood and Wine, haven't finished it yet so can't rate)

around almost the same time, you can just head up Oedon and get Ludwig's dough, which with B/B scaling will eventually dole out more damage than the Kirkhammer. I used kirkhammer to kill BSB dough, that was a fun fight.

Minerva's Den for Bioshock 2 comes to mind.

That's true, but at the same time Gascan and BSB are both done at fairly low levels where poor stat investment won't punish you yet. You do have to get through extra shit just to get arc set up but odds are you'll do chalice dungeons anyway so doing that first one helps in the long run