It's fucking real

What the fuck where they thinking?

Other urls found in this thread:

"What's a quick way we can make boat loads of money with minimal work?"

they probably wanted to make money off stupid peasants. and they will

mfw all you faggots will end up eating it anyway

I will buy it again.
Torrented it on PC.
Bought it for £10 on PS3.
Gonna buy this on Xbox One for £40/50.
I really enjoy the game, seriously don't give a fuck.

the time of real video games is over
the fallout babies got their game but bethesda keeps cucking us with these """"games""" its like they havent even looked at steam stats. there are almost as many people playing skyrim today, six years after release, as there are cucks playing fallout snore.

its like they want to kill their company and drive away every elder scrolls fan in existence. who plays eso? who will play elderstone? the only people who will play those games are nobodies they get from tv commercials while real elder scrolls fans get fucked over for the THIRD FUCKING TIME


That was literally Flora Overhaul and I am 100% sure that road texture was from one of the bigger texture mods.

The lighting looks so bad, like what the fuck. Its so overblown and bloomish

I...I just want a good fucking RPG game with rich quests and developed NPCs that is set in TES universe.
I've spent fucking 12 years or more on fucking lore forums, be it bethlore forums of TIL or Sup Forums, /vg/, /tg/ threads...why is Bethesda doing this to me? Why won't they let me experience the lore I love so much properly?

i can ue mods right now that already look much better than what the remastered version looks

nope hated it upon original release and have no intent to play this, pirated or otherwise.

You should definitely kill yourself, however.

Make maximum profit with minimum effort.

Not on consoles you fucking retard.

your butthurt genuinely made me laugh. I'm sorry for how badly your life sucks though. Really. I hope it get's better some day.

Consumers are idiots. Look at Apple.

laugh all you want, cuck. you will never be a real gamer

>go to options
>set to high
>repackage and sell for $60

not really, it genuenly has new shit that was in fucking ENB mods
but I guess those who like Skyrim will at least enjoy it because it will probably be less buggy and relatively more optimized than a mod

rereleasing is the new meme

They were thinking there are literally millions of idiots that will buy this game for the second or third time because they stole some ideas from ENB settings and released it again.

And they're right.


Found the 12 year old with daddy's computer

>less buggy
as fucking if

No matter how bad Bethesda is it will be more stable than a shitty ENB preset.
That is not saying much but at least it will be actually part of the games code.

>you will never be a real gamer
that's ok, mate.
you WILL grow up.

Let's make a quick buck from these retards

sonyggers needs "new" games on their peasant station 4

Is it running on the same engine?

but will you ever pull the wool from your eyes?

I will begin to laugh, and never ever stop if it turns out just to be the HD texture mod they released on Steam shortly after the game.

Of course it is, next silly question

>I'm offended


Where were you when consoles made gaming PCs irrelevant? We now have mods, we have better games, get on our level

i burst out laughing when they actually had a graphic pop up that said God Rays!

>Probably be less buggy
Comedy Gold

Bethedsa is a good company.

>What should we do for the elder scrolls series?
>Hey Todd it's been 5 years can't we work on a new elde-

>we have something that we can reproduce infinite number of times at no cost and made a fortune on it
>the market is saturated and nobody is buying it anymore. ideas?
>i know... let's remake it with high definition textures and sell it again!
>do you think those retards will fall for it?
>just watch

I understand that you like to meme but yes, it will be less buggy than shitty ENB presets.

I don't know about you guys but I thought it looked great! Skyrim was an amazing game on release and I would sure love to play it again!

Why are we stuck with Skyrim + ENB when we could have had a true Oblivion or Morrowind remaster

>Who let you back in the building, Dream Boy?!

Why the fuck are you mocking people for loving their hobbies? For fuck's sake this shithole wasn't like this 5 years ago, is it summer or did something really change?

They were thinking

"So we have all these dumb casual player who bought the game on console, what if we just take a modded Skyrim and port it to the new consoles?"

It will sell, it will be cherished, it will be the exact same thing as playing on PC but with more restrictions

They are working on a new TES, but don't expect it's announcement until all Fallout DLCs come out.
I have full concept art book for Skyrim and first concepts are dated with 2007 and such, if you want I can post them even. Game development takes a lot of time especially when you are working multiple games as a relatively small populated studio.
Of course Todd has to be a cuck faggot and do shit like Skyrim HD because he is a fag but expecting TES to come faster when they didn't even milk Fallout 4 fully is pointless.

>less buggy.

Unless they remade that shitty engine from scratch it going be the same shit but in "HD"

I'm pretty sure my old Skyrim install that ran on a goddamn GTX 760 on the verge of breaking down [to the point that I couldn't uninstall drivers and it taked to me in chinese] still looked AND ran better than that with mods.

at that point who the fuck cares you degenerate shit sipper?

what's your point? jesus christ. get over it.

I am not talking about Skyrim being less buggy, I am talking about Skyrim Remastered being less buggy than vanilla Skyrim with ENB's and shit that is needed to bring it to that slight level of "doesn't look like complete shit".
It will be less buggy than Skyrim with equivalent mods.

>Game is already backwards compatible if you had it on 360
>You can get it on steam for free or as little as $10

The remastered edition won't do anything to fix that plot, combat, or lack of unique qualities for multiple playthroughs on different characters.


It runs in DirectX 11, give them some credit

>he says on an imageboard about video games for fans of video games
Why are you here bro

But if it doesnt have sex mods what the point.

it actually looks like they just downloaded mods off nexus and are reselling the game with those on.

>skyrim 2 ended up being real

It doesn't change at all how terrible the announcement of this remaster is, but I'd still like to rub this in your face for just a moment.

And lemme guess.

They are going bump the price to 60bux again?

it's always like £2.50 in steam sales

That's not so bad I guess. Been meaning to play Skyrim again, but the modding keeps turning me off from it. I'll just keep putting it off til then I suppose.

No idea.
So it's basically an entirely pointless HD Resolution Patch 2.0 then

It's a DX11 port. It might require redownloading the game, I don't know if existing mods are compatible

It makes perfect fucking sense for them to do this and you'd have to be retarded to not expect it. Making the game available on current gen consoles takes almost no effort or resources and allows them to sell the game to people who don't have previous gen consoles. It's basically free money. And when re-releasing for current gen consoles, why not make use of the extra power by adding some post-processing to make it look a little prettier.

Who the fuck cares about consoles

Fucking causal ass summerfags

To laugh at you.

Are you serious? It was absolutely like this 5 years ago.

They just said that if you already own all the Skyrim shit on PC, it'll be a free upgrade.

Basically Skyrim ported to FO4 engine, not bad if you're a fan.

Skyrim and FO4 IS already a same engine.

Jesus. Bethesda just knocked their E3 presentation out of the park.

Look at all the DLC we get! We get that leaked contraption DLC, we get Vault making, we get Nuka World, we get VR, we get HD Skyrim with console mods, we get more ESO stuff, we get a new Bethesda is kicking ass. The only way they would've surprised me more is launching surprise DLC and PS4 mods tonight.

What a fucking amazing time to be a gamer. I love this hobby, and Bethesda is bae.

There's a good point to the re-release that I haven't seen anyone mention in any of these threads: stability. Skyrim will crash on you so often you would think it was a twin towers simulator, however FO4 doesn't. I have over 200 mods installed, never crashes. If this is using the same shit as FO4 then it would actually become playable.

However it's Skyrim. They should have just done Oblivion, modding that is no fun.

So it will basically run only on Nvidia cards?

>Basically Skyrim ported to FO4 engine

Ignoring the fact that it's the same engine, I'll be deeply surprised if they even do that.

It'd involve diving into the code and fixing/updating the code to Fallout 4 standards [which, if something can be said of it, is by far the most technically competent game Bethesda has produced in recent years]. It'll just be the same old Skyrim, with the same old messy problems, just with a bit of spit and polish in the graphics department. If there's any actual game content or mechanical improvements added to it they'd have announced it already.

I know you're just shitposting but doing what you did? it's never been funny and only makes you look like a complete dick. False flagging of any kind is lower than fucking memes. Get some standards.

What's wrong with TESO? The campaign can be played solo. It's pretty fun, and there's no subscription anymore.

It's still an MMO that naturally needs to be played while always online, with every problem both of those facts entail

They're different itterations


Skyrim shits itself at 4GB RAM usage
Fallout 4 doesn't shit itself at 4GB RAM usage

Skyrim has horrible blocky shadows
Fallout 4 has nice smoothed shadows

Skyrim has MSAA anti-aliasing which doesn't work with ENB (so you get to enjoy razorblade aliasing)
Fallout 4 uses temporal anti-aliasing which works with deferred rendering (aka ENB)


post yfw you own all dlc's so are getting these upgrades for free

x64, directx etc.

>Spot the peasant

>expecting a new Elder Scrolls when Fallout 4 is still kicking
>and with Doom, Quake and Dishonored 2

Silly cucks, wait for Todd next year :^)


Those are fair arguments, but can you kill a man with a necklace?

I'm still not happy about it, but hey, it is free.

What's worse is some of my friends are pretty fucking casual and argued that its on a new fucking engine, I feel like the general populace will see it as a new game as a result

So is this how Squarefans feel like when it comes to Kingdom Hearts remixes?

>yfw they use this as an excuse to not drop the price to 99 cents during the steam summer sale
>yfw it's going to actually go up in price, but get "reduced" to it's original price because it now counts as an "early access" game

>telling so many sweet little lies not even Todd could handle it
>he knows what he's become
Punished Todd when

They went "Oh shit" after W3 released and had to scrap plans for the next ES because it was pitiful in comparison. Y'all know its true.


EZ money

Bethesda is doing it for free as far as I'm concerned.

That actually makes sense.

W3 is a shit game anyway.

As long as it fixes the abysmal physics, character movement, camera, menus, and AI I'll be happy.

Not really. They just finished Fallout 4 only 6 months ago. It was always going to be another 2-3 years until Bethesda's next game. This remaster was just a quick way to give something to TES fans while they have to wait for TES 6.

>they use denuvo for all their new releases

They were thinking "Hey, you know what? We can market this product to console players who are too fucking stupid to mod the game on PC. It requires minimal investment and will have a great return for our shareholders!"

And they're right. They're absolutely fucking right, because this hobby has gone to shit.

Fuck Bethesda and fuck the morons who piss their money away on cashgrabs.

or maybe the console players had to play the game at sub-720p resolution and at a framerate that couldn't even hit 30fps, and now they can finally play the game in a more reasonable state?

>Still looks worse than my Skyrim

A lot of that lore is so nonsensical and incoherent that you couldn't make a decent quest out of it.


Imagine the game having the same fucking bugs as the original game. There are like thousand fixes with the unofficial patches