On a scale of 1 to 10, how disappointed will everyone be with her redesign in the FF7 remake?
Is 1 indifferent?
Muh tits fags are still complaining about AC, take a guess.
well AC sucked on every level
As long as she keeps her tits then there is no reason to complain.
5 is indiferent.
There will be a reason for complaining then.
The scale is how disappointed, not overall reaction.
just as disappointed as everyone was in her previous terrible redesigns
Literally could not care less. Already played the original, what they do with the remake has no significance to me because the original still exists.
It looked good for its time and had that sweet battle at the end.
>complaining about tit size in AC
She's still like double D size in that though, what the fuck do they want on her? G size? H?
Uh, yes. That would be much appreciated.
she won't have the megaboobs
they'll be "big", as in average for video games and not emphasized at all
with good reason
They'll make her look like her a brown-eyed AC model instead of a red/brown-eyed "corrected Nomura"-style anglo, and that will bring it all the way down to 1 before we even talk about the tits.
with generic animu doll face
They better not fuck her up again.
We all know it will be.
Oh they are gonna be furious.
And it will be hilarious when people try and defend her previous "character" as if she wasn't always horrible
Her boobs were not her character
People still hate Advent Children
Yes, because it's awful.
well yeah, she HAD boobs for starters
They might fuck up her face and make her too doll like.
They're gonna pointlessly nerf her tits.
The realistic art style means no huge boobs on her. Prepare to be disappointed.
What if they are actually made bigger than the FF7 FMV version's?
Depends how big her tits are.
Squarenix always does faces very nicely. If they can keep her tits to be really big, then it would be awesome.
They're gonna be average as shit
the art style alone makes that impossible
>not complaining about tit size
We've already seen pictures of other female characters in the remake and they honestly have huge tits. If Tifa's were even larger than them, it would almost be too much.
lol no
Huge? Who?
I always figured Tifa would be this big in real life.
Looking at , that is the minimum for her
I don't give a fuck how big or small her tots are. I just want the game itself to be good. Mod that shit in later if you want
You're thinking of Cindy from a different game and universe.
I don't know her name. The one with the huge tits. I thought she was Tifa with dyed hair when I first saw her.
No idea who you are on about, we've seen basically no females so far from the game, and definitely none with big tits
>Modding a console exclusive game
eh, it'll come to pc eventually probably
She won't be
Nice, i want a woman like this.
At least. Look at those things, they're insane.
who are you talking about?
hate AC for many reasons, this shit redesign is a big one
I don't know.
how do you not know?
If I showed you a picture of some random woman, would you automatically know who it is? I wouldn't, which is why I don't remember the name of the character I saw. No, I don't have the picture.
bigger than her entire (cartoon size) head
What did she look like?
Fair skin. Decent tits. She seemed to be wearing ceramic armor over her torso, although the armor had a plunging v neckline to show off some cleavage. I don't remember the hair colour exactly. It wasn't black. Might have been blonde.
Isn't Jessie the only female we've seen?
Oh, well, I guess Aeris and maybe an NPC.
Honestly I just don't fucking care enough about the remake to be bothered about any of it either way. Never have really
The episodic announcement already killed most of the hype for me, so a 3 or 4 I guess.
Isn't Tifa more like this size though?
They say it's for the purpose of making sure the team doesn't have to cut corners but it's obviously Sony forcing it on them so that it can make more money off of the backs of fans. That's what it always comes down to now and just another reason not to buy into the hyping for this. They got the game out as one installment the first time, it was a great game back in 1997, I'm good with that version, still have it on my shelf even.
I'm hoping for her to some muscle definition, it would just make sense since she trains and kills monsters with her bare fists.
Yeah it's blatant cash grab stuff like this that has lead to my decline in interest for games lately. It's not just Square or Sony, everyone is kind of doing it and getting really off message and just not listening to what gamers actually want again. They just tell them what they want, cram the market down their throat and then the hype kids take it up the ass so we all have to suffer for it so it's like whatever at this point if people want to be exploited for mediocrities sake
>I want her big tits back but don't want her original anime face!
Now I'm not saying this is samefagging but this is probably samefagging
They're the same size. That girl is just shorter.
>her redesign
Straight out of Nomura's hand, barely 1 year and a half ago for G-Bike.
There's no "redesign", Tifa did not change.
Tifa's FMV proportions must have stuck on your mind.
I guess you're right
Is that who I think it is?
I guess not, then.
Idk, I thought she was pretty hot in advent children
and pretty hot in dissidia.
I think they'll do fine.
Judging by Barret and Cloud, she'll be pretty faithful to her original design/artwork.
Ferrari's doing some design adaptations though. So we don't know if Tifa's features will even be consistent.
I hope the first we see of Tifa is her running in slow motion, with just the tank top and no bra on. Her tits bouncing everywhere, milk coming out and creating wet patches. It would be great.
Is it the one on the left? We've only seen Jessie on the right from the Remake. (Apparently her real name is supposed to be Jessica by the way.)
Yes, I was thinking of the girl on the left.
We're never going to get a tifa with fan art tier proportions so we might as well give up.
>She's on the evil side
>Probably going to die to fighting against the protagonists
What a waste
feels bad man
Tifa has red eyes, though.
Not as big a waste as pic related
I'd let armor bitch torture me.
it's fan art user
Well, she's not from Final Fantasy VII and is therefore irrelevant.
As long as it has doesn't have the sagginess of real life tits, I wouldn't mind an F size
He's saying the only thing that seperated Tifa from being Rosa 2.0 is magical size changing tits. He is correct.
There's got to be a reason why they have been so quiet about her. This is cause for concern.
Do what I do and paint them red yourself. It's easy when they make her gloves red, you can get the necessary red hues from there. Three different ones are usually enough.
There's got to be a reason why you keep posting this. This is cause for concern :^)
Will we see her this E3?
If they do show something I'm hoping for Sephiroth
not with that cute as fuck bow she won't
Not really. Rosa was never a character. She was a prop for the plot. Tifa actually has her own arc, acts indepedently, and is an actual character (the second most important one in the party).
Who cares. A real man knows Scarlet has the best rack.