ME3 at E3

Are you excited for new Mass Effect?

got the big jew nose down pat

>bioware garbage

She has a vagina, who gives a shit?
ME has always allowed for gamer to choose between genders

I'm still excited for it, but I'm a very shallow person and don't really care much about video games.

Couldn't even get through the first game before getting bored, so no.

Was that supposed to be Ashley?

Thought she looked more like Michele Rodriguez.

Good to have you back my favorite space racist

>everyone is Anita Sarkesian now

Go home gamer gate you're drunk

jesus christ bioware loves to make ugly women now




i hate her but this is a big stretch

Thumbnail looks like skywalker lol

>natural eyebrows
>no bozo red lipstick
>no chonga hoops
>not jessica "cancer arms" chobot

would consider romancing for the achievement/10

>natural eyebrows
fucking idiot.

Anita needs to STOP plucking her eyebrows and actually let them grow. Fucking disgusting pencil thin shit.

OP just because a character is trans doesn't also make her Anita.

how we go from this...


She, the blonde or the Rihanna looking one should have won.

Instead we got the frecklebeast. THIS



The blonde did win but bioware gave into their retarded fanbase on their forums who were crying about muh Barbie

get out of me swamp

Yes. Did they show multiplayer ?

Fucking lol



>mocking america's castrated

Ppffffffttt hahahahahaha fuck you

I personally think she looks breath-taking.

Gonna waifu her for life.


My thirst for this game is too much.

>bioware made this

They only allowed the garlic bread choice. Time for more genders!

No, I'm not buying any EA games anymore.

>character interractions
>good/bad side run
>mako exploration
>weapon customization and unique armor sets
ye cant wait too bad its coming out 2017