No confirmation on sequel

>no confirmation on sequel


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Can't reveal all of their games before the 2 actual conferences

No Wolfenstein 2

>Sequel to a 6/10 game

The Evil Within was so fucking good yet it could also have been so much better.

Real bummer.

If a sequel is announced; I better see it with a new engine.

>no Wolfenstein 2 or Evil Within 2 on beautiful id Tech 6

At least I got Prey and Quake.

Maybe some other time, user

To be fair mikami didn't even want to make that, it just got put in his lap.

Sure, with actually not fucking splitting the fucking main plot into a dlc

The leaker got every other announcement 100%
Evil within 2 and wolfenstein are coming
I mean look at the New Colossus tease
Pic related

>Tango have nothing on their hands again

what's the point of getting a big name like Mikami and not having him working on anything.

Evil Within is not 10/10 but it's surprisingly good even though it plays a lot like TLoU.

I replayed it 5 times and got all achievements which I don't do. Honestly it's as good as triple a horror gets. Certainly better than outlast or amnesia at this point

>Trying too hard
>Droning off the popular opinion because hur durr


I'm still pretty fucking salty. They could have at least shown a teaser. The sequel has so much potential.

They did show tango game works in the end, so I'm assuming that they're definitely working on something. Maybe we'll get the announcement tomorrow.

I really doubt Shinji Mikami wants anything to do with this IP anymore, it had potential but was squandered by Bethesda making him rush it out to have something spooky to tie in with Halloween

it's probably another wolfenstien.


It was the one thing I really wanted from the conference too.

when is taketwo/rockstar?


Good riddance


>Better than amnesia
Wowie prefering RE4 'horror' ripoffs than actual well made horror game

Literally the only reason I bothered watching Bethesda, what a fucking waste.

Same here user. Wtf...

Amnesia was only appealing if you found it scary

IF you didn't it has absolutely nothing of value. Piss easy, zero challenge in literally anything. The evil within was brutal on akumu and that's all I want out of survival horror. Games cannot achieve true horror anyway

thank god


Kill yourself

M-maybe it'll be announced tomorrow as a Sony exclusive??

No, pretty sure you have shit taste. The game was bad not because it did too more nor too little, but because it tried to mix action gameplay, with stealth 1 or 2 hit death segments that never should have been put together.

It was like water and oil. In dead space series, the same action worked because the player was given tons of tools, options and weapons to fight back.

The Stealth approach of one hit or two hit kills works in amnesia and other sneaky ass grabbing games because you rarely encounter enemies.

It's a 6/10 game for horror fans like me, worse for casuals that can't put aside bad mechanics, bad map lay out, bad stories and bad enemy design. I had to read a synopsis to understand what the fuck was going on after I beat the game.

Was this a good horror game? Also is it a pure video game with actual gameplay? Or is it one of those Uncharted type games where it's just a button and occasionally you hit a button?

the themes were kinda interesting and i liked the story (despite being a total mess) but gameplay wise it was basically just an inferior version of RE4 in nearly every

and lets not mention the crippling performance. my computers not great but when you have a 390 and a 2600k and have to cap the game at 30 fps at 1080p, you know the game was coded by monkeys

But this game was pretty boring

Just because you're dense and needed a synopsis doesn't mean we all did

It's RE4, but with the option to sneak if you're a casual.

I legitimately don't understand why so many people want a sequel for this
The first one was average and shit all over the creator's promise to create a traditional survival horror game

Of all the things you defend Evil Within for, you picked its stupid story? Really?

Ain't no one going to understand that shit with one play through and no context to who, what, when or where.

Nigga you crazy as fuck. At least pick a topic that is defensible like their choices of sneaking mechanics, the atmosphere, the gore etc.

No, it just means youre bad and need handholding.

>Dead space had variety and the evil within didn't

See above. 90% of levels could be done stealthily, you could simply run away when engaged and the AI would get confused and lose you and then flank them and go for stealth kill. Or use the shitload of weapons.

>6/10 for horror fans like me

KEK you literally just compared it to dead space and amnesia because you have nothing else. Is stalker the most obscure "horror" game you've played? Nice trying to imply yoyre a seasoned vet to the series though faggor. The evil within is one of the most challenging and refreshing survival horror ames in recent years and I'm grearful. Its a shame it won't get a sequel because fags like you in the majority are to used to handholding in story and gameplay

That actually sounds pretty cool. How does it play on PC?

it's okay

The story isn't very good, but panning it for being hard to follow isn't how you go about it. If you would've called it dumb I wouldn't have said anything.

That actually doesn't look great. Being a Japanese game I'm guessing the port is shit. Specs?

>Is stalker the most obscure "horror" game you've played?

I'm 32 and I've been playing Horror Games since the NES, my frist title was Friday the 13th actually.... but it doesn't take a rocket surgeon to know a game is bad.

>The story isn't very good, but panning it for being hard to follow isn't how you go about it

A bad story is a hard to follow one. I must be in this crazy world where things work on common sense, logic and reasoning. All of which the evil within lacked.

Funny how you agree with me, then disagree on the same point but phrased differently. I like your opinion and you are absolutely right BUT your opinion is wrong. Just sayin'. See how that reads?

yes the port sucks and the console versions are also terrible

not that guy, but these are my specs and I have to play the game locked at 30 fps at 1080p. it's steady 30 when the FPS is locked, but if I try to unlock the FPS it starts to wildly swing from 5 to 60 FPS so it's a massive pain to play

also there's a lot of innate mouse lag which is painful

I legit cannot understand what makes you think it was hard to follow. It was basically Inception as Brought to you by: Japs

This. TEW has some of the best casual filters in the beginning and sprinkled intermittently.

And Nightmare difficulty was a more rewarding experience in a spooky game than I found DS1, 2 or Amnesia to be.

You can follow a bad story fine. It is just terribly written. Megaman fought Wily because he stole all the cake and Light was sad.
Bad story. easy to follow.
You can pretty much guess where you are, what you are doing and who the culprit is within about an hour of playing. and why you are there and what the outcome will be in another hour. Story is painfully easy to follow because it is mostly cliches and beating you over the head with the answers.

Well, your GPU is significantly better than mine so I guess I'll skip this release. OH WELL

I'm replaying it now because I wanted to bust my backlog.

When the game works, it really feels great. You're sneaking around enemies, using traps and items, certain levels can be set up like big sandboxes, and the game can really lean on the tension.

But a lot of the time the game is just bad. Making my way through it on survivor for my first playthrough is awful. There's so much instant death and times where it took me a ton of trial and error to figure out how to pass a situation. Boss and monster encounters were especially frustrating, because there are many situations where its not clear whether you are supposed to be fighting the bosses, using environmental times, or running away from them. It just takes a ton of deaths to get the gist of whats going on. Chapter 10's boss fight was awful, with a seemingly undodgeable instant death grab killing me over and over.

I am not finished this game, but I am pretty sure at the end my death count will be fairly close to something out of I Wanna Be the Guy. I consider myself a pretty decent gamer but certain chapters I found myself dying a lot. If you can deal with frequent death then go for it.

I haven't finished it proper but i'm pretty close to the end. Its my least favorite Shinji Mikami game, but still definitely worth checking out if you have a lot of patience.

Huh. I have a GTX 770 4 GB and an i5 3570 and I can run the game at max settings at 60 fps without any drops.

I added '+r_swapinterval 0' to the launch options on Steam instead of using the 60 fps option in the graphic settings menu.

>It was basically Inception as Brought to you by: Japs

Inception worked on the logic that there were rules to the layers, and each layer was directed at an individual as the focal point.

Evil Within has scene jumping, time jumping, character jumping; it's a complete mess. It's hard to fuck up a simple and plain story like the ones in RE games, but bad as they may be, they were serviceable to the plot.

A large portion of the Evil Within is unnecessary because it lies to the player (Are you out or are you plugged in x8) and it lies to itself (Is this stealth or forced action, better die a few times with trial and error). If you play it as a full stealth game, you're in for some butthurt. If you play it as an action game, you're STILL in for some butthurt. It doesn't know what it wants to be.

So if a story isn't laid out for you, it's dumb?

And this is why our generation is retarded.

Keep up with the posts user, we're moving on without you and you need to keep up.

It's been a while, but I don't recall any character jumping. You follow Seb from start to finish. As far as time-jumping, it only happens right after the first scene where you approach the hospital. Every other time Seb just gets flung about but there aren't flashback chapters or any shit like that.

The reason I don't love the story is because the entirety of it that you are in a collective-consciousness that Ruben has control over. That's the long and the short of it all. I can't understand how you get lost in that.


shinji mikami does not make games anymore

Also I want to add when I first played the game performance was appalling. Load times were unbearable (which was hell with the frequent deaths), and framerates were really shitty on my 7950, sometimes tanking into the 10s and 20s for no apparent reason. The frustration and technical issues were actually why I stopped playing it the first time.

It seems like the game has gone through some pretty extensive patching. While it doesn't hold 1080/60 on my pc, it stays above 50 most of the time now, with some drops into the high 30s on the most demanding outdoor scenes. They also fixed the insane load times, dropping from 50+ seconds to a more reasonable 20.

The game launched on PC in a fucking tragic state, but its decent now. Its still not optimized considering how mediocre the graphics can be, but its a whole shitload better than the trash fire it was at launch.

It character jumps because it doesn't explain how the others survive, doesn't explain how the MC is killed or harmed yet lives. For the time jumping, it's due to the scenes. You see the sister burn in the past, but are in the present, you see the antagonist when he was a human, a child and an adult. You see the event of him killing his parents and his experiments, which happened in the past.

>you are in a collective-consciousness that Ruben has control over.

What about the people that aren't plugged in but still inside, what about those killed outside the machine, what about the mental hospital and it? There are no rules or logic, too many plot holes if "you're plugged into a machine and that's why things are fucked" is the only defense going for it.

probably cos AMD is a shit with a bunch of games

5-60 swinging is probably a bit of a hyperbole. It generally runs quite well but in more intense scenes it just completely tanks for me

Like that spider lady fight where you had to run around and lead her into a bunch of fire pits -- my FPS absolutely tanked in that with unlocked framerate but it was perfectly fine at 30.

I'll admit the core gameplay was pretty good when the game actually gets going. Really good even, it was fun.Also the environments were ok. But they fucked up a lot of the other things
>Fucking terrible VA's all around
>Equally terrible uninteresting story
>Not even remotely scary
>Gameplay relies heavily on ammo conserving, which is fine but not if it always automatically overwrites your last save, forcing you to replay long sections if you don't have enough ammo
>That one fucking giant dog boss was so shit it made me quit playing. Clips through everything.
Also the game is not even that hard. The only reason I quit on the dog boss is that it was literally impossible for me to beat him with the ammo I had at the time, forcing me to replay like an hour of the game because the game automatically fucking saves.
Thats just a silly design decision

Some things are supposed to be a little ambiguous just to be confusing. Like the intro scene at the hospital and not knowing how long Seb was plugged in. Everything else is pretty much standard vidya trope.

You see each stage of Ruben during the castle in those System Shock ghosts because you're in a collective and so you can see into his mind and the whole mansion chapter is about his character. You're moving through his memories there. Same with the barn and seeing his sister burn.

I don't understand the issues you have with Kidman's survival. She's a double-agent and part of foreshadowing that was showing her be hyper capable for a 'rookie' by having her be two steps ahead of you.

Everything is from Seb's perspective. You get separated from his twink sidekick so you find him later on.

I don't understand what you mean by it not explaining how the MC is killed or harmed yet lives. I don't remember Seb just dying and getting back up.

it was also unpolished as hell to top it all off.

The only ambiguous fate was whether Joseph lived or died, which the DLC clarified. I had no problems understanding the story.

11 hours into the game and i still have no idea whats going on
is there going to be a big reveal at the end that wraps up the plot?



I think this is why people want a sequel so badly. This game seems with some actual love, care and polish, it'd be amazing.

I haven't enjoyed a resident evil game since 4 anywhere near as much as i enjoyed TEW