This game (before it became a WOW clone) was the best MMO this Earth has ever seen.
Prove me wrong faggots
This game (before it became a WOW clone) was the best MMO this Earth has ever seen.
Prove me wrong faggots
Other urls found in this thread:
>he never played The Matrix Online
>he never played Ed Edd and Eddy Online
Shards Online
Chronicles of Elyria
Project Gorgon
Gloria Victis
The Repopulation
Look those up.
As much as I love SWG (as a Pre-CU Jedi), I love Ultima Online even more.
Just about any MMO before WoW was better than WoW.
The way we go from Morrowind to Oblivion is the way we go from MMO's to Vanilla WoW.
>empty world where literally all you did was hunt rancors
I dream of a game that has the type of character development of SWG.
Never Played it, housing not as in-depth as SWG.
Yep, this is why I do Kickstarter MMOs. Say what you will about crowdfunding but I've had far more success with crowdfunding than I have with the shit the AAA industry has shat out in the 12 years since World of Warcraft.
Check out Project Gorgon, it's made by the director of Asheron's Call and his wife and Shards Online is made by the creative directors of Ultima Online.
Also, I hate to say it but Star Citizen is shaping up nicely as of 2.4
The Most Incorrect Post In The Thread Award
That fucking picture. Time to kill myself...
I'll give you that, Galaxies' housing is unparalleled but UO is deeper in every sense outside of housing.
The Repopulation (made by guys who worked on Galaxies)
Project Gorgon
Gloria Victis (more Morrowind than Galaxies desu)
Shards Online
Galaxies took their character development from UO
The huge text wall of the guy explaining why SWTOR was a bad Star Wars game was way more crushing.
I always tell people if you want to see the decline of gaming just look at MMO's.
Ive looked at The Repopulation a bit, havent heard anything else about it.
Speaking as a Pre-CU Jedi, I do sort of agree with this. It's a shame they went with multiple planets rather than doing 1-2 really dense planets
Also, it's a shame Mission System 2.0 never happened because George Lucas wanted it to be more like EQ2/World of Warcraft. If they invested their resources from the Legacy Questline into actual sandbox mechanics, I'm sure it'd still be a massively popular game.
I'm so fucking sick of the themeparks. Luckily these games are coming Also, I'd add Crowfall and that game made by the Vanguard guy. Might be cool, though Pantheon is more EQ than Ultima/Galaxies.
Didnt crazy shit happen in UO like Evil stuff taking over your character?
Or was that the Ultima Games and not Online?
Is it really? I'll legitimately be disappointed if it doesn't turn out to be bad. Hating SC is so much fun.
I would trade the deeper mechanics of UA for the Star Wars licence. I always loved the world and SWG made that world feel so real.
Basically the company that made the engine they used went under for 3 months and they said "fuck it, we're going to port over to Unreal Engine 4 so that way we know the engine we use will exist 10 years from now"
Smart decision desu but it delayed the game until late 2017 (they were only 4 months away from launch)
>Smugglers can't smuggle
>Old Republic
>Smugglers still can't smuggle
The Star Wars license is what killed Galaxies because "there can only be one Star Wars MMO at a time"
It also gave Lucas creative control, go listen to some of the former SOE guys talk about the NGE, Smedley took the fall even though Lucas was responsible for all of it. He's the one that brought in the focus groups.
Try Star Citizen during a free weekend. They just added MMO persistence and the planetary stuff will be out by Fall of this year I'm sure.
At the time, I couldn't stand the bad enemy placement, grinding and bad graphics. But compared to what we've gotten since WoW, a game like SWG would probably be amazing this day in age. But it would still need to fix a lot of the issues SWG had.
>Smugglers make Drugs, Splice Weapons
Remember that a lot of SWG was its community, tard.
>None of those things
But you could smuggle in SWG
NPCs would stop you and check you for contraband even
The Repopulation and Shards are doing that.
Chronicles of Elyria might do it too.
Just got funded 1.3 million on Kickstarter
Check out this video
Vanguard had a great canvas for an MMO, I just hate that it had a bit of a flawed development and release, even though it had it's issues I still really enjoyed it.
Lucas is a cunt, he ruined star wars in general. The problem was Lucas, not the Star Wars licence.
Holy fuck this looks awesome
SWG Thread?
Man the trailer park raid was GOAT. The Kanker's were such a good boss fight was a shame how easy they were after the nerfs and with the buffs to Plank and Johnny.
Pretty much
>Break into Ed's house at night
>Ed sleep-eats you while you're looting the fridge
The Housing system was top notch, I also liked how races could speak different languages back in the original version.
It was the only MMO to ever ban me for 'Terrorism'. Good times.
>tfw you never got to play SWG
>Warhammer Online shriveled up and died
Everything gets taken away from me
Even though the music was ripped from the movies, It fit so well to the game that I associate it more with SWG that I do with the movies.
Do any of you fags play Bloodfin?
Check out this too
It's a private server that has tons of custom mechanics and takes place after Return of the Jedi
>Family PC wasn't powerful enough to run SWG
>Wasn't old enough for a job until 2007 to buy my own PC and pay monthly fees
>Game was already ruined by then
>running around Naboo
>random quest tells me to go kill some Naboo guards
>go complete quest
>endless Naboo guards start attacking me from all sides
>kill at least 50 of them, more still coming
>leave the city
>-212 faction points with Naboo guard
>can't ever get into a city again
Did you get to participate?
> An MMO with absolutely no handholding, unparalleled character customization, unprecedented level of quest objective variation
>Universally mocked on release and played by nobody
There is no justice
It wasn't that bad. It was still better than every MMO on the market.
>muh content driven themepark is better than your content driven themepark!
>lighting torches
>crouching down to go into stealth
>unlocking doors
>picking up items individually
Is this Skyrim?
>played UO a little late
>couple of friends got me into it
>loaded me up with tons of free shit
>got bored of it fast
I missed out, I know it was great, but it was too late.
>grinding out master teras kasi
>get buffs in corellia
>had to wait in line to get them
>head to tat
>grind in tuskan fort for hours
>have awesome conversations
>get invited to geonosis raid later with guild
There was just something comfy about swg. Best oe i've played to date.
You are right and the way things are going I doubt a better MMO will ever be made.
I have never been the same since that day my whole guild was banned protesting the CU, the bad part wasn't the ban it was that nothing could stop the destruction of the game and everything we feared came true(and even worse than we imagined too).
The only hope is swgemu, which is progressing well but it doesn't matter until a stable decent server comes out, the testing servers are surprising well populated but it feels like building on sand until we have a finished product.
>Jedi was so hidden that people began to believe the devs lied and it wasn't even in the game
>Implying people nostalgic for a 3D Star Wars AOL chatroom should even bother sharing their opinions on MMOs
My old guild leader literally was leader in name only. He was always gone grinding proffesions to become a jedi.
ya for like 4 months maybe
>The population died
>So they made it like WoW
it was going to die.
The class system was to confusing for idiots.
The population did not die, it didn't even go down, but wow set a new benchmark and the money hungry scum thought they could get more $ by making it into a wow clone.
>you will never be a Bith Musician in Tattooine
I know, social interaction between players would make it seem like an "AOL chatroom" to you but at least my game takes advantage of the number of players it has.
As someone that played it, it actually died because it was unpolished, broken, and lacked content in the end-game with the sole exception of pvp.
It was comfy because the community was top fucking notch
SWG wouldn't have existed without a community since every single fucking thing in the game required player interaction
You had to head to player doctor to get wounds healed
You had to head to a player dancer to get battle fatigue healed
You had to head to a player to get trained
You had to get buffs from other players
You had to buy weapons, armor and items from other players
There was literally no other choice
And you know what? It fucking worked like a charm
I can never get my uncle to admit that SWG was a good game. At it's base, it was absolutely shit. But the community gathered around that shit and polished it into something amazing and fun
Just trekking through Tatooine with a group going Squill hunting, resting inbetween nests at our only Ranger camp, talking about Star Wars and everything else while we watched mostly-naked female Twi'leks and a completely naked Wookie dance to heal our wounds...
God I'm getting a woody remembering all the good times
This. Lucas googled "what is the most popular MMO" and he told SOE "go make it like that"
Lucas is a fucking retard that made them stop development on Mission System 2.0 as well so they could update the combat to make it more flashy
I mean subscriptions went down as all MMOs do but it didn't tank and that is no way a justification to take a 180 on the game.
A lot of people left and were willing to return once they improved the mission system (the one Lucas cancelled to create a legacy questline)
You're right, the unique combination of bad gameplay, barely thought out and functional mechanics, entirely useless classes, and endgame consisting of stuffing a player house full of identical robots to sell player crafted rugs makes it more similar to Habbo Hotel or The Sims Online than an AOL chatroom, or for that matter an MMO.
It's always been my personal favorite, but I'm not going to kid myself and pretend like it wasn't a huge mess of a game from the start.
It would have improved if Lucas didn't order a complete 180 on the basic premise of the game.
It went from ultima online in star wars to this weird frankenstein-like monster where it was a themepark/sandbox/story-driven MMO
I can agree with that to a point. The biggest thing that stood out was the mandaloria dungeon. Shit felt so broken.
That armor and jet pack was tits though.
>Prove me wrong faggots
You know I can't, you fag.
Workshop picture taken way into NGE, but still.
Ahhhh more like composite armor you mong.
I might be in the minority, but even though it wasn't the older versions, the NGE was still a lot more fun than most MMORPGs out there, especially near the end when they added stuff like bringing back CH in a way.
>Endgame consisted of 6 pistoleers eye-shotting Krayt Dragons for pearls
>Best MMO this Earth has ever seen
what the fuck game did you play
>It went from ultima online in star wars
Everquest with Star Wars setting.
you didn't farm krayts as a pistoleer, that's retarded. Pistoleers were awful, and they would be even worse for krayts
double post because i forgot
>early days of EQ
That was the general consensus but most peopel couldn't overlook the change in direction and why invest your time/emotions into a game that is being mismanaged?
Yeah the endgame wasn't running your own business, becoming a politician, PVPing in the galactic civil war, bounty hunting or training new players
Just because you played the game shitty doesn't mean we did too.
I want to play the Everquest you played, because if that existed, I figure the industry would be in an infinitely better place. EQ was what led to World of Warcraft.
Blame the fact that they did major overhauls to the entire game twice for no real endgame. Was still the shit if you were into PVP and/or RP since the game was practically built to be RPed in. HK-47 and the Bunker you could make Mandalorian armor in were still pretty cool after they added them though.
>implying people did anything in pistoleer beshides getting the defense skills against blaster weapons
SWG has a lock on the number 2 spot but pic related is #1.
There is a massive gap between these two and the rest.
I agree OP. I think the reason my friends and I stopped playing was because the NGE made the game shit and everyone hoped onto the Warcraft dick even though I never liked it.
I miss SWG, Gorath, Empire (RDH GUILD) represent
>muh super grindy weeb themepark is better
If you're going to go that route, then Dragon Quest X edges out FFXI.
I dont know what you played. Hunting jedi as a bounty hunter was cool as fuck.
why would you come and intentionally try and derail a thread
The only thing I can think of relating to that would be the shit that happens in Ultima 8
Where you literally sacrifice the blood of innocents to summon a greater demon that could easily kill everyone last person in the pagan world, but it's ok because it's for the "greater good".
>Filling your house with dozens of identical droids to make money to buy a bigger house for more droids
>Bad PvP in a game with a Runescape-tier combat system
>Bad PvP and PvE involving a bunch of running around empty planets
>Staring at a literal text box
Look, I get it, things when you were a kid were more fun.
But SWG came out years after Ultima Online, Everquest, Dark Age of Camelot, Lineage and dozens others with ACTUAL gameplay, that in no way inhibited your ability to pretend you were a fantasy monster or a masterful blacksmith or ERP with 30 year old virgins.
It's impossible to beat the community driven design, OST, and storylines. They actually managed to combine the MMO and JRPG genres and have it work perfectly. We could go on and on about the class design and the lack of any sort of gear/content treadmill system.
Been playing SWG Emu, it's pretty fun. I like being a bounty hunter and beating the shit out of people with my shock staff
It sure was
Star Wars Galaxies had its population plummet almost immediately after release because it was shit.
You've been proven wrong.
It all went downhill so hard with the CU..... fuck.
t. Early Ahazi server Jedi
I played it at launch and all I remember are a lot of weird, unappealing design choices. And running around in armor made out of bones hitting things with a stick... in a Star Wars game.
>bounty hunters hunt player jedi
>use self-destruct droids bought from droid engineers
>player jedi have permadeath after a certain number of deaths
same guy.
I was the very first guy to leak KOTOR info across the boards.
I wish I'd been wrong and it was all fake. Sadly everything I said was true. I told you .
I was in my 20s when Galaxies came out. I played UO in my teens.
Funny, my uncle and I loved the game. We used to play it everyday together. I bought it, he played it a few times (Used to run me across Tattooine at 3am when I was asleep, and speeders weren't a thing.)
Then he bought a copy, and started paying BOTH our subscriptions. We had a cool Artisan/Surveyor team thing going. I made everything, and he did all the surveying and set up our extractor farms.
Let me guess, lightsabers and force push AMIRITE!!!
I remember playing an Ithorian Commando/Squad Leader, getting about 20 days into it and discovering that both those classes were either worthless or useful for exactly one purpose, and quitting to play an MMO that had a semblance of thought out game design.
Nope, this is still the best MMO ever.
PSO2 was a major disappointment
>everyone in a Star Wars MMO needs to be a Jedi
kill yourself