>New Quake
Please let this be the rebirth of arena FPS. I've waited too long for this.
New Quake
Other urls found in this thread:
>he thinks megabrown ultra edgy sickdark Quake is what gamers want these days
>mfw it gets forgotten one month after release and everyone goes back to Overwaufi
>i've waited too long for this
Your wait was over a couple weeks ago
Overwatch is already out
>Please let this be the rebirth of arena FPS. I've waited too long for this.
You clearly didn't watch the stream then.
You should probably start writing that suicide letter now.
>Cropped porn reaction image
W-what are you trying to do OP?
>Ejoying sweet delicious candy is now porn.
it's a class based hero shooter aka overwatch ripoff
you mean team fortress ripoff? right? right?
So Quake vs Unreal, which one will succeed?
I'm guessing neither
>Arena shooter
Don't even bait about that.
You summed it up nicely F A M. There have already been arena shooters that have failed on PC. Now let's all get back to playing Overwatch
Artist name please, dick or no dick this looks fine by me
I hope its Overwatch/Team Fortress 2 but on a better engine.
It's gonna have skills and attributes, Beth will turn it into their own Overwatch. First they fuck DOOM Multiplayer, now Quake is gonna suffer as well.
God damn.
no TF2 is not a hero shooter
>loadout based game
>unsatisfying guns, no damage
>dlcs out of the ass
>muh Quake VS UT 4
Who feels fucking disgusted after watching that? I feel like a part of my soul has been ripped out.
Also post more Hotaru, I need to bust one after watching that shit.
For (You).
Cyancapsule, I'm pretty sure
let's think up the "great new features" quake is gonna have
>super cinematic one button overkill fatality super moves
>that you can get killed in the middle of by someone else
Apparently it's class-based shit like cuckwatch
I'm tired of this generation of meme game esport cuck shit games
>quake champions
>Quake Champions features a roster of unique characters, each with their own distinctive abilities, allowing you to fight the way you want.
>arena shooter
>I feel like a part of my soul has been ripped out.
My condolences, enjoy this: exhentai.org
You da man
I actually made this webm because someone posted a shitty gif in one of other threads a little while ago.
Thank you both, you're saints.
That was me, kek. Thanks for the webm brah.
Harime is the artist and the circle is called turtle.fish.paint theres no better orgasm face reaction images the art is good too
>he thinks quake champions is going to be a quake game
they saw how popular overwatch was and now they're making another shit moba game under the a pre existing ip. i bet thy threw that pre rendered shit together a few days ago.
it's going to be fucking garbage, like everything else they showed.
I also made a vastly improved gif but I don't want to post too many of one thing
I want to fuck Hotaru's titpussy
>rebirth of arena FPS
We already have quake live, no way bethesda would shit out a game to compete with one it already has out
QL is dead as fuck.
unfortunately ql is buy to play now, so less players, but it recently received steam workshop integration and a whole bunch of updates, including trashing that terrible web interface
It's another attempt at QWET
while the wolfenstein reboot already exists
Nope, it has character unique abilities.
>Quake Champions
>It's a hero based shooter
w h y
why would you make a historically arena based shooter a overwatch wanna be, are hero based shooters the new MOBA except fun
>quake reboot "streamlined" for a modern audience
That reveal trailer looks fucking terrible what an absolute joke,
if you want a true modernised quake just get reflex
People are still playing Overrated?
sauce on pig girl
i wanna feed her dagashi
Read the thread moron
>new Wolfenstein was god tier
>new DOOM was great
>same people making new Quake
FPS are back, but Sup Forums would rather pretend it's not to keep up the epic TORtanic shitposting.
Literally best girl.
How can that other flat literally who even compete.
I want to mating press Hotaru and unleash a month's worth of saved up cum inside her womb, then swirl my cock around inside her, swishing the semen and have it scrape and paint every part of her insides white.
Who else is fapping to best girl right now?
>you will never mating press Hotaru
>Hotaru will never reversal and mating press you
you guys are so fucking predictable jesus christ
It never had any players when it was free. People need to face the fact that arena shooters are dead and never coming back because nobody wants that sort of game anymore.
>Quake Champions features a roster of unique characters, each with their own distinctive abilities, allowing you to fight the way you want.
top fucking kek
wasnt very good
just above average
>same people making new Quake
protip saber interactive are making the quake reboot not ID, also machine games made TNO and ID/certain affinity made Doom
This is how clueless you are
New Wolf was made by Vin Diesel's devs, not new id.
New id outsourced Doom 4 multiplayer to an outside dev filled wtih ex-Halo devs. Quakewatch is also being co-developed by ex-Halo devs.
There is reason for concern.
>Ywn stuff your face into her candy-tasting armpits
Why live?
UT is the only hope of true arena fps.
>mfw have this anime downloaded for months now but still didn't watch it
I want to impregnate those armpits
>quake 1 you press jump and strafe to gain speed
>somehow this is not strafe jumping
reminder that bunnyhopping only refers to _repeated_ jumps, not a _single_ jump, which is what a strafe jump is.
Looks like Quake is now dead for good
Go to 24 seconds in the trailer.
Fuck you, OP, you got me excited.
>implying this wil have high skill movement and not just be a placebo tier bullshit lie to try to trick people into buying it
What the fuck, is this a drawing or did someone photoshop different pictures together and draw an anime girl over it?
>Quake Champions features a roster of unique characters, each with their own distinctive abilities, allowing you to fight the way you want. . Get your first look at Quake Champions and some of its heroes in the cinematic reveal trailer,
I wanted a singleplayer game like Quake 1, those motherfuckers better make one.
>wasnt very good
Congratulations, you proved my point.
>muh le twitch shooter
autism for the autistic
Don't know why, but it reminds me a lot more of s4 league.
Maybe that's why I'm enjoying it so much.
>1 jump = a strafe jump
>multiple jumps = bunnyhopping
If they can't even get Doom level design right, how do you expect them to do Quake level design justice?
correct - do you even speak english?
>jump = singular
>hopping = plural
TNO is a by the numbers modern shooter and i still can't understand why it got a free pass with pretty much everyone when it was released, honestly i wouldn't even care except for the fact it was hyped up as being a return to form for the genre which was a big fat lie
Can't wait for multiplayer only Quakewatch with a 60 dollarydoo buy in and lots of microtransactions
and 20 tick
20 ticks was too smooth so they are going for the cinematic 10 ticks
>how do we make our shit MP game successful
>moba shit is dying
>lets fall back to TF2
looks like 1 and 3 are still the only good games in the series
by todays standards 2 is a fucking masterpiece as well
You mean a TF2 clone, right?
>shitty level design
>got rid of the interesting Gothic/Cosmic Horror/low Sci-Fi setting of the first game and replaced it with generic space marine shit
>lame weapons
game looks great in Software mode though I guess.
they should reboot the single player based on Quake 1.
We focused our entire team on Doom and nothing but Doom after scrapping the project twice along with Rage 2 and a survival horror project and a third of our already undersized team got laid off, and we weren't given the clear to even start proposing new projects until about December of last year. There's no way we could possibly develop an entire AAA singleplayer Quake game in that timeframe under those circumstances.
There's more shit in the pipeline, just be patient.
Maybe people excited for quake don't want a casualized slow shooter with horrible tickrate that was made for console players rather than people who are actually able to aim.
But that's just me, I'm sure quake will be exactly the same as overwaifu. :^)
Aiming is easy as fuck in QL. Still giant hitboxes. Slower ADAD speed than OW. Don't even need to headshot people.
holy shit all these [deleted]
surprised they didn't just give up and take down the thread
Because paid shills.
>deleted all the good posts
Did someone bully the mods again?
>Doom's new MP gun is the pistol
>it's the FUCKING pistol
That image with Hotaru in the swimsuit was the best pair of anime tiddies I've ever seen in my life