Apologise. Now

Apologise. Now.


Is "apologise" anything like "apologize"?

>no skyrim 2

Shit conference, shit E3 so far.

Apologise is technically a correct spelling, depending on where OP is from.

I mean you weren't bad but you weren't anything special either.


Given the language here is American English, no, no it's not. When the cucks in the New European Caliphate open a Sup Forums.eu it can be apologise all they like.

apologize... NOW

Sorry for believing that you'd put out something interesting this time, Bethesda.

>Dishonored 2
>Hearthstone: Elder scrolls edition
>Game that's already out
>Game that's already out

This was literally the worst fucking conference

No new Wolfenstein. No Evil Within 2. No Elder Scrolls VI. No Doom single player content. Prey in name only. And Quake being raped. This was even worse than EA's awful conference.


I'm sorry I stayed up for your horseshit conference.

>No Wolfenstein
>No The Evil Within

Pretty shit show desu

So what happened if you accidentally used Britbong spelling in Murrican's document, and vice versa?

Sorry for wasting my time through your yawn worthy and repetitive conference

for what?

>Shit game sequel
>Shitty tcg
>Remake of the worst game in a series
>Mediocre game sequel

No, I will not fucking apologize.

the language here is Japanese senpai. bow to Hiroshima Nagasaki or die, baka.

I missed it, what exactly did they announce?

Sorry I thought you were a real company.

They need to apologize to me for wasting my time.

I'm sorry I wasn't harder on Bethesda.
Not shitposting.
100% honest. I really feel like I should have been harder on bethesda in the past. Before I was kinda neutral.

I rarely notice it, unless it's something obvious like "favourite". Some words I find myself using the Brit version more than the US version, like theatre or cancellation.

Where me Elder Scrolls Redguard

I was like you once. Wasn't too strong with the company but after a while I realized I despise Bethesda and they are only fueled by their rabid fanbase who would buy even the biggest heap of trash from them.

Not until they implement decent animations in their games.


Sorry I doubted you Bethesda, you're ok as long as you wear the corpse of id as a second skin.

ugh, so entitled

Did todd say that fallout shelter will be on PC?




He was, actually.

>no Wolfenstein New Order sequel

I need muh Nazi scum butchering simulator.

I haven't played W:NO yet.
does it have DRM?
Can I pirate it?

I'm sorry Todd

I will probably play Dishonored 2

Morning lads, just got up, it's 5 am. Didn't watch the bethesda show because I have to work for my game buying shekels. Did I miss anything? Was bethesda as disappointing as EA?

sorry , i think they would have a nice conference and not a garbage one
really sorry


>no skyrim 2
But that's what the special edition is.
More skyrim.

New Prey, bears no resemblance to the original or the development hell sequel.

Other than that, no real surprises and everything they announced was pretty trivial and forgettable.