Kadokawa event starts in 30 minutes. How hyped are you?

Kadokawa event starts in 30 minutes. How hyped are you?

>The event will feature the latest information on new titles like “Demon Gaze 2, God Wars: Beyond Time, Root Letter, and so on.” The only other announced titles in Kadokawa Games’ software lineup are The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky the 3rd Evolution and Reco Love for PS Vita, so we’ll likely hear more about those as well. It’s also worth noting that Kadokawa Games owns From Software, so it’s possible we’ll hear about something new from them.

Is there going to be a live stream or anything?


basically waiting for wario64 on twitter

Hype as fuck for possible Fromsoft reveals.

Probably nothing new to say beyond what's already been on twitter and magazines, but will wait eagerly just in case.

>No stream

Whats the fucking point

>How hyped are you?
Not at all considering there won't be a stream. Going to bed now. It's 5:17.

exactly, its not like we can get hyped up for anything from it..

>no stream
fuck off OP

>The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky the 3rd Evolution
we're never getting this so who cares

It not being live streamed means Kadokawa wins E3 by default due to no disappointment.

It would be in Japanese anyway, fags.

Who doesn't know Japanese nowadays?

>It would be in Japanese anyway, fags.

So? We've watched nintendo directs in jap before and understood just fine since they show gameplay

Link to liveblog, livetweet, twitter, facebook update, youtube channel, anything?

You wouldn't watch a stream just because someone spoke a different language? Kek.

I feel the same way when people say they won't play h-games because they're in Japanese.

The Liru threads a few days ago were a riot
>what the fuck is this moonrune shit, how do I switch to English
>for a 30 minute flash

I know Japanese, so I'd watch it just fine.

Liru being in shitty English aside, I bet you're used to machine translated shit. Disgusting. You even think yourself better for it.

Even ignoring the absurdity of avoiding an entire unique genre of video games simply because you need to be textually handheld through a title, there's no reason not to at least try out a machine translation. Not that you even need one 90% of the time, even for the more intensive RPGs.

>textually handheld

That's what you're calling actually playing the game? You're a disgusting shiteater and you're smug about it.




Not even remotely