So this is what we've all been waiting for?
Let the Disappointment sink in
So this is what we've all been waiting for?
>the remaster doesn't even have improved textures, it's just more shaders slapped on top of the base game
Left: official vision of the creator
Right: a mishmash of textures created by unacquainted hobbyists
Anyone who respects video games as an art form will choose the former.
this. right looks like a joke. a shiny joke
Left looks better
>shaders and blur
Yah this was pretty much what I was expecting.
>So this is what we've all been waiting for?
No, who the fuck was waiting on a console remaster of a fucking elder scrolls game?
Shoo shoo pcuck.
Like, really.
left looks better by far
Right looks way too cartoony and fake. Left is more realistic.
>All that brown
STFU you pcuck with your damage control shit.
Left looks a lot better than your bloomy mods.
really makes you think . . . . .
Why is nobody talking about the improved snow shading? Skyrim's snow looked like hot garbage.
No you faggot it just means Enderal will end up looking even better now.
I don't give a fuck tbqhwy family.
a basic enb, maybe a flora overhaul mod on the vanilla
one of the complex enbs, flora overhaul mods, ground foliage overhaul mods
mods still win and unless the remaster comes with sufficient re-added content that goes beyond what mods re-added, it simply isn't worth it.
All of Skyrim looked like hot garbage.
Why are there so many people defending this.
>brown and blur out the fucking ass
So they made it a modern FPS game?
Modern FPS aren't brown twat
Never read much into adaptations? Satire? Parody?
Improving on or changing art is just as much an art as creating something original.
to be fair, you can't even play the game when it looks like right. Grass mods wreck the game.
But left is still lazy garbage.
I didn't even get excited at all. Another conference that was fucking shit.
Good to see Bethesda going back on their promises. What happened to those frequent updates they hinted at that would bring new features they hinted at.
Oh they're just making it DLC.
>implying Bethesda had a "vision" for their game aesthetic
Sure is autism in this thread
>changing art is just as much an art
Yeah bad art, none of those mods fit the theme, setting, and tone of Skyrim
For the retards that don't understand that this is a good thing for PC users, this is using the Fallout 4 engine meaning we're getting enhanced lighting effects, better asset distribution due to the 32-bit restriction being lifted, physically based rendering and this will lead to better looking/better performing mods in the future.
Hi Todd
90% of Sup Forums dont get it.
Not even pCucks
Shit family it looks like they made the colors even more dull. It's like they saw the recent New Vegas dicksucking and thought that people wanted brown filters instead of good games.
have you played fo4? literally everyone plays god rays low or off because it tanks fps to 10. now we get same treatment with skyrim
Meanwhile ENB support for DX11 games is much worse (modded F4 looks worse than modded skyrim) and every mod more complicated than a retex has to be re-written for the updated engine
the sad part is retards will actually buy the PC "remaster" instead of just modding it for fucking free.
So are you saying either left is good or vidya is not art?
enjoy crashing every 2 seconds pkek
im gonna enjoy a QUALITY REFINED experience from Bethesda (trademark) Softworks
>no new content
What the fuck is the point? If console players have money to throw away on this they probably have enough money for a decent PC.
But the game is shit
>trying this hard to be a contrarian
Pic related OP
God rays aren't what I'm talking about. Physically based rendering from Fallout 4 is coming to Skyrim and it will make things look much better. Especially characters and armor.
>Fallout 4 looks worse than Skyrim
That has everything to do with the "painted" art style of FO4 and the general inventiveness of TES' modding community versus Fallout
>using ENB in 2016
Reshade is a thing you know.
What if you mod the remastered version?
>this is a good thing
>Fallout 4 engine
Say again?
>console peasants don't eve know enb can be completely customized and could easily recreate the the left side
Post processing fags can fuck off.
I've yet to see it
Reshade looks worse than vanilla
May as well use an instagram filter
That's what I was thinking.
>just slap a yellow filter on it, see how much better it looks?
if it's so customizable why does it always look like shit? i've never seen an enb screenshot that wasn't aesthetically tasteless
it's always
>washout grainy bland
>high contrast MLG ugly
>just really goddam dark
>goofy and gaudy color pallet
i'm alright thanks
I think it is sunset. The snow remastered screenshot looks normal.
>the remaster doesn't jack saturation to 11 and actually improves the look of the game and not just blinds the player.
Oh god why did they add a piss filter
got a mod list for that? havent seen swimming animations or head bobbing as nice as that.
>yfw it's DX12 and Boris can't ENB it
>It'll be a much better graphical base to mod asa starting point, but you won't be able to
Toppest keks
Remaster has better atmosphere
not saying it's worth it as it's far from being worth $20 but modded seems absolute balls to play
Toddyboy confirmed that textures are higher resolution than the HD addon
Can someone explain to me why in the everloving fuck anyone would CHOOSE to play Skyrim? In 20fucking16?
This isn't a joke, I'm serious. Why?
it's sunset. the other screenshots aren't yellow.
Jesus that looks like garbage. How do people play with such modded mismatch of contrast, reflection, brightness, saturation, aliasing, etc.. This is why I don't use enb.
agreed 100%
Even for sunset that filter is fucking hideous and needs to be turned down a notch or ten
ENB is shit, good riddance.
and most mods will be fine. it's the same game on the same engine with most the same assets.
>Anyone who respects video games as an art form will choose the former.
What did he mean by this?
>all these assblasted sonycucks that have to pay again
cry more
Yes, but they're just upscaled versions of the original 512x512 textures.
The studio is fucking cut-rate hacks, they're not making new textures for a 5 year old game.
Please post a screen of yours to show how much better it is
What else am I going to play? I already beat the Witcher 3 and TES games have a ton of replay value.
Is it just graphics or will the combat get improved?
>modded version requires $2000 peecee
>remaster runs fine on my $299 ps4
Name another RPG in that style that's more worth playing.
Have you ever been outside? Things have different textures, color intensity, reflectivity, etc. Oh wait you're probably a ausfag shitposter who only ever sees dirt and snakes
todd didn't make the remaster. they outsourced it to their montreal child studio
vampire waifu
I will when the remaster comes out
that water looks awful
I like what I've done with the game so far and I fear the upgrade will ruin it all. Is there a way to prevent it?
Skyrim isn't an RPG.
Also, what the fuck? Just because there's no good open world RPGs from modern AAA studios, you automatically go slurp from the shit fountain? Because it's the best you can think of doing?
nice damage control
Random hobbyists make a game look better than developers did
Because they are no rpgs out there that lets me explore a huge world, dungeons, kill npcs, make my own character, and let me modify the game in any way I want?
pffffft lol
So, a cut-rate shithouse outsourced to the lowest bidder of cut-rate shithouses who can't get funding to do their own work.
Yeah, that's a recipe for good things.
>we need to add more trees!!!!!!
This looks like the town in the Wizard of Oz where the yellow brick road starts
>in the middle of a grassland/ tundra
>10 fps
i built my pc for $900 in 2013 and it still runs games fine. in fact, my pc runs fallout 4 at WAAAAAAAAAAY better settings, framerate, and resolution than the ps4 does. and since skyrim remaster is most likely just skyrim ported to fallout 4's version of the engine, i'll be able to run this better than your ps4 as well
also, i get the game for free :)
enjoy buying the ps4 neo btw :)
And Skyrim doesn't let you do any of that either.
You still didn't answer my question
actually one GTX680 runs just fun at 60fps
>Skyrim isn't an RPG.
Yes it is.
Why would they when modders will do it for them?
Why does your skyrim look like fucking candyland?
Seriously, tone down everything.
I don't think trees that green exist
No its not, there is no roleplaying
it's not a bidder, it's their actual child studio that they own