Rate the conference: Bethesda
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its more of a
EA tier
Everything looked solid all around
Look forward to prey and dishonored 2. Interested to see what quake is about
ok so no joke did bethesda pay the crowd to cheer like that? they seem to fucking cheer go all WOOOOOOOOOOOOO at the simplest shit what the fuck
screaming woman/10
20% better than EA/10
>Best Emoji 2015
>*Cough* Unscripted *Cough*
Pretty funny.
Though it would have been nice if they had realised it was video game conference earlier.
If Ubisoft, Microsoft and Sony don't stept up their game tomorrow, this is posed to be one of the blandest and most boring E3 of all time.
only interesting game is prey
Better than I expected
Free t shirt received more applause than anything that was shown.
why haven't i killed myself/10
This has been the worst E3 of all time. Todd didn't even show up. Instead we were blessed with Pete fucking Hines.
6.5 Screaming Bethesda ladies / 10
It was good
Only because of Prey
Where was Wolfenstein?
Felt more like they were just fucking around and not really excited with whats was going on, sometimes i do the same thing.
>That one fucking autist who couldn't stop screaming
Jesus Christ that was funny. Anyway the conference was OK but a lack of Todd's presence on stage really brought it down. 5/10 but only realy ly for Dishonered 2.
Was hyped for Quake until they mentioned "characters with unique abilities "
Elder Scrolls was a bunch of nothing. Cards, MMo and remastered shit. Wooooooo
Doom dlc and features that should have shipped with the snapmap and multiplayer to begin with.
Prey looked interesting.
Disohonred 2 looks ok I guess.
One star.
guy said "would you please fuck me?"
>That one chick during the Tamriel shit
Fuck. I had to do it myself in preparation to hear that fucking noise after every demo.
Dishonored was the only thing I like, can't wait to do crazy shit with Corvo again
At this point Sony wins another E3 by default.
I would give it a 7 but it dropped to a 6 because of stupid fucking VR shit
I rate6/10
People that expected TES VI are the biggest retards out there
Fallout and Skyrim usually have a 3 year cycle.
We won't see TES VI before 2018
EA and Bethesda were awful last year though
The best moment was that screaming lady during the TESO bit
As bad as EA's
That screaming bitch managed to make it even worse
Dishonored 2 looks pretty good.
Everything else was trash, especially Prey - Not Prey2 Edition.
So far..
EA - 0/10
Bethesda - 2/10
Literally, how can anyone expect next elder scrolls? There has been no significant news about it, and we knew dishonored 2 was going to be talked about, AND F4 still exists, so they're still making add-ons for it. Next year probably; but I honestly don't see how anyone could expect anything about TES now.
B 6/10
much better than the F- and -10.10 I gave EA.
It was so bad todd didn't even show up except in wizard of oz form from his private condo in Dallas with his mountains of cocain and women
Everything was shot except for maybe prey.
They didn't even fucking announce Evil Within 2 or Wolfenstein 2
>dat lack of gameplay
>dat one new game
>dat obvious forced cheering
Raping and Murdering Quake Live on Stage /10
6/10 because the only thing worth a fuck is Quake.
Skyrim sucks balls even with mods, DOOM multiplayer is shit, Dishonored is lame as fuck.
>Dishonored 2
>Doom demo
Easily B-
It's over time to go back to our home boards.
I'll be at /r9k/ if anyone needs me.
good night Sup Forums
>simplest shit
The 'wooo' was for matt sweet dick mane
Prey seems interesting, but it was a cg trailer so it told me absolutely dick about the game.
One of the worse conferences I've seen.
These two were more entertaining than Adam and Morgan.
>is that prey?
>no wait thats not prey.
>its prey what?
Morgan Freeman/9
better than ea. first half before dishonored was ok, but the dishonored reveal and gameplay was boring and too long.
You forgot to dot for bugs (bird flying sideways) and for "exciting" montage (Dishonored montage showing absolutely nothing).
>people seriously expected TES6
I'm sure most of that team was working on FO4
it was ok, shit pacing though
please don't come back, scum
only thing interesting was Prey
heaps of DLC for shit games
Skyrim remaster, fucking really?
Dishonored demo (even though I'm pretty hyped for it) was too long and fucking boring as well
Missed F04 mods on console.
>DLC and rerelease
>TESO shit
>spend half the conference with boring gameplay from a game they announced last year
4/10 at very best
Overall I'm not really excited about any of the content they're putting out, only Doom looked like it was actually expanding. It was just
>Fallout 4 DLC teasers and workshop shit
>Not-Hearthstone with a comeback mechanic
>Dishonored 2: More of the Same
>Removing the need to PLAY THE MMO in ESO
>VR stuff
And of course, the biggest disappointment, class based Quake. Because you know the thing anyone who wanted a Quake sequel was looking for was the epic class based, loadout centric gameplay the series is fucking known for.
>Dishonored looked like Dishonored
>they didn't fuck up Doom, might handle Quake alright
>I'd be hyped for Prey if it wasn't called Prey
who gives a fuck about the rest
Better then expected
>all these people saying PREY looked good
>nothing like the original
>set in the future
>no ties whatsoever
Why not just create a whole new IP? It makes no fucking sense.
Fuck off. It was bad.
Dishonored 2 looks fun
Prey 2 looks interesting, but the Bounty Hunter shit that it was supposed to be originally looked cooler
>only potentially interesting games aren't given gameplay footage, just "wait until Quakecon ;^)"
>dishonored looks whatever
>MMO and phone shit
>No new elder scrolls
only thing that surprises me is Prey, but it looks like nothing we have seen in the past, might as well be a new IP at this point.
7/10, good updates, good game selection, awful presentation specially how slow they showed dishonered and how annoying those 2 stream idiots were
screaming woman and the YEAH guy were a good laugh!
>mobile shit
Solid 3/10.
Quake mite be cool, Dishonored 2 looks like a solid 6/10.
This was honestly one of the worst fucking presentations I've ever seen. They announced two fucking games, no gameplay for either, and they've turned quake into a class based shooter. What a fucking disgrace.
Dead Space 4, that's all it is. Looked generic as fuck.
They had technical problems m8, stream died for about 30 seconds.
a fucking remake instead of a proper tes6. what the fuck.
dishonored 2 looks cool though
EA C-, BF1 visually looked good and I like the promise of Star Wars SP games. But its all so far in the future and Mass Effect got jack shit
Beth D, Ruined Quake, card game, SkyrimHD which is just a few PC mods at 20-30FPS, Prey is nothing like Prey 2 or even Prey 1, Dishonored 2 looks okay but they spent too much time on it
Does no one realize they hinted at a new wolfenstien?
>Battlefield 1 is bad
>Fallout 4 DLC is good
Well its good to know the trash filters itself out
the sole problem is the fact that the title is Prey
if it were a new IP everyone'd be all over their dicks and rightfully so
>you will never play Prey 2
fuck this gay earth
C-, it was alright
Who cares? we said it looked good, not that it looked like Prey
Why bethesda push so hard dishonored? Is so fucking boring.
This. Almost every Elder Scrolls has been preceeded by Bethesda registering its trademark. This is how people knew Skyrim was going to the setting of the 5th game years before it was released.
3/10 at best.anyone who says otherwise is a bethesda shill who should fuck off
At least Sony and M$ were interesting
D-, absolutely terrible.
Quake is a MOBAlike
Dishonored 2 looks exactly like 1
PREY isn't even the same IP anymore
Fucking SKYRIM 2.0
i feel awful for being part of the problem of idiot consumers that buy shitty watered down versions of the game and make gaming worse
i have to buy quake because it's labelled "quake" and i hate myself for it, because that's not quake
the "to be continued" at the end of prey 1 didn't make sense either
everything is reolved
nothing to continue
I saw that