Dedicated Dishonored thread

Dedicated Dishonored thread.

Post anything and everything Dishonored while we wait for Dishonored 2


I should probably play past the first mission of the 1st one

This can take their narrow minded morals and stick them up their asses, I'm going to murder everyone and I will be right for doing so.


>paying attention to lore


I hope they just sped up all the dialog. The ceremony was a horribly paced and acted mess.

game looks fucking shit. keep lapping it up gaymers

>so narrow minded, to be open minded you have to be a cool, unique nihilist like me!
nothing... personell... kid.

This presentation is so fucking boring. I still think a dishonored sequel is a stupid idea

"here comes an exciting sequence let me tell you all about it right before it happens"

I could shit out a better game.

The combat looks so crappy. Totally lacks impact when she hits enemies.

That's the Outsider

>Female guards and mob
>Terrible acting
>Ragdolls in a gritty game
>Unfinished animations
>Characters explain everything because of idiots
>tumblr pandering
>Recycled music
>Casual powers
>Can wait for RNG storms to walk through everything

What a piece of shit.

>that youtube chat

this shit looks good why are people acting cancerous

I really hope the AI isn't this fucking retarded.


Emily looks like she was designed to be easy mode.

That shadow walk is OP as fuck.

I beat Dishonored in 10 hours.

Will the sequel be just as short?

>That time travel stuff.

>you're basically a god and can easily kill everyone in one shot
>sneak anyway please
This looks way too fucking easy as a game

Why would you ever go to the present?

God this looks so fucking bad.

So does corvo get any new abilities?

Who gives a shit you can be a time traveling magical assassin

Will you be just as shit at not playing the game as a pacifist?

>showing gameplay
>at E3
Fucking magical

>all people care about is the likely more casual sequel to a casualized version of a casual morrowind
>people wanting that instead of a sequel to a pretty good stealth/action game

10 hours? do you mean dishonored plus dlc?

to be honest with you ladm8s that looked pretty fucking awesome

>no non-lethal gameplay shown
>all gameplay was as the daughter
why is the daughter an assassin? They only added her to pander to fucktard sjw's, Corvo was a guard and his ability to kill makes sense. She got mad at Corvo for killing people in the first game. I'm not buying this shit

Abilities look even more overpowered than they were in the first game, it's kind of a shame that they put so much emphasis on them when the best way to play is to not use them at all.

I hope that it was all sped up. It looked way too floaty.

Because everything will be walled off forcing you to go into the past for like 1 second and then you go back to the present

And back to the tranny fucking coke head.

high chaos is canon ending

I can't fucking believe people in the sticky give 0 shits about Dishonored 2. That was actually fucking amazing.

There's just a lot of cross-boarders it seems.

You retarded? You can choose to either play through the game as Corvo or Emily. It makes sense to have them both.

>female protagonist whose only character trait is that she's "strong"
God this shit is so tiresome.

>when the best way to play is to not use them at all.
This, the only thing they needed to do was make pacifism fun.
They just had to do one thing.

Seems like he is over his cocain addiction. Or at least hiding it very well.

Because Emily is the new player friendly character. Why do you think her powers are so OP?


I wish they would have shown a bit more of Corvo too.

They didn't show The Outsider, wonder how big that stuff will play in this game...

corvo trained her because her mother was killed and he feared for her life

better than simply guarding her

you have no brain

What the fug? Is she back?

Because it's more interesting to see Emily grow as a character from a storytelling standpoint?

Does preordering Dishonored 2 get you a physical version of Dishonored Definitive or is it just a download code?

No, Dishonored simply doesn't appeal to the mainstream gaming audience. It isn't scripted and it forces you to make your own cool situations rather than throwing them at you.

looks good
same as the first game
i hope they don't punish you for going lethal this time

So Emily is literally easy mode, right? That's what Is saw from those videos.


The people who are working on Dishonored 2 are clearly very passionate in what they do, I hope the game does well.

I might actually get around to playing the first game now since I got it for free on the 360 a while back.

The game takes place on Serkanos...


Emily already met the outsider during the first game you fucking faggot.

So I want to play the first game. How bad is the PS4 version exactly? I heard some shit about it being a terrible port.

>getting triggered this hard over Emily
Why don't you just kill yourself?

Why does the game still look bad visually despite being made for nextgen this time?

only thing I care is Stephen Russell

Yeah. Daud sparing her is canon. She wanted the throne, now she's taking it by force.

someone post the webm of that kick

Anyone who likes Dishonored is autistic


i'm actually playing dishonored now, just half way through my 3rd playthrough.
Just watched the Bethesda E3 stream for Dishonored 2 and they said for a limited time if you preorder 2 you get definitive edition for free

>that time travel powers
Actually really fucking cool from a technical stand point
They basically have 2 layers of the same place running in real time. That sold me more than anything else

Corvo is straight-up Garret from Thief. I fucking love it.

That's why I expected a different response from Sup Forums, in the sticky of all places. Guess no one's hyped for it anymore.

this, she can 1 v 1 normal guards in normal combat even without using the bullshit magic powers

where is the penalty for not sneaking?

Their animations are funky, I think they hand make them rather than performance capture.

Sup Forums is casual as fuck.

Name of the song in the trailer?

Caring what other people are into is the actual Autism

But it actually makes sense being able to play as Emily, why are you anal peeved?

I'll be playing as Corvo anyway.

You mean trapping her ass in the void forever with the painting.

Looks so fucking good
I can't wait for it but idk if I'll get it on release

The demo looked terrible. AI is still dumb, powers are even more broken, and the combat was incredibly clunky (though that might just have been the player being incompetent, but why bring that to E3?). Disappointed.

Just play it on PC, it runs on a toaster.

What was the canon ending from the first?

Penalty for not sneaking?

IN a stealth game?

>She got mad at Corvo for killing people in the first game.
No she didn't. She praises every decision you make, you can turn her ruthless if you want

>Daud sparing her
Have you played the DLC? There is no way to "spare" her. Either you kill her or trap her in her own painting forever.

Gold Dust Woman

man, that's just sad.

Low Chaos
Daud not dying

good thing they finally confirmed it

it's not shown in the presentation

it seems when the enemies are normal humans you can just slash and gun your way through.

I did not expect that much gameplay of it. Looked amazing. As I suspected, Corvo sounded great.

High Chaos because a majority got that, IIRC

and now he's her lover!

It is. I own the game on Steam and bought the Definitive Version on PS4 to give it at least SOMETHING to play.

It's awful. Framerate capped at 30 fps on what looks like medium details on PC.

Get it on PC. It'll probably go on sale during the next Steam Summer Sale.

The blood looks like friking red jelly

They already did, and enough of him; in the first game.

Shills you could at least try to be less obvious.

Dishonored has never been something you could talk about here without kid shitposters other than late night threads
Don't worry we'll be able to have good threads about it sometime in January probably.

I ship....

>a majority got that

Fucking plebs man.

She can escape the painting. She can't escape being dead.

They went through the trouble of confirming that sparing Daud was canon so he'll be there.