Who's excited for this? What did you think of the last two games?
Sword Art Online Hollow Realization
I have only played a little bit of the PS4 port of the Vita remake of the PSP game.
Huh yeah that's not confusing.
My main gripe was the fact that you start at level 96 and on floor 76. I understand why they did that, but I want to start from the beginning.
This is like the third SAO thread today.
It seems like they are combining the best parts of Lost Song and Hollow Fragment so it might be good.
Hallow Fragment was too grindy. Took too long to level up. Tho it does have tons of content. If you can get past the grind, it's pretty good.
Lost Song was much easier to level up and way less grindy. A smoother action battle system as well. Tho less content and weaker story.
They're alright for bargain bin games.
If its like HF then I'm very excited.
>didn't get the last strike on the first boss of HF.
>didn't feel like doing it again.
Also, is one weapon type regarded as better than others or am I better off sticking to dual blades like a tryhard?
Because we can't wait to cuck Asuna yet again.
It really is fun to do that.
I was looking for an excuse to post this, thanks OP.