For the guy who asked for proof with Dead Rising 4

for the guy who asked for proof with Dead Rising 4

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False and homosexual.

Any idea why Capcom would kill off Frank? Surely it's not the canon ending, there's always some kind of Overtime Mode.

if you think so then thats fine. don't come crying in the threads when you find its real. bye v

no need to act smug in this shithole, douchebag

Are they bringing the color back?

Is the main protag Frank West and is he the same voice actor and is he the same character as he was in DR1/2?

Sent. ;)

For the record I believed you despite my shitposting.

No. Leaked screenshots last night showed it was still pretty bleak looking. Much more color than 3 but it has a bunch of cinematic filters that look pretty bad.

Nothing a quick mod can't fix though.

It is Frank.