Battle stations thread, lads.
Battle station thread
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tiny penis detected
liberal retard detected
>I own a tool that's sole purpose is to kill people
How am I the retarded one?
conservative retard detected
Yeah, better give the people-killing weapons to the trustful Government. History has proven that they're good guys. :^)
Freud never said that you retard. It was a mis translation that gun nuts continue to spout and parrot.
So I believe in owning guns but I'm also a liberal in almost every other way and I'm certainly not in favor of America's gun romance. Voting republican is literally retarded. Give me free education, healthcare, and abortions for everyone.
hey #gamers
rate me
>give me, give me, give me
Who are you taking from?
I miss my dormstation
I need to set up my new one at my new place
>diet coke
I hope you're willing to pay higher taxes.
what is this a setup for ants
>gaming on a tv
apply yourself
technically o k but the clutter makes me uneasy. clear some room so you at least have a clean workspace have some pride in yourself
it dont work like the oc you dont make
who are the prints by
Did you miss the BenQ?
Alphonse Mucha
i use it for mixing caffeine into, usually once or twice a day. sugar coke does take better but the calories aren't worth it to me
Nobody except perhaps for the military budget. EVERYONE pays marginally higher taxes so that EVERYONE can enjoy the benefits of having an education and a healthy body free of curable diseases or repairable damage. Also, posting your pc set up with your gun featured so prominently and purposefully is one of the weakest, most vigorously fedora tippingly small man things you could possibly do.
I absolutely am.
>current year
>literally owns 0 firearms
i'm all for raising US tax rates and i'm easily amont the most liberal of Sup Forums users but lol settle down hoss. vintage guns are pretty common display pieces. it's not like they have a framed glock or hi-point on display
Finally an honest battlestation
Good taste.
> Nobody except perhaps for the military budget
We already spend more on social services and healthcare than we do on the military.
>Current year
>Needing to compensate for your tiny dick with guns
Please elaborate how owning a firearm equals compensation?
It's like men who buy big trucks to seem manly. They're compensating for their tiny dicks. Same as gun owners and gamers.
i didn't mean to frighten you, don't worry friend this is a safe space
we can talk about slice of life animes instead :)
Can you only think in terms of dicks?
>So betacux that he responds to picture of real girls laughing with smug anime girls.png
>Such a weeb that he can recognize the anime in this picture just from the character alone
No wonder you play video games and pooppost on Sup Forums, you don't have anyone else to do
What about when women own guns?
tiny vulvas
NIce gay doujin assuming you arent memeing
>we spend more on two things than we do on one thing
We are making ourselves retarded by constantly making cuts to education funding and putting our students who want to actually be somebody into tremendous debt, sometimes for life, to the point where less and less people are even trying to get an education which creates a net loss in college educated professionals. You know, the people who enable the country to function?
Medical expenses are a disgusting sham. If I can get my broken leg fixed for free in Finland why would I ever want to live in America? Clearly one system is working better than the other.
i never meme. mentaiko is quality. i take it you're a fan?
what about jews?
>Someone shows a gun
No wonder none of those gays had a CC
Retro on the right, modern on the left. Consoles have sucked so hard this generation, I've hardly used my modern setup. I usually just put Netflix on while I'm playing some classics.
yep I have that one uncensored in english and boy who cried wolf preordered
>PC speakers are a beats pill
Just use an emulator for your old games.
>guy has antique gun on his wall
end yourself
>mfw I threw out my console and tv because I don't play video games anymore
Sorry I triggered you.
Where'd you get your mic boom for the Yeti? Does it work decent?
what clips does that assault rifle take
good night, gentleman
Did you have a kitchen area too? looks pretty big for a single dorm
a real manchild, wow.
nice cacodemon
welp here it is
Nope, it is just a single room dorm room
It was pretty great
did you get your own bathroom or communal? Ours had it so 2 single rooms shared 1 in the middle
It's not much but it works
>That PC right at the absolute fucking edge and also dangling over a bit
It's right up against a wall so it's all good
theres a wall right beside it user
there is a wall user
did we mention the wall? if not, there is a wall
if there were budweiser bottles there id think you were someone I know
Missed that, I feel better now.
Back to r3ddit, fampai.
how are those full keyboard and mouse mousepads? they seem weird but oddly appealing
nope just a room connected to the hall
bumping bread
They're nice, though if you eat at your desk and some sort of sauce gets on it, it can be hard to take off. So are some other, not so tasty sauces.
oh i get it, you mean semen
Does anyone know where I can get this background from?
European detected
the wall
>took a snapshot of the monitor area
Would you look at that.
Guten Abend
Thanks user. I can be a little retarded sometimes.
Cat's name is Orson.
im gay
using a box and a plank of wood as a desk is suffering.
Please say that box is full of something heavy that keeps it from crushing
hey you were in the last thread
I actually don't remember, but I did put something inside it. I don't want to look inside. I might find a house of horrors.
Where'd you get the Mad Men posters from?