So. What's the deal with that "pump a rum" bird?

So. What's the deal with that "pump a rum" bird?

Other urls found in this thread:

She does things to my wiener.

End your life quickly.

She's cute. Cute!

Reminder it's just a normal crow and not some monster girl.

It's a shitty meme that got old pretty quickly

it's reddit

it's dork souls flavored peenus weanus

i need more of these

Pickle pee is the sound of a fife, pump a rum is the sound of a drum

someone took something without a canon appearance, and made it into a moeblob that would never actually exist in the game

Look at these cuck lords.

i don't care about the meme, i have a boner for harpies.

Just admit you want to fuck an actual bird fag.

Are you a bad enough dude to defent that perfection?

Not that guy, but I do.



Play Dark Souls 3 to find that out

Link Link! Tickle Me!

Link Link! Fuck my bum...

Man I want a pet crow, just a small little fucker with 2 little stick legs and no arms flying around eating bread crumbs and gross bugs

You probably couldn't put your dick into an American crow without killing it, right?
I'm asking for a friend.

>sexualising medli

Since when has that stopped you?

I'm just trying to do the right thing. For a friend. He doesn't want to hurt another bird.

This guy knows whats up.

Monster girls were a mistake.

What about monster bois?


They're shit too. All humanoid monsters are shit. Beast monsters master race.


Sparkly is probably the best in bed, Pump-A-Rum takes in the ass and Silky&Smooth snowballs

FROM gave the bird an erotic loli voice


it's cute

I need sauce, pls

I support this motion


Oh baby is that some cum inflation I see?

Its a prime example of cancerous fan base
>A voice sitting a next says something
>People twist it into being lewd
>Drawfags draws fanart
>Everyone else draws fanart of that fanart character and spam it with shitty memes
And look at Overwatch threads
>A korean girl thats a "gamer"
>People twist that into her being a moe blob dorito munching mountain dew drink retards
>Drawfag doodles fan art
>Everyone copies the style and spams it with shitty memes

Don't mind me just dropping this off

>Hating fun this much

And your post is a prime example of a no fun autistic faggot.

pretty much the general response every time
>Spam shitty unfunny memes from tumblr
>Dude stop that its fucking autistic
If posting stale shitty memes nonstop on a image board is "fun" you don't deserve to have fun

The crows have been a gameplay mechanic that allows you to trade specific items since Demon's Souls.
You never see them at all, only an empty nest and hear a voice which I think it also has always been the same across the games.
Of course some faggot got turned on by the voice and had to turn it into some loli to justify it. Sup Forums being Sup Forums obviously praised this action and encouraged it further.

You came into this thread just to bitch about people having fun that you don't approve of. You literally have autism.


And you're just a faggot.

You didn't have to go on the thread if you dislike it's subject matter smartstuff.


Wish people had this love for DeS's Sparkly
All that aggressiveness and hate sex would make wonders for my dick
Hope someday sony rereleases DeS and she gets some love

Also another basic response
Go to tumblr if you want to be this much of a fucking loser

I resent that.


Sorry wannabe mod, these threads are allowed just as much as you are allowed to have an autistic tirade about people being allowed to enjoy things you don't like.

If I posted this shit in a different thread you would have a right to complain, I didn't though, so you being here is absolutely pointless. Anyone who posts it on other threads are assholes though, people should stick to a subject.



Because unlike the other crows in the series, it's really fucking hard to think of a name that starts with S that describes which she likes, improvised instruments.
So she's named after her most iconic line.


Oh that's kind of lame. I thought there were harpies that were relatively fuckable but still fit in the game.

Yeah I'd sax up that snazzy crow bitch.

why are harpies so flat

Only appearance of that crow is her nest and her voice, then the original version of happened, and there was always one user to post the youtube link to the voice in DS3

Cue Sup Forums's neverending goal of wanting to put their dick in the most innocent thing possible, and snuggly is born as a meme.

I bet these same people post that eating a bag of shit comic about games they don't like as well

Ornifex is indeed a harpy who is relatively fuckable if you don't mind staring into dead soulless bird eyes and getting pecked to death and jesus christ it's just a fucking bird with hips.

>jesus christ it's just a fucking bird with hips

But that's the best part.

Having moon balloons wouldn't be very aerodynamic

None of the games have an actual model for the crows
they are just voices
DaS and DaS2 had bird ladies though and they had great asses, so its not that unrealistic Sparkly, Silky&Smooth and Pump-a-Rum are cute/hot bird ladies
We also get some of their personalities from how they talk
Sparkly is the most beast like and a bit aggressive
Pump-a-Rum is innocent like a kid
Silk&Smooth are more cartoonish and less developed though

Flat > fat

I want the sauce on THIS.

Hen Zemi OVA

So they can fly
no need for cow tits when you need to weight at max 20kg to be able to take flight

Where do these harpy girls come from?

Someone said Toot?

Artist's name is nukomasu

that's cute

It isn't fun. It's a strange and twisted fetish. There's even someone in this thread asking if he can stick his dick into a real crow without killing it and at this point I doubt he's joking. There's nothing fun about it, there's something wrong with you people.

Not all are

Normies not realizing where they are.

I think you've forgotten where you are. This is the videogame board. There is a board for you all to go to and indulge in your sick perversion without ruining the other boards. None of you hopeless man children can control your sex drives. You've languished in your rooms, unhealthy and sexually frustrated. You always find a way to twist anything to be sexual. Even the harmless voice of a bird that doesn't even have a character model in the game. You have no discipline or respect for anyone else on the boards. There are multiple porn boards catering to a wide variety of tastes, take it there and keep it there where it belongs.

>necknigger thinking hes relevant in any way.
>necknigger believing vidya is for him

>Not fucking crows and other avian species
What are you, some kind of faggot?

Man Adam Sandler...
I feel so bad
His movies were so good

They are actually terrible pets if you don't train them right away and even then you have to be there with them all day everyday, they have the memory of an Elephant and will remember when you fuck up. They steal shit, break shit, and will terrorize you.

Every other board is a click away so naturally there's gonna be a little intermixing, kind of like how there are Touhou threads on Sup Forums when /jp/ exists

>at this point I doubt he's joking

Jesus Christ kid could you be any more of a faggot?

What you see in that image is not Adam Sandler anymore, it used to be.

That's the shell of a human being who has lost all hope in humanity and himself and is simply waiting for the sweet embrace of death to end his eternal suffering


Rob Schneider pls go

So he's on "autopilot" from Click?

I-is it bad that I dont want him to go?

Pretty much

What do I search to find porn of her?


Worse. Much worse.

After Billy Maddison and Happy Gilmore he basically just dropped off the map in terms of quality. Then again I don't even know if those movies were ever good or if it's just childhood nostalgia for me.

Let's not talk about 50 first dates. Maybe if Sandler can insert himself into a serious movie and actually fucking act opposed to making a silly voice he can salvage his career but if that was going to happen it would have by now


bu-but what about Pixel?
th-that one wasnt THAT bad

I haven't seen it

Does anybody else read this in the voice of the narrator from The Stanley Parable?

Well it was just like any other Ada, Sandler movie with the whole
"Guy who's down on his luck goes a thing and get a girl"
but with classic games