Did you like the DOOM demo, user?
Did you like the DOOM demo, user?
Other urls found in this thread:
it was aight
>"""""""""''gaming"""""""" laptop
>Put to download it
>Hype af
>It finished
>5 FPS in the fucking intro
>"Well i think is just a bugged intro"
>Game start
>2 FPS
>23-26 FPS at minimum
Back to garry's mod...
Yea for the most part I'm downloading this to test my rig
Were there graphics options?
You only can change it ingame
I got 2 FPS at the Bethesda logo and figured I couldn't run it, then the actual game starts and ran fine. Wtf.
>all low 1080
>50-60 fps with stuttering
I'm 960 and getting 30 fps at times
what the fuck
I don't know, help
I havent beat it yet but it runs fine on my toaster at lower settings.
pretty fun, but im still going to wait till its 5 bucks
did you try to lower resolution?
Yes i did. It helped to increase the FPS but the game looked like playdoh
Driver version?
sounds like you need to fix your fucking toaster. im on a 970 using 1080 and everything Ultra. not a single drop below 60
No idea, just got the card before Christmas and haven't updated it since because I had no need. Just wondering, because I had everything on high and it would sometimes dip to 30 if there was a lot on the screen. When I buy the full version I'll mess with it more. Half the options I have no idea what they do so I didn't know what to adjust.
i was messing around with the nvidia control panel and i found that my drivers was outdated, i just updated and guess what? DOOM is running at (probrably) 60 fps at maximum.
Holy shit im so fucking happy
What do u do in garrys mod
How outdated? here btw.
Go to advanced settings and at the bottom you can click the thing to tell you the fps as you play.
holy shit..... drivers can increase your fps... on pc..... like that?? why dont we have drivers on consoles bros?
You do, dummy. Or else the games wouldn't run.
I forgot to mention, i just didnt updated my drivers, i changed some options on the control panel and changed the energy consumption.
I didnt know that my laptop could hold something like DOOM
Seems like changing the settings fucks with your FPS unless you restart the game, anyone else noticing this?
Na man, the game's gorgeous even in low.
You ever choice this setting or you can't play, the choice is fastly made.
Showing some low settings:
>You ever choice this setting or you can't play, the choice is fastly made.
>Low and Medium Shadows are a 2 FPS difference
That's bullshit, going from Low Shadows to Medium Shadows drops my 60 frames to 25-30 frames
>You ever choice this setting or you can't play, the choice is fastly made.
>garry's mod
You are the cancer that widespreads the satanic steam train overseered by The Sinful Gabe.
Killing yourself is such a wishful grant, i bless you eternal feels and nogf and heaven bless onto ye as whiteknight.
What kind of autism did I present to get that ? Enlighten me please.
Gee, i fucking wonder.
Yes, I'm happy to know it would run on my computer now.
I plan to buy it the next chance I get to be quite honest with you, family.
fuck you todd im bringing out dark todd
Sometimes mine doesn't default on the settings that it needs to make the game run like dogshit, such as DS3
Meanwhile my rig:
high preset, SSAO
80-55 fps, usually steady 65 fps
Update your drivers, I was playing earlier and I was getting like, 30-60 and now I'm at 70-130
Fug forgot
Palit Gtx 770 2gb
i5 4670
8 gigs of ram.
Battlefront drivers, not falling for "update your drivers every game goy, it will run buttery smooth!" meme.
Why the fuck are people with 770's reporting so much difference in performance? Is nvidia cucking old gpu's real?
kek'd out loud
Same deal. I couldn't get past the intro. Fuck it, uninstalled.
I know it's my drivers, but honestly I'd rather not play the game of russian roulette that is downloading new nvidia graphics drivers.
Is this something like Hide and Kojima? Will Todd and dark Todd have a fight? Who's gonna make the best Fallout and TES games?
Sounds like a VRAM issue then. As soon as the game needs more than you have, frames will tank.
Also, new doom is really sensitive to loading times and hard drive performance, if you don't have a big SSD to install it on you will run into occasional issues.
Where can I get it? I'd like to actually see if my new computer can run it.
>You ever choice this setting or you can't play, the choice is fastly made.
You ok bud?
The new driver is safe, mate. I can confirm this to you.
If it's ever not safe you'll probably hear about it on Sup Forums immediately.
>boot up the demo
>Motion Blur is at maximum
>Chromatic Aberration on
>lens flare and bloom on
>default mouse sensitivity takes a day to target another demon
Who in the hell thought that was a great default setting. In any case, it was alright once you get to the actual game. Pretty fast and satisfying to play as. I only have a few big complaint.
The lack of a double jump requires you to vault everywhere. It makes for some decent enough platforming because you can't just boost up to a large armor power-up, but it breaks the flow a lot. It's the one thing I miss from the multiplayer beta.
Ammo could be a bit more plentiful. There's never so little that you're up a creek without it, but the amount you do find at a time is pretty abysmal. It ends up mostly being a rush from pile to pile, and it doesn't help that your capacity is so low. The worst part is that I'm guessing it was to be a bit of a joke that the high-tech laser pistol blows compared to the hard metal shotgun even while using the charge shot, but it wears off quick considering how much you will need to use it for headshots between drops of ammo.
Finally is the Glory Kill system and enemy drops. It feels like this was their alternative to giving the player a lot of ammo capacity and it really breaks up the flow of the game. I wish there was an option to turn off Glory Kills so that any supply drops come from just normal kills and that I could rely on meleeing an enemy without having to sit through an animation. It's not too bad considering how satisfying it is a lot of the time, but I like running and gunning, not having to sit through how they feel DOOM is meant to be presented.
Other than that, probably going to buy the game on sale