So Sup Forums I really loved DA:I, and everyone suggested I get Witcher 3 and told me to kill myself

So Sup Forums I really loved DA:I, and everyone suggested I get Witcher 3 and told me to kill myself.

>took advice
>got witcher 3
>am not liking it as much as I thought, but am only about 20 hours in
>does it have a point when it starts to get better, or is it just not my kind of game?

or something something kill myself

>I really loved DA:I
stick to the bioware games friend, you should also check out skyrim and fallout 4 if you didin't already

: ^)

>I really loved DA:I
something something kill yourself

well I didn't like DA:I and I didn't like witcher 3 either

you should put some consideration into committing suicide

>or something something kill myself

Go back to gaping yourself with a dildo

exactly how much is enough?

>I really love DA:I

There wont be dick on dick stories here

Until you get to 'I'll do it'.

I can't think of a single thing DA:I does that the Witcher 3 doesn't do better, except maybe If you prefer party based combat, I guess.

you should look into different techniques and buy some of the equpment needed and keep it in your closet so it's ready to be used if needed

lemme guess
DA:I and 3 are your first games in their series right?

Funny thread.

I also kind of liked DA:I.

I found W3 to be unplayable, though.

Try the recent Atelier series.
They're fantasy rpg's with team mechanics, easy combat, virtually no lose conditions, and lots of homosexuals.

>played The Witcher 3 when it first came out
>didn't really like it, didn't know half of the characters and didn't care about any characters that I felt I was supposed to care about
>decided to play the first and second games
>loved The Witcher 3

>Likes DA:I.

Omar Mateen should have gotten you faggot.

>I really loved DA:I,

Didn't all you faggots die in a gay club yesterday?

Should try killing yourself since he obviously missed one

who are you quoting?

>>does it have a point when it starts to get better, or is it just not my kind of game?

20 hours in and you still don't like it? I think it's just not your cup of tea. You gave it a fair shake and there are sure as fuck many many more hours of game in front of you but if you are not into it by now you might never be.

Most people love the Bloody Baron quest chain so if you haven't finished that yet I'd say at least play through the rest of that.

>loved da:I

How do people like this exist

Get to Novigrad. For most people who don't like it immediately, the game clicks for them when they reach Novigrad.

>but am only about 20 hours in
>does it have a point when it starts to get better
we don't know where you are
you said you loved DA:I so we could assume that you're braindead and still in the first map
yeah it gets better than the first map

>really loved DA:I


DA2 was my first. I enjoyed that a lot. Fell in love with the combat.

>people started at 3
>"I'm a huge fan of DA:I"

Jesus christ.

better than da2 at least, that game should have killed bioware

>I really loved DA:I
There's your problem, you're just retarded.
You already know the drill it seems, get to it.

2 was awful and 1 was great until I decided to replay it again recently.

>I really loved DA:I

I'm sorry to hear that user.

Read the books man, makes that great experience even better.