Who's hyped for Tanoa? Post why you hate Comfy Blanket and want him banned and your fantasies of him being hurt

Who's hyped for Tanoa? Post why you hate Comfy Blanket and want him banned and your fantasies of him being hurt.

Is nobody hyped for Arma?

comfy is based
sonix seriously needs to kill himself

Please don't bring drama to this thread, Arma has enough of it already.

I haven't played arma in 1 or 2 years. Sonix is just a fag.

He isn't anywhere near as bad as Comfy. At least Sonix tried to moderate the group.

fuck off rhea

Oh boy another shitty Arma Sup Forums group drama thread

tfw you were one of the people that contributed to /a3g/'s collapse

Arma's only good with personal friends. All these groups are autistic. Zeus is perfect for small squads.


Comfy blanket is literally the only person who caused it to fall apart.

Haha, time to post outdated /a3g/ memes.

if you had a perfect a3g squad, who would be the memebers?


I had fun

I bet comfy cuts his wrists. Seems like the kind of retard to do it.

Pure, Kerri, Holykittens, Malkraz, Crusty, Paulie, Comfy, Pansyfaust, Alphamancer

Actually swap pansy and alphamancer for majornougat and weras

I know you're shitposting but that's still disgusting to even think about.

it's not :?)

Pretty good except remove Comfy.

fuck off comfy

That's the spirit! Maybe with enough meme magic we can make him a cripple!!

I'm excited for Battle Royal on Tanoa even though the game mode is mostly bullshit since you just can't be aware of your surroundings 360° in a 2000m radius at all times so sometimes its just up to luck whether someone sees you or you get spotted first. But i guess thats just how it worked in real life

I guess Wasteland could be fun too but i'm too much of a bitch to talk in VOIP

Someone enligthen me about this /a3g/ drama.
Who is comfy, what did he do?

he shitposts about himself for attention

>taking /a3g/ drama to Sup Forums

Should be free.

Oh Wasteland can be fun solo too, using guerilla tactics against bigger organized groups never gets old
>don't engage in the vehicle capture missions directly
>zero in a perfect rpg hit from 500 meters away
>alternatively destroy their vehicle later, once they get used to the safety it provides
>harvest tears in chat

This and for that he should have his knees shattered.

Comfy must be one depressed loser with no life to be shitposting about himself all the time.

Remember when akp made comfy cry because akp just told him the truth about him being a shit mission maker? Good times.

Comfy blanket just needs to go.

Comfy was the worst human bean I have ever met.

yep another thread ruined by the legendary fuck face known as comfy

Wow, how did
n̶a̶u̶g̶h̶t̶y̶ ̶d̶o̶g̶
Bohemia do this?

comfy's a piece of shit