Skyrim Special Edition is free on PC for old owners of Skyrim

>Skyrim Special Edition is free on PC for old owners of Skyrim

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I didn't watch the conference, I hope you are correct.

That's convenient for the 10 hours total gameplay time I have on the PC version, maybe I can actually get my money worth now.

it's called ENB

Die you degenerate dumblrfag

Todd just said it during the post-conference interview. He said it was the "Right thing to do" since PC users could already get graphics that good already with mods.

*If you own all the DLC.

Because Skyrim Special Edition IS Skyrim on PC.

To clarify: it's only for people who own all the dlc, probably because the remaster will include those dlcs.

Die you degenerate Barneyfag

based Todd the most honest man in the video game industry

why do you guys shitpost him when he's done nothing wrong?

Yeah this way I can get the graphical improvement with a measurable lessened amount of graphics power to run it at least.

People still give a shit about Skyrim?

Cool. Maybe now I can actually play the game without it crashing every time I make it to the first town.

>Bethesda gives out a mod
Neat. Anything actually happen today, or is that it?


>Let's keep posting pony shit on Sup Forums
I'm tired of getting banned for this but seeing other people do it. Is it the rule or not?

Also, on the topic of video games, can we ban Skyrim too?

I dont see why anyone would even want to play a remaster if they haven't already played through all the dlc.

Die you degenerate Barneyfag

The saddest part? Many reddit-tier faggots will still eat it up like candy.

Yep.... gaming as we know is fucked, bros.

this is cool i guess, i got the legendary version at xmas for like under 10$

wait, but it's free
what is there to eat up?

How unfortunate.


I didn't want to play that piece of shit when it came out, why would I want to play it now?

Does it still apply if I buy the legendary edition today?

Might get a key for €5. Pirated it up until now, reinstalled it at least 6 times.

Bethesda twitter confirmed you only get it for free if you already own all the DLC or the Legendary Edition, not for all owners of the base game


Yeah since that edition already has the DLC included. C'mon user, use that grey matter.

Even if your graphics mods can look better than the vanilla remastered, it's still worth it since it will be full 64-bit, so no 4gb patch and overall improved stability.

>it will be full 64-bit, so no 4gb patch and overall improved stability

Can I get a source? That sounds pretty good but it sounds like more effort than I'd expect from a shitty next-gen port

Careful with all that gay. Don't want to trigger some ISIS muslim.

He didn't lie though, he straight up said that, this is Sup Forums spreading misinformation and then getting mad when they find the truth

>Steven Universe

>He knows enough about MLP to instantly recognized humanizations of obscure characters.

>Just caught up to all the episodes
>No high budget Steven Universe game

Well, he posted that enough times that I'd find it eventually.

goanimate is god tier

attack the light is pretty fun


I must have missed the memo where Skyrim had shadows that didn't look like blocky dogshit and it had volumetric lighting, ambient occlusion, screen space reflections and so on.

Really? Guess I'll get it. It's better than nothing.

he is a brony in the closet