It gets worse every year

>it gets worse every year
people have been saying this shit forever

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It get's better every year.

Why does she look like a new born baby? :3

You're just getting older and having less childlike wonder experienced at video games. Everything is getting better by the year.

You're retarded. I can measure the design in videogames in how it's gotten worse or better over the years and the only thing that's improved is technology.

How can any E3 compete with last year?

Microsoft is going to be typical movie games. Ubisoft won't have anything worthy. The only reason Sony is going to be okay is because they represent any game that is made on the PS4, so that includes Square and other devs. However, Im sketpical cause I feel like everyone is going to be shit, including Nintendo.

Nah dude, '99 was the best E3 and the Dreamcast, to this day, had best launch lineup of all time.

I don't know, man. Yesterday I played Majora's Mask for the first time in my life and I was fucking blown away. It had been years since a videogame made me feel like that.

and it's true

But it's true

>I can measure the design in videogames in how it's gotten worse or better over the years

Do tell

>Cherry-picking a single year
Go and find the best E3 from the last six or seven.

I don't know your experiences but if you JUST played MM yesterday you're probably still in the honeymoon phase.

>Go and find the best garbage from the dumpster.

>tfw no PS and the few games I'm looking forward to are gonna be at Sony's conference

>Everything is getting better by the year

By the way, are you a weeb?, i swear, most of the people saying that "videogames have a great future" are weebs. The rest are kids.

The destruction of AA devs, and also the exponentially increased cost of game development, means there are fewer games to look forward to, they take longer to come out, and devs have less opportunity to experiment.

In their heyday, Square was a golden goose, shitting out classics like it had virulent diarrhea. And they weren't the only ones. The sheer breadth of gameplay experiences available decades ago remains unparalleled.

How many TF2 clones are we going to see. MOBAs. CCGs. It seems like every major developer has the same lineup of games, with a different coat of paint. Completely uninteresting.

Neither of those describe me.

My only quirk in taste is a leaning towards strategy games and a dislike/high skip rate for most AAA franchises.

>Likes strategy games
>Stills thinks everything is getting better

What the fuck is you problem you fucking troll?

they didn't even start E3 this early until last year

I don't know how a weeb can say videogames have a great future, with how sjws having an effect on japan, however small it may be


>video games are getting worse every year
>more people are buying video games ever year

I honestly believe every year we have more and more posters where this is their first E3 and they don't "get it", but don't want to out themselves.

Well, everytime i said how the PS4 has no games or when i said that i don't understand how people can be excited by the e3 they reply me with a shitload of weeb panty games

That's just shitposting, user

2007 was a mistake

The technology got better, its the people (companies) and the crowd that have become worse.

it's literally always been nervous nerds and over confident coked up businessmen

literally every year forever it's always been the same, their budget grew and the graphix got better but it's always been like this

It kinda does.

The games I'm actually hyped for decreases every year. It's gotten to the point where my last E3 was 2014. I keep up with news, but E3 is a big marketing event where they try to get people hyped for them pre-orders.

Watching just kinda proves that you either had nothing else to do, or you're still trapped in the loop of Hype>Buy>Disappointment>repeat.

This E3 is finally making it sink for me that there is no return to the wonder I used to feel at new games as a kid. An upcoming AAA game used to be something to be excited about because you knew you were going to be treated to a polished experience with high production values and new, innovative features. Now it's all just a rehash of a rehash packed into an ever more designed package where you have less and less control and the depth is constantly getting shallower and shallower.

Remember when people used to tease or even bully you for playing vidya? Now the vidya is being made to cater to those people. This shit has gone full circle, it used to be that they thought that "why is user wasting time with those childlish games, I don't get it", now it's you thinking "how can those people waste time with those shitty games, I don't get it".

your problem is that you forgot video games are for fun

this is a phase, stop caring about video games so much and maybe one day they will make you happy again

It really was bad this year, EA was literally "We have no games, but look! Niggers!" the press conference. Every year gaming gets more mainstream and makes more money, which in turn leads to a focus on pandering to the lowest common denominator which means shit games marketed to retards and control freak nazis who need all games to be made according to their morals.

It really does get worse every year, the reason people say that is because it's not an overnight change, it's a gradual decline.

video games aren't fun anymore.

2015 was a lot better than previous years tho, besides the whole konami thing

they aren't fun when you try to have fun

a natural human doesn't have fun by trying to have fun

you need to learn how to live

On the contrary, It feels less and less like the presentations are meant to appeal to a mass audience, including children, and more like it's just designed to impress investors. That Dishonored presentation would have bored any child, there was nothing to be invested in unless you were some uneducated fat cat who could simply be wowed by the spectacle of watching someone play a video game.

nigga sony use to legitimately bring graphs and charts to E3

>they aren't fun when you try to have fun
>a natural human doesn't have fun by trying to have fun

>a natural human doesn't have fun by trying to have fun


I don't think the whole thing is fucked, but EA and Bethesda... it wasn't a matter of me not liking what they showed. They just hardly showed anything.
Bethesda was like 50% talking about games that were already out. You don't have to be a jaded manchild to find that shit boring.

Not denying thats what its mostly been but you're lying if you cant admit either group has somewhat changed.

The coked up businessmen have gotten better at bullshitting people as the industry grew (probably due to hiring not as shitty ones) and the nervous nerds have gotten older and in some ways become either:

A. More self-righteous/pretentious
B. More cringeworthy
C. Drawn from a more diverse group of demographics
D. All of the above


triggered the retarded nostalgiafags that would rather enable their shitty pessimistic bitching rather than go out and enjoy life

and games


OK, go ahead and give me a list of games worth actually giving a damn about, and no, I don't mean your consolewarrior list of """""""""""exclusives""""""""""" that include borderline shovelware.

>On the contrary, It feels less and less like the presentations are meant to appeal to a mass audience, including children, and more like it's just designed to impress investors

this is true

all the presentations try so hard to sell an impression or an idea behind the game or a developer, they actually don't want to show what the games are like

What's worth enjoying at E3 this year

>I don't mean your consolewarrior list of """""""""""exclusives""""""""""" that include borderline shovelware.
We haven't even gotten to that part yet.

dudes ex: mankind divided

that's the only one



Skyrim HD, duh?

>blink 182

modern video games are for profit

the same exact games are released yearly, with a new name and new textures.

It can be what's worth looking forward to, I refuse to believe there's any real surprises left at E3 anymore.

This list is still almost non-existant, and no, shit that's been at E3 before doesn't count. This week DOES mean less and less every year to everyone but normies.

There are more free and non-profit games than there's ever been

>consolewarrior list of """""""""""exclusives""""""""""" that include borderline shovelware.

I gag a little every time I see a list of "good exclusives" that include movie or capeshit tie-ins

>non-profit games
Any examples of recent ones?

There are websites full of them bub

literally type io in google

E3 is a fucking joke, do you all seriously get entertained by watching middle aged salesmen introduce ESPN features, comically overdramatic trailers for multiplayer console shooters that last 10+ minutes, hamfisted attempts to introduce stillborn IPs from washed up developers, and montages of games you already knew were coming out?

Tell me, what was the last time an announcement at E3 filled you with uncontrollable glee AND that game delivered, even in the slightest way?

There's no reason to get excited for this shit any longer.

BF1 looks cool. EA has always been the worst.

For the past few years all we have been watching for is trainwrecks and fuck-ups

E3 is 'entertaining' when a company announces a new console just for the shitstorm in produces

And all of them are right

Fallout 4 last year

>only EA and Bethesda today
>two garbage companies
>the better conferences haven't happened yet

So far we had EA and Bethesda, those are always the most boring ones.

I missed the days when E3 was a cringe fest. Anyone remember the Circus shit Microsoft pulled?

Go to bed Todd

>those are always the most boring ones.
>bethesdas first presentation was last year
>it was the best one last year

seriously want newfags to go

Doomed was pretty great


It's not the things they're showing that are entertaining, it's how shitty they are, and how retarded their presentations get.

Six years ago people called the 2010 e3 the worse ever

Now you faggots look on it fondly as a good ol' time

OP is right, it's the same shit every year. Very rarely is anything actually surprising because stuff always leaks before, the cringe of the presentations is still the same and the amount of shitposts are the same.

Then it's over and we do it all again the next year.

Learn to appreciate what e3 is and isn't and perhaps you'll have a good time on Sup Forums during it. It's still fun and it's easily one of best times of year to be on this shit website. At least for me.

>people ignoring the only right post in this thread

>Two of the worst companies in gaming are opening on the first day
>Surprised no good games are shown
Fuck off you literal retard. Wait for the good companies to come on before you complain.

Everything's checking out. People don't go to EA/Ubisoft conferences looking for video games. It's actually a bad thing if anything that used to be good shows up there, because it's guaranteed to be trash.

EA/Ubisoft/Bethesda/Microsoft exist at E3 purely to be mocked.

It's true. I haven't bothered watching an E3 in 5 years. But my little brother who is 12 is so hyped right now for tomorrow.

It's a kid thing. And we were kids when E3 1999 was a thing, or when Nintendo revealed twilight princess in 2004. We're not so little anymore. The novelty has worn off. 10 000 years ago all of us at this age would have been married with children and a life time of experience and stories. But the reality is is that you're all NEETs that just bitch and moan that E3 isn't good.

This is the kind of person who votes for Hillary.

I don't support either Trump before anyone says anything.

>It's a kid thing
I'm 28, have a wife and a daughter, and I'm pumped as hell for E3 still.

Sure, I'm a "kid".

I voted for Trump and I support that mentality as well. Maybe you're just a retarded pessimist?

I've seen 28 year old man-children that play with MLP toys and watch the show. So what's your point? That you're proud to be a freak?

This is a very convenient argument that neglects all of the details. It abstains from critical review of the content being given and comparisons with content from previous decades. It overlooks the drastic changes in money flows and corporate structures and interests.
Technology and money have gone up, substance and care have gone down.


You're incorrect, I voted for Trump in the primary and will do so in the general election. Do not resort to personal attacks when you find your arguments lacking in substance like the radical left does.

>more casuals
>implying this is a good thing

I was there in the early 2000s when people were trashing games from the '90s and ANYTHING rendered in 3D with polygons, claiming only truly good games were made with sprites, period. Back then these people called the PS2 a pile of shit and considered the Super NES to be the last video gaming console with quality content. FPS games of then like Quake and Halo got called garbage as much as Far Cry and Call of Duty do now. People were lamenting the death of the 2D platformer and adventure games, badmouthing the emerging styles of game design for being inferior formats driving "true" video games out. Some actually defended cartridges and blamed optical media for making then-modern game design "sins" possible. PC gaming was blamed for the standardization of incomplete-on-release products requiring patches. FFVI was the last good Final Fantasy. Yoshi's Island was the last good Super Mario game. A Link to the Past was the last good LoZ game.

It never changes. Ever.

To add onto that, game designers have become worse and worse at conveying information. I was hoping the Souls series was just a fluke with those vague and unhelpful stats, but every game coming out is like that. I guess that's what happens when people who don't write technical manuals start making games.

In every age, the deeds of men remain the same.

The last two years have been fairly good for vidya. 2012-2014 were terrible if not the worst years by far.

Remember when Video Game Gameplay Trailers used to have..."Gameplay" in them?

2010 was the last great one
Sony's 2013 was also pretty nice but everyone else sucked
The Treehouse stream in 2014 was really good
The problem is that aside from some highlights there aren't as many hilariously bad ones like RIIIIIIIIDGE RACER or 599 US DOLLARS or Microsoft's entire 2010 conference
Everything's just mediocre and boring