It's a sony wins e3 level

>it's a sony wins e3 level

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Post fast anime girls!

>Sony E3

>Only 38% of the games spoken about during the E3 2015 press conferences have actually been released.

>Of that 38% of games released, 33% weren’t released until 2016.

>Sony is the worst performer, with only one game released from its E3 2015 press conference in that calendar year – a small indie from Devolver Digital called Ronin.

>Sony also has the worst record for releasing games announced at its conference in the 12-months leading to the next E3, at only 23%

Best girl right here

>Nier : Automata
>Horizon Zero Dawn
>The King of Fighters XIV
>Persona 5
>The Last Guardian
>Kingdom Hearts 3
>World of Final Fantasy fuck you it looks good
>Touhou fucking Project
>High chance for a new FROM ip

Easiest e3 in many years IMO

P5 will not be at the conference except for a short appearance in a montage

I forgot this show existed until I saw it in Luluco the other week

>xbox slim level
>4k gaming music starts playing

>The Last Guardian

Wow, the one game I want that Sony absolutely refuses to finish and release.

where is this from again...

It's by default at this point, isn't it? At what point do we declare Sony with a console monopoly? I know Nintendo and Microsoft are still using theirs as tax write-offs, but for real, does anyone actually still own a Wii U or Bone?

>It's a Sony games were the only Notable things at E3 level

I can't remember a single Sony game I gave a fuck about last E3 besides Last Guardian.


SEX and VIOLENCE with MACHSPEED, a guy from Sup Forums did music for it

They already control 99% of the Japanese market, the west is already dumping Xbox and PC ports to outsourced developers. Its a very real possibility that they will have a 98% marketshare worldwide.

>It's a no one wins e3 level

At least it'll be hilarious

Is this shoujo shit? Worth it?

I don't doubt Sony will win, but it'll already be a loss because nothing will come close to last year.

Bannerlord is going to be in the PC gaming show tomorrow. Nothing else really interests me.

I'll probably watch them all though just because I enjoy the hype an ridicule.

>4k gaming
Nope. Just UHD movies.


People here think Nintendo will a better E3 kek
That should give you an idea how much people are deluded here

It's a comfy animu, it's actually pretty good

The 8th console generation is like a small rural town where absolutely nothing happens and E3 is the town fair and to win it means all you had to do was have the biggest pumpkin. It's really not that big a deal, but hey nothing else happened this year.

Sup Forums is just a PCuck and Nintendobaby hugbox really.

>it's a small dicked nigger weeb will never leave Sup Forums level

Right, this thread should be on /n/eogaf.

>it's a microsoft and every other western dev is crashing so hard I resort to shitposting level

When's season 2 again? Summer or Fall?

I think it's shonen trying its best to blend in. Regardless it's very amusing to watch.

Western industry crash when

>Sony E3
>Sales figures & corporate buzzwords
>Sports 'n' TV
>Games that won't be available for another 18 months
>Scripted sequences from last years announcements for "gameplay"
>*Also available on PC
>Future downgrades
>"I'll just pretend to be excited because I'm a fanboy and/or still have post PS4 purchase rationalization"

I might get a ps4, but then again I've said that for several years (and before with the ps3) because I like JRPGs and that seems to be their thing.

OVA this week, Season 2 soon

If the west dies, what games will PC get?


>JRPGs seem to be their thing

Nigger Sony practically OWNS Japan. The Japs won't make games for anything besides PlayStation consoles, never never never.

Translation never, just like the soma OVA

Years old ports of vita games

PS3 had no good JRPGs and so far neither does the PS4, it's just visual novels with JRPG elements or gimmicky battle systems.

Hey Nintendo still has a semblance of third party support on their handhelds. Their home consoles are another question though.

all these
and indie games,get ready for the new age

So it might as we'll be dead at this point.

Why do people unironically own gaming PCs if they must buy a console to get all the good games? PC is the biggest fucking scam of a platform with next level anti-consumer practices in spades.

Aren't the disgaea games good? I know those aren't normal JRPGs but I think I'd probably like those too.

Fuck you buddy atelier Sophie is the shit

You need to STOP

The companies that support Nintendo also support Sony. Their Nintendo games are small, cheap games to fund their real AAA games on PlayStation consoles.

Ni No Kuni was one of the best I ever played in a long time.

>no rebuttal

As expected of a PC fanboy.

Next year

Can't wait for all those Monster Hunter announcements at Sony's E3 conference!

Will never happen.
Capcom doesn't want to make HD assets when they can just put it on handhelds and sell millions.

>theoretical situation when
>what happens if theoretical situation
>why do pc users still exist
I'm not a fanboy of anything, mostly because I'm fucking broke as hell

No, they're shitty Neo-JRPGS where it's just bland SRPG battles strung together by long winded dialog where the character bash your skull in with their one character trait over and over again.

Another Neo-JRPG, words 'n' corridors.

The got the story and the grand adventure feel right, but the gameplay was painful, juggling retard AI and running in circle waiting for spells to recharge.

I loved capitalism ho if it means anything.


You mean Square Enix, underage Sup Forumsedditor.

>almost none sony

>Sony at E3
>Games people want
>PCucks and nintoddlers cry and scream
>Xbots don't exist

Thanks, I'll give it a go I guess

And I can't wait for Resident Evil, Street Fighter, DMC5, and Dead Rising 4 to show up in Nintendo's conference! '3'


Xbox E3 shows have been miles better the past few years

t. xbot

or maybe perhaps someone who doesn't care about 20 minutes of financial talk along with weeb games that won't release for years to come.

If you honestly think Sony had a better E3 in 2015 you're either a weeb or a retard.

Although those two things aren't mutually exclusive, either.

You mean someone who wants actual video games instead of cinematic experiences and gay elf sex simulators?

oh don't worry, I agree with you that Sony's western games are subpar

>I agree with you that western games are subpar
Glad we're on the same page.

How long until their press conference in hours?

hey that's not what I said faggot

Sure it is.

>*Also on PC

From actually have three confirmed project
1) New DS like dark rpg series
2) Old ideas in new setting. People think it's new AC
3) Secret new project

>it's a DELETE THIS shitposting

>it's a e3 proving that gaming is terrible level

If you use the word weeb as a means to attack someone who likes Japanese games you need to lurk the fuck more

no I don't fuck off

No he's right, you redditors need to fuck off.

love how people have to come in here and try to downplay :3

Lurk for two years before posting.