Weekend is over

>Weekend is over
>Back to work tomorrow
What video games did you play over the weekend to distract you from the drudgery of work?

I played TW:Warhammer. Good game but its tedious as shit in the late game

>not taking a week off work to walk down the boulevard of broken dreams aka e3

witcher 3, the expansions are pretty fucking good
writing this from my office

>He works on the weekend

i dont live in burgerland, its 9am here

Etrian Odyssey 4

I'm going to beat it this time seriously you guys.

>being a wageslave

>tfw worked 40 hours in 3 day weekend and have rest of the week off to game

>that glorious feel when you're a NEET and every day is weekend

>not making over 55 an hour, in your 20s

Enjoy your mom's breakfast tomorrow.

>Enjoy your mom's breakfast tomorrow
i will

enjoy being a literal slave

I work weekends almost exclusively. My weekend is Monday-Tuesday.

>Today is the start of my Friday

But I play Civ during the week since it keeps me motivated to go home and continue my game.

>That feeling when days begin to blend together

my last 3-4 days were exactly the same


You can always get new hobbies or get a job for a little while to get some spare cash.

I'm stuck in the vicious cycle of working to save up some money then I neet it up and get another job

>going to work

Why do you even quit?

I get my dose of social life, repetition, and annoyances. Then return to the solitude, silence, and comfort of being alone.
Then when I feel the need to be more social I get another job to start it all over.
However it is nice to build up work experience and usually go to a better job each time

>thought last week was yesterday
>now it's today
At least I have money.

to be fair that happens to wageslaves as well, it's just that instead of blending in all days they blend in weekdays and weekends separately.

as a neet you're more limited by your laziness than money, wageslaves can't do anything crazy without their world falling apart

Your parents obviously never hit you hard enough

>I get my dose of social life
>tfw programmer
if you're not in a senior/manager position, you are kind of expected to be social caveman