Do you play as a boy or a girl in video games?
Do you play as a boy or a girl in video games?
boy first, girl if i ever replay it
boy because I have a peepee in the middle of my legs and sometimes I get one in the middle of my glutes too
Mainly play as guy, but will play female if it affects the story/dialogue.
Rosa has massive breasts, you can't deny.
Are you the one who makes all these threads or do you have several people that take turns? Why do you post this thread so often?
Boy when I want the character to be a representation of me (self insert in the story). Girl for everything else unless they are ugly as shit.
>only two genders
how can they still be fucking this up?
In pokemon, I always choose the character based on the version cause I always name my character after the version I get.
In other games, it depends on who's VA I like more or if I'm role-playing as another character.
Tranny propaganda.
Guy. If the guy looks retarded (hello Grey from ZX Advent), then girl.
Always male
Always female
Male if I can make him look like Gandalf or Rasputin (beardless wizards are fags). Female otherwise
Usually the boy in Pokemon, girl during my second or third playthrough.
For most other games, I just pick whichever has the better design.
I'm a boy, so I usually self-insert as a boy.
Playing a female to "stare at asses" instead is the dumbest fucking excuse.
I usually pick boys because I think they are cute.
Girls 70% of the time boys the other 30
Most of the time I will play a girl if given a choice. Exceptions are when there are marriage/romantic options available. I would want to romance the ladies so I'll pick a male character. I also play male characters if I think they are more thematically appropriate.
Does anyone have the image that says hey devs have these not these and there's a slider of little girl and little brown girl
I usually go with a male avatar, but if the only male option is as shit like is there, I'm fine with picking female. Things like I would have no problem with either.
I always play girl because I wish I was one.
I always play as a girl because penises are gross
You're getting the same response from me as before
>But penises are great... which is why it's better being a girl, because then you're not gay for wanting them.
Oh hey, someone else with reasonable taste out there.
I've been picking exclusively girls for a good while now.
We play as females because we want to be the little girl
Even your own?!
no mine is the only exception
I want to understand humans and the way they act.
I do both. When I see a nice girl butt, I want to be able to say "that's my butt." I'd want to stare at that butt in a mirror all day.
Or have it sit on my face.
I play as the cuter of the two, usually the girl. I jump on the chance to play cute boys when they pop up, though.
What about having the butt and then sitting on someone's face?
default first(usually male)
if female is qt then on my second playthrough
this only applies to japanese games though, western female characters are ugly as fuk
>tfw bisexual submissive fem boy
>tfw I want to be the girl, and fuck the girl, and fuck the guy
I'll generally play as a girl first and just make it look like me then create more varied characters for later playthroughs
That'd be nice, but I really prefer being sat on than doing the sitting myself. But if I had such a nice butt, it'd be a waste if it wasn't getting the same treatment.
Maybe if my partner was into mutual face sitting and we could bury our faces in each other's butt.
That's why I like playing as a girl with a female companion. I get a nice ass, and I get a partner with a nice ass. Plus we can coordinate outfits!
Of course, the more great butts the better.
I play as a boy because playing as a girl would be awkward as fuck
I like playing as the opposite gender so boy it is
Boy usually
but sometimes girl when I think she's pretty cute
or the gameplay/story possibly changes based on gender, though I've only encountered this with Mega Man ZXA