>only 1 million copies sold on all systems
I'm worried D44mbros, I thought this game was a smash hit... Bethesda told me so...
Only 1 million copies sold on all systems
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B-b-b-but Denuvo protects Doom from pirates, why are only one million buying the game?
C-c-could it be, that Denuvo won't rescue the gaming industrie? Could it be, that pirates aren't the reason for so little sales? Could it be, that pirates are the reason, that a game gets publicity and pushes therefore the sales? Could it be, that pirates buy the game later, after they see how good the game is?
>Could it be, that pirates are the reason, that a game gets publicity and pushes therefore the sales?
Pirate delusion at its finest
Those are a lot of conclusions to be jumping to
>>only 1 million copies
its only 1 000 000 copies guys
yeah ok
That's a shame if there's seriously only been a mil sold, considering that the game's singleplayer is great
Why the hell did they release the same month as Uncharted 4 and Overwatch? Would've sold much more if it came out in April.
Or it could be that Halo kiddies have no interaction with the series other than 3 and don't want to be tricked into buying something related to it.
Must be the piracy cutting into sales again.
There wasn't a Friday the 13th in April
if they add more weapons to single player I may go back into it but right now the multiplayer is ass what happened to them revamping it?
Giving yourself a lot of credit there, retard.
1 million is a disappointment
But it probably made its money back so it's not exactly a failure either.
Bethesda probably fired the entire marketing team for DOOM given how horrible a fucking job they did and are now kicking themselves over the loss of potential sales. Seriously, it's because the game was horribly marketed. The game ended out being fucking great but no one wanted to touch it because of how bad a job they did.
>even to this day Doom fans are blaming their series' problems on Halo
Fucking this you stupid niggers. The marketers need to be lynched for that level of incompetence.
desu I have no sense of proportion when it comes to vidya. Sup Forums will be gloating or jeering with delight over something that sold thousands to a million and it all sounds like big numbers to be. Got no idea how much different genres cost to make.
Is this game worth 44 bucks physical on PS4? Thinkin bout buyin it on amazon. Downloading the demo rn
Confirmed Halo kiddie
Everyone is sick of shitty remakes/remasters.
How about make something original you fucks
I forgot I got this game. I still need to go beat it. There's no different endings with the secrets/collectibles found right? Just want some demon killing fun for a first run through.
It has 600k copies on Steam according to Steamspy. Only 400k on consoles?
I will never buy a un-piratable game. EVER
I'd totally buy it, but my computer is shitty and consoles are cancer
But it's not a remake, if you play the game at all and read the in-game logs and shit it's clearly a sequel to Doom64.
It's worth full price so fucking snatch it up.
I'd say 30 is better.
The beta was absolute dogshit so the only people left were those who wanted to spend 60 dollars on single player.
personally I'm waiting for someone to make a wubless soundtrack for it. not dealing with that BWAAAAAAAHM fart garbage, game should have had metal.
>If for console
Target is going to be running a sale on Doom and Dark souls 3. I think it starts this week.
the remake's MP was closer to halo than doom so there is backing to their claim
Its up
Is it cracked already?
Maybe it's just a shit game
>Check out the "map maker"
How do we save it, D44mbros?
t. Brazilian
i think that this also hurt the game a little bit. The multiplayer beta wasn't an actual representation of what was good about the game, the single player. Also no review copies given out was a huge mistake, if you had people looking at the game ahead of time to give it good praise it would have been in a better spot.
are you sure you can even get to the page? keep getting errors
The original '100,000 Revenants' was nowhere near possible on 1994 hardware on the unmodded Doom 2 engine.
I keep getting error 310
this fucking sucks
Unlike the most blind followers of Todd, and gullible oldfags who'd lowered their guards AND standards in the past 10 years of casual shit, fairly many people already called all D44M's shenanigans long before the game was even released. The early leak footage only confirmed all the early fears, and the post-release material obviously was just the final nail.
Sorry, but D44M is consolized mess. It's not Doom.
It tries to look and "act" like a Doom, but fails terribly at it by falling back to literal internet memes.
The fact that the game also plays like some fucking "Brutal PainKiller RPG" only makes me more sick.
guy you replied to, it just started working for me for no reason
maybe it was traffic, IDK
doom demo finally working on steam
In your opinion, what made Doom 1/2/64 good?
It sure as hell had more then 12 demons alive and more then a 64 demon limit. It's fucking trash
You think a company would improve on a free program like doom builder. This snapmap is a shit addon they tried to get modders and map makers into using. Makes me wonder how modifiable the engine and multiplayer is with Denuvo
It has been proven true though
That's not really the point tho'. A single map in original, vanilla Doom could have way more enemies on the screen at once, than what the nu-Doom can have SPAWNED at once.
Also, Croteam has already proven that having several dozens, actually hundreds of AAA quality, 3D modeled enemies on the screen, and maintaining good framerate with current hardware, has been more than possible for years now.
>In your opinion, what made Doom 1/2/64 good?
-tight, innovative and well paced map design,
-resource management in said maps,
-varied enemy types, with clear visual and behavioral differences,
-that asked you to use your well balanced arsenal smart as well,
-no cinematics during the gameplay, whatsoever,
-good art-style and audiowork was the cherry on the top.
>Yfw the marketing team did such a shit job that Bethesda has to release a demo so people will realize the game is nothing like the marketing portrayed it to be
Lol, I hope their marketing careers are over and they don't get hired for shit anywhere else, the incompetence is astronomical how bad they did.
>Tfw still can't pirate it
I will never relinquish a single shekel.
People who fall for the marketing this day and age are just fucking embarrassing.
The people like me, who took all the given information and footage, analyzed it all, and made some safe assumptions using both past experiences and examples with similar games / said studio, already knew what we were getting, long before the release:
A lukewarm turd, that could be made into pure gold with such minor tweaks and additions of basic features, such as mod SDK.
Also, let's not pretend this did not happen. Beth-fucks are literally the cancer.
How did the markers for this game fuck up?
So I don't know if 1 million is considered a success, a failure, or "so-so" without context. Did they recoup the development costs? If the game really didn't sell well, I'll buy it now at full price. I was going to wait until the Steam summer sale.
These old school style FPS are my favorite games, I've played almost every single release in the genre, and pretty much nobody makes them anymore. It honestly makes me kind of sad.
They poured themselves into making this game, and they did a damn good job based on what I've heard (and the bit I've played.) I want people to keep making these kinds of games.
So I obviously haven't done a full playthrough but I played through a level with my brother and I thought the game looked fucking awesome. And it was fun. It doesn't need to be an exact duplicate of Doom 1/2 to be fun.
I'm not a fan of DRM either but I doubt any DRM is to blame, and I seriously doubt most people who pirate their games go on to buy it.
Hardly anyone who is actually capable of software development (!) wants to work in the gaming industry because the work conditions fucking blow. I'm a programmer and the work in other fields is easier and pays more. If people don't pay for their fucking games, they'll stop being made. That's just the facts.
Game sold 600k on Steam, not counting physical copies on PC.
600k on PS4 and 300k on Xbox.
That's 1.5 million, not 1 million.
60 bucks per copy, 1 million units = 60 million made.
I have a feeling that "Physical Copies" are just a Steam Download. It's been done before, and the game is 50+ GB and you can't fit that on a DVD.
Literally showcased all console footage and the official gameplay trailers had the "cinematic walk" syndrome. It seemed to inply that the new doom was slower than ever when in fact it's extremely fast paced and frentic.
>Put out an open beta for the dogshit multiplayer weeks before release
>Put out a demo for the far superior campaign weeks after
This is seriously some of the most backwards thinking I ever experienced.
>So I don't know if 1 million is considered a success, a failure, or "so-so" without context.
For a huge AAA studio like Bethesda, anything short of 10M is a catastrophe. The game budgets of such studios hover around in several DOZENS of Millions of dollars these days, big chunk going to marketing alone.
>These old school style FPS are my favorite games
That's the thing, and the sad joke:
Doom is "oldschool" only on paper. If you like the sound of literally being stopped every 5 seconds to watch a pre-recorded animation of your character punching a demon to pieces (said action which restores your HP and ammo), the other time being spent looking for these obligatory "combat arena rooms" you get locked into, over and over again...with some obligatory first-person platforming and upgrade-tree filling somewhere in between... then I guess D44M is the game for you.
>It doesn't need to be an exact duplicate of Doom 1/2 to be fun.
It doesn't, but the devs could've instead taken a look at the 1990's classic shooters in general, and see how they operated. D44M as it is just gets very tedious and repetitive towards the end, and its MP + SnapMap elements are just terrible. Period.
for months before release they ONLY showed console footage. they ONLY showed multiplayer footage. they HIGHLIGHTED shit like loadouts and gore and that was fucking all. the first video we got of doom on pc was from nvidia which also while looked faster, looked like they just pulled a quake player who didn't know how doom 4 played at all, and made him play for a camera. this video also made people paranoid because it was one of the latter levels where all weapons were already unlocked so everyone started thinking, like multiplayer, there were no weapon pickups
problems with doom 2016 in general (PC):
* denuvo prevents meaningful modding, so nothing to keep people interested
* snapmap has shitty limits, making it difficult to implement interesting maps
* the campaign is fun, but after two playthroughs for me I was done, there's nothing I would get out of playing again, I already know where everything is anyway
* no sdk of any sort so you can't make truly custom content, campaigns etc, can't even string together several separate maps as a "set" in snapmap either
* the MP is pretty mediocre, obviously little testing for balance was done as the chaingun just rules everything
* no anti-cheat whatsoever so there is plenty of cheaters about
* PC version shares the same stupid snapmap limits as the consoles for "equality" reasons, fuck equality, PC should get to attempt running it regardless
* PC version uses your steam download location to group you with people in and only in your region, so if you're in an area with few players, tough luck, you will not be able to find any other players
it's sad because the game looks great and if it had a proper sdk for making maps and other modifications and snapmap had recommendations not limits it could be great
but right now after I beat it twice on a harder difficulty and trying MP for like 3 games I just stopped, there's nothing else to play
Except the 30% that goes to retailers and then there's taxes and maybe royalties to third parties. So it's not 60 million 'made'. More like in the ballpark of 30. And that's for the publisher and developer combined. Depending on the contract they have the developers could be getting peanuts and barely enough to cover costs
Game is at over 2m on consoles alone..
Am I the only person on this planet who didn't give a fuck about the "speed" of the videos and such, and instead focused solely on the gameplay mechanisms and visual design in whole?
Sure, the nu-Doom is slow as snail in comparison to anything from 90s, but when devs praise things like the upgrade systems (in plural) and how they don't want players to be lost in the maps so they give them "gentle hints" (the key to the locked door standing right next to said door is a "gentle hint"?), I knew it was going to be shit. The very first trailer showing the Chainsaw being downgraded into one-hit killing cinematic toy and weapons sounding like complete toys didn't help my expectations either. And the final game was not improved one bit in my eyes.
Yes, to some extend. Only one DVD is in the box and you have to download the other 45 Gbs from Steam.
>C-c-could it be, that Denuvo won't rescue the gaming industrie?
That's indeed the case.
>Could it be, that pirates aren't the reason for so little sales?
That's right, they aren't.
>Could it be, that pirates are the reason, that a game gets publicity and pushes therefore the sales?
No, that's not the case at all.
>Could it be, that pirates buy the game later, after they see how good the game is?
user, you can count the times this has happened outside of >=75% sales with one hand, and at that point the game's life already ran its course as far as publishers are concerned.
I was going to buy it but it's $100 NZD and the season pass is another $74. Fuck that.
it was more enjoyable than what it was portrayed as. it isn't about "MUH SPEED" but rather instead of highlighting good points like marketing should do they showed only the bad
Source: your ass
>for months before release they ONLY showed console footage
This is the case with almost every FPS since the X360 era started.
Publishers fear showing K&M footage in marketing and trailers will make console players think they can get that level of accuracy, reaction and response times with a fucking gamepad then complain once they get the game and realize that wasn't the case at all.
Also one of the reasons why every game revealed at E3 is run on a PC but using a gamepad (The other is actually having a dude on stage playing or pretending to play)
>$80 USD for a game from a piece of shit company.
>he's a Canadian cuck
I know it's far from peak hours but those are a lot of shit games with more players. I'm so glad I don't buy flavor of the month shooters anymore.
Never seen a game doing that. It's either full game on discs plus the code to link to some distribution system (GTAV was six DVDs, and a decade ago we got things like UT2k4 on 6 CDs), or the code alone.
Since Blu-Ray will never become standard on PC, slips of paper with a printed code is going to be in 99% of AAA retail releases.
Fair enough. Give me the fucking option to mod this shit so I can add 100,000 Revenants then. After all Carmack didn't give a damn, released his source code, and that made his game timeless.
>he's a Canadian cuck
Australian cuck, you stupid cunt.
If you make quality products that are easy to get people won't pirate, simple as that. I never pirate because I'm not poor and I can get any game I want with a few clicks, but I don't do that with shit like DOOM.
I finally beat it today. Really amazing game. Best FPS I've played in years for sure.
>internet memes
what the fuck? I did not notice a single one. Did we play the same game?
8000 is really good considering nothing else even similar has half the fanbase
>what the fuck? I did not notice a single one. Did we play the same game?
There's arrow to the knee shit and Skyrim references I think.
But these days ANYTHING remotely resembling a joke or easter egg is now a "Meme".
>before the game came out everyone was shitting on it
>after it came out we were all pleasantly surprised at how good it was
>* the campaign is fun, but after two playthroughs for me I was done, there's nothing I would get out of playing again, I already know where everything is anyway
You mean you played through the fun campaign not once but TWICE and still complain? Most games you beat once and say "that was neat" and then move on. How high are your expectations that you expect to have some massive pool of entertainment per game you play? For most people 1 enjoyable single player campaign run is enough to justify a purchase.
VG Chartz has PS4/XBONE physical copies (not the keyword PHYSICAL) is just south of a million. Factor in Steam copies and PSN/XBL copies, you're at two million minimum.
Also, 1 million copies is not shabby for a game that languished in development hell for as long as Doom. Check the sales on the equally ill-fated Homefront sequel and see the difference.
>what the fuck? I did not notice a single one.
The whole game's overall design is a sign of that.
The whole focus on "RIP & TEAR", which is literally an old Doom meme, originating from the rare, never released Doom comics.
The fact that Bethesda even believes that OG Doom games were about rushing into enemy mobs and beating them to pulp with fists shows that they have never touched a single Doom game.
Finally somebody questions the op
Rented it via Redbox on PS4. I could see myself paying $20 $25 tops for the game on PC of course. The campaign was better than what I expected. Can't say much of the multiplayer as I didn't touch it. No need to pay full price for the game as the campaign won't have much replay after the first two or three (if that) runs.
Just be patient and save some money.
>Most games you beat once and say "that was neat" and then move on
Not him, but I hate such games. Majority of my entire library have at least some form of replayability, be it either alternative story or gameplay elements, or just enjoyable game mechanics in general.
To me, the original Doom is still a total blast to go back to on yearly basis, all because of its tight design and satisfying gameplay.
Mustards didn't want to buy it because the beta was horribad and the single player footage we saw was garbage
Consoletards I don't know but who the fuck would buy an FPS on a console?
This is one of those times where DRM ruined a release. If pirates had gotten the word of mouth around faster about single player being good people would have been more inclined to buy it.
>The fact that Bethesda even believes that OG Doom games were about rushing into enemy mobs and beating them to pulp with fists shows that they have never touched a single Doom game.
That's weird, I could of sworn that people always bragged about DOOM guy being so awesome because of that very reason and thats why the original DOOM games were so popular.
Damn shame...I have a Blu-Ray drive on my PC just because it was only ten more bucks than a standard DVD-Drive on Amazon. Never used it once thus far for Blu-Ray content, but I can envision an alternative present were Doom came to me on a single disc with the original Doom/Doom II/ BFG thrown in.
This would especially help those with shit internet or data caps. I have 200 mbs/sec cable but a 400 GB/month cap. Doom was 50 ish GB which was a bit rough.
>gotta download my gbs of wrestling and pornography after all.
Skyrim reference?
I missed that, and I played most levels at least twive. So there was 1 hidden meme joke and people complained?
I just beat Doom 1 and 2 prior to playing the new one and don't agree at all with you. Sure a lot of Doom was strafing around corners and bullets but a lot was also gratuitous ripping and tearing and chainsawing. Hell Doom 2 has a level full of barons of hell and 1 invincibility power up in the middle, as if the game is telling you "rush into this enemy mob and beat them into a pulp."
Seems you are just looking for things to complain about.
I get that, but you have to admit getting more than 1 enjoyable playthrough of a FPS game in 2014+2 is super rare. I think Doom deserves some praise for that.
>Almost no real marketing
>1 million
They still made a profit. Despite what contrarian faggots on Sup Forums want to say about people praising it being shills Betheshda obviously didn't spend a shit ton to market it.
...or you know, the glowing professional reviews and Twitter chatter worked as well. Bought myself the deluxe edition after seeing the handful of gaming press members I trust (primary GB) digging it hard.
I dunno man, that's peak not even a month after launch and there are plenty of older games with far higher numbers.
Probably true---Doom's MP is pretty basic. It's the campaign that was the hook and most people have likely finished it. We'll likely see a huge spike with the first sale.
>plenty of older games with far higher number
like what? reminder that the genre is arena fps. reflex has 30 players max. unreal tournament 4 has 100 players max. quake live, 300 peak hours global