quick question Sup Forums, my ps4 friends want me to get overwatch but there's no ranked. do the matches even *matter*?
Quick question Sup Forums, my ps4 friends want me to get overwatch but there's no ranked. do the matches even *matter*?
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pretty sure people just want ranked matches because they feel like it will filter out the shitty players. it wont.
i dont understand why people take the game seriously.
all you do is just level up just so you can get loot boxes.
nothing really *matters* you fucking inbred, assign your own value to things
if you have fun with a game it will probably *matter* to you
you are so retarded
I was simply asking what you even gain by constantly playing matches, no need to get philosophical buddy
you gain a few more hours on your way to the fucking grave asshole
ok kyle
and what do you gain by playing ranked matches?
literally nothing, its the same as unranked except you get a shiny bronze badge on your profile for being a shitter
now get out with your competitive shitfest
my name isn't kyle, but it was fun getting all euphoric with you
bye dude
Ranked is supposed to give you better quality matches and it did in closed beta. However, not sure how MM will work now that it's in wide release.
you level up, as you level up, you will be matched with people who are also more leveled up, thus eventually having a team of high level players.
however even people who only play
AI level up so, levels are mostly meaningless
The meta is in an awkward spot at the moment. I wouldn't be surprised if they delay the addition of ranked play until its sorted out. The huge issue is whether or not a one-hero-per-team limit should be enforced. I was reading an interesting article about it: basically, the limit being introduced fixes a lot of stuff that was wrong and breaks a lot of stuff that was right.
Also, ranked will be shitty anyway. Ranked will make unranked better, as is usually the case, because all of the mmr-obsessed retards who wreck teams will be playing ranked. Trust me, unless you are in the top 5% of players your ranked matches don't *matter* any more than your unranked matches do. Stop being delusional.
hm i don't know maybe quality, balanced matches? even rocket league has ranked play for this very reason
i play UT and 1.6 for years and noone needed a ranked system
fuck off
well without ranked i can't even climb my way to top 5%
You'd think but it really, really doesn't work that way.
Honestly, ranked and unranked are pretty similar, but ranked is full of obnoxious tryhards. I experienced this when they introduced ranked in DotA 2, I just don't like it
Yes you can. You know, you can be very very good at the game (good enough to go pro) without having a high MMR. It happens all the damn time.
Besides, being a pro is about way, way more than having a good MMR.
Having a ladder system would prioritize rank gain over fun, have you ever wondered why the league community is so shit?
Because they implemented the ranked system in s1
Don't play the game if you don't play it for fun
Sup Forums never changes
no. league is awful because if you mess up in the first 5 seconds of the game everybody starts crying. good try though
>whether or not a one-hero-per-team limit should be enforced
I don't even know why thats a topic of debate. Why WOULD they limit choice? Both teams can make all the same choices anyway. If the enemy plays a whole team of reapers you can play a whole team of mcree and pharahs to counter them. Whats the problem?
Explores the pretty drastic effect that the one-hero limit had on picking decisions.
Towards the end, he has a section about why its a good thing and why its a bad thing.
Good: Higher hero diversity (no more double McCree), rewards niche heroes, boosts heroes that are slightly weaker than top-tier picks in the same role (eliminates "Why stuff like "Why take 76 when I can just have a second McCree?")
Bad: Team composition diversity is way lower (i.e. you see the same 6 heroes in the same situations, even if those heroes are more diverse, the composition is not), eliminates innovative strategies, and the hero pool is too small.
Imo the worst problem is the last one. 21 heroes isn't enough to work with. I mean, look at DotA 2: There's a one-hero limit per game (Not just per team), but over 100 heroes to pick from, and very few heroes that are 'unpickable'.
Meanwhile in Overwatch, you have 'unpickable heroes'. You can debate this to an extent, but nobody will disagree that Zenyatta, Torbjorn, and Bastion are unpickable. Even eliminating just these 3, you've dropped the selection down to 6 heroes out of 18.
Does a game have to have a ranked system for OP to enjoy it? You cant just have fun whether you win or lose?
Jesus christ, just stay in your shitty moba if your going to be like that.
>ranked mode brings together quality, balanced matches with people who care about winning
have you ever tried a game with a ranked system?
go play league of legends or dota, then tell me how much people care about winning in those ranked modes.
>Because they implemented the ranked system in s1
No... it's because one persons mistake can lead to a loss. So everyones mentality is "do not fuck up" and when someone does everyone points fingers and throw a tantrum.
It's a flaw in the game design.
This isn't true at all, I started playing pre-s1 and people didn't give a shit about winning, meta wasn't a thing either and people were just having fun.
When riot introduced the ranking system (elo back then) people started thriving to be the best, enforcing metas, last hitting properly, utilizing the jungle, and so on and their main objective changed from having fun to winning the game (obviously people still wanted to win before but they didn't sacrifice the "fun" part to achieve their goal).
Don't talk about things you have no clue about.
CS 1.6 and Source, Quake, UT and many other games existed for a long time without proper ladder system and the community wasn't (that) shit either. Now look at league and dota 2 and now look at the old dota (wc3 mod) where people didn't rage all day all night but I doubt any of you ever played that.
Why have ranked? The difference between a highly skilled player and a drooling retard is negated to nill in these types of games.
Also to add that implementing a ladder system into a team based game where your individual skill barely matters will make the community shit because they WILL blame each other.
Hitscan weapons makes it a joke on any system. So competitive play is a huge no.
Plus when has fun had to matter?