Hyped as fuck for starfox zero

>hyped as fuck for starfox zero
>waited 10 years
>man this is gonna be good
>all the footage looked amazing
>finally the day comes
>play it as soon as I get home from work
>have a decent amount of fun until get to andross
>man this fight is pretty annoying
>Well ill finish it tomorrow
>have only played it one more time since then
>slowly painfully realize I don't really like the game
>a lot of the boss fights are an all range mode mess
>I've seen the ending and and they somehow made the 64 one even lamer
>mfw I waited 10 years for this
>mfw im ok with starfox being a dead franchise now

Ce la vie

Play the new Kid Icarus.
It's the last actually good Starfox game to be released.

Nintendo is the dumbest company. They've got great IPs and they have spent the last 6 years just fucking ruining them. It would be so easy to go into Nintendo, take their IPs, and make a solid game for each one. There's like 8 different spin off potentials for each one too. You could easily take the Starfox IP and make an FPS/TPS. You could easily do a tactics game with the Zelda IP. I despise Nintendo. They've got the resources, the IPs, and the teams to make decent games, but their leadership is straight fucked.

I'm just depressed

I don't even care about the new Zelda anymore too

Fuck should I get a playstation or xbox

Wait to see what the xbox s is priced at and if ps4 gets a price drop.

and play what?

no seriously -- first you make a list of games then you choose console/hardware

Don't listen to these meme men. Kid Icarus was pretty shit.

It's alright but Of Myths and Monsters is the best one.

>was pretty shit
I liked it, though.
It was really fun.

Star Fox Zero reminded me that Star Fox was never that great of a franchise.
Seriously, replaying the older games after playing Zero made me look past the nostalgia and realize that the games weren't really special at all.
You have linear levels without compelling hooks at sub-par framerates with bland gameplay. The stories are always shit, the later games started appealing to furfags, and the most memorable dialogue is a fucking tutorial.
It's time for the Star Fox franchise to be killed off and for something new to take its place.
I'd recommend that Kid Icarus do it, but a ton of Uprising's appeal came from the insane amount of work and polish that went into it - that's something that's just not feasible to base a franchise on.
Are there any series that consistently do the Star Fox thing but well?

Dude, Starfox looked shitty right from the get go and we all knew it. Zelda has looked great the whole time. Just wait for the NX reveal. If it sucks, jump ship and get Zelda for Wii U and be done with it. If it's cool, then come be happy with your fellow nintenbros.

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

You missed Sup Forums by a country mile.
Everyone knows you don't play video games.

Kid Icarus was really good however

Literally exactly me except I haven't picked it up since the first day I played it, I got to Andross in one sitting, turned it off because he was annoying me and said I'd come back and finish him later, and I haven't touched it since.

This sucks, man.

I couldn't beat andross day one, gave it a day break, then got back to it and beat him right away. The whole game was fun and enjoyable but could have been equally so without motion controls

>be so shit you get destroyed by a nintendo game and claim it sucks just because you can't beat it.

No it sucks because it sucks and I have no interest in picking it up again. If the game was challenging like you claim I wouldn't have made it to Andross 3 hours after turning it on for the first time, bud.

Andross actually taking effort to pass after the snoozefest that was the rest of the game is the second most surprising fact about the whole experience after the fact that the game itself turned out to be bad.

I had the exact opposite experience.

>It's like he had to show me a negative so that I could see the positive.

Replaying Star Fox 64 made me realize how amazing it was.

Here you had a team that barely had any experience working in a 3D realm that understood how to make an awkward as fuck system create smooth gameplay on an XYZ plane (as opposed to the PSOne, which always struggled with including the Z-axis) that created

>A cast of memorable characters
>Great soundtrack with nothing but fancy midi
>Interesting ship designs
>Well designed bosses

With Star Fox Zero we had a game ruined by mandated mechanics nobody wanted, lame as fuck vehicles (chicken walker, the Gyrowing)

Fuck, even when SF64 was slow it was still pushing the limits. The Blue Marine was slow but that was some impressive shit, adding both water effects AND real time lighting?

It's like the stars aligned for Star Fox 64. And that was our one shot at greatness.

Similar feel when I played Ninja Gaiden 3

Go play Kirby Robobot.

For the final boss fight it plays like starfox, HAL can make a better starfox then Miyamoto can.

You're definitely entitled to your opinion, and I'm glad that there are people out there who can take their nostalgia goggles off and still enjoy the game.
I'm just not one of them.

Walker is from SF2 and was remade into landmaster for 64

The thing that makes me mad is that I actually like the controls. Like that's not the issue for me at all.

But damn, and especially with that The Battle Begins sending my hype into fucking warp speed, like implying that there's some shady conspiracy shit going on between Pepper and peppy

And then it's like oh..m nevermind

Yes, I know the history of Star Fox.

But just because the chicken walker was from an earlier work doesn't make it good.

The Forever Train and Slippy's rescue were levels designed around the landmaster to take advantage of what made it different from the arwing.

The chicken walker in Star Fox Zero is just slow and tedious (but not nearly as bad as the Gyrowring. Fuck that thing)

This. Kid icarus only took development time away from sm4sh

But Ninja Gaiden 3 was good, you niggerfaggot

>Ninja Gaiden 3
>Remotely enjoyable

Not who you're talking to but you need Razer's Edge to make it even passable

>Zelda has looked great the whole time

We've seen barely anything

I really wanted to enjoy the game and gave people defending it on Sup Forums benefit of the doubt, by just asking for advice with the controls since most of the game was infuriating and even then nobody gave advice. In the end I just have to believe that it was just shitposters and people who believe Nintendo do no wrong saying it was great

>But Ninja Gaiden 3 was good

>giving a fuck about smash 4
underage b&

Stafrox is inferior in every regard to Panzer Dragoon anyway. Anyone with a semblance taste would know that.

But what we have seen has been great