Is Hero FPS the next meme genre?

Is Hero FPS the next meme genre?

Hopefully, because its actually good.

>old school quake players want a return to old school arena FPS
>"i know, let's make a game like overwatch and slap the quake name on it!"

this misses the mark so badly that it's actually funny. if i don't laugh, i'll cry.

>has some special abilities
>that turns into it into a "hero" now

Kek, parroting and bandwagoning has replaced any critical thinking if gamers ever had it.

I just wanted the Quake 1 remake, with all the lovecraftian style shit... sigh

Can someone sauce where they say it's a hero shooter.


New Quake wont have Mods.

Rip quake

>I want exactly the same rehashed shit over and over again!

Kill yourselves 45 different times.

And the most ironic part is that games like these are being mad and no one fuckin plays them.

They actually expect a AAA studio to release a game that only less than 100 people will play.

i expect a linear improvement of an established genre, not a completely different lateral change. you don't just throw entire genres away when you're done with them, you fuck.

Hero shooters will be the MOBAs of our generation.

Who Orbb here?

What special abilities will he have?

Never ever, user.

I'm sorry.


man glquake looks like ass now, what the fuck

This is a result of Quake Live not selling after they started charging for it. They used that to justify raping Quake because the only people who were even playing were the ones who already were in when it was free and they got to keep it. It's disgusting.

But that's what they're doing. Instead of trying to take the old with the new they're just copying the flavor of the month. Quake IS rehashed shit now.

Hero shit is fucking cancer

Any MP only Quake 3 sequel was going to be rehashed shit.

They want teh epicness old-skool because Doom was praised, but they're making the mistake of MP only.

It's either going to be like this, or be like dead horse-shit like Nexuiz or Toxikk or some trash.

What they need to do is a Quake or Quake 2/4 sequel.

Unreal Tournament was always better than Quake 3 anyway and we're getting a new UT that's the same as always. Sucks we'll never get a Quake 5 with a campaign though.

>Unreal Tournament was always better than Quake 3

I really liked the campaigns in Quake.
Now we're getting HeroQuake.
What really pisses me off though is 'Heroes with unique attributes and abilities'. Which means, if your hero sucks, you'll probably lose.
So pretty much everyone is going to pick FOTM until next balance patch, if the game even survives that long. Goddamnit.

This nigga knows what's up. Quake is a great Arena shooter and all but UT, oh boy, UT simply surpases anything ever made in the genre, its easily more than an simple arena shooter, even UT2004 was far ahead of its time

that's exactly what slapping hero shit onto an arena fps is doing

It's going to be the same shit as Overwatch except without any of the hype or playerbase to sustain it.

They have no self awareness. They said it themselves 'people are still playing old Quake in the thousands'.

What makes them think these players, who already ignore the current modern FPS trends, are going to play this one?

>User was banned by this post

Yeah, probably.
And then it will fail hard and Quake will be dead forever.

Aren't neckbeards always dick waving that they made a graphic overhaul mod for all these niche games? Go play that then.

I don't remember character classes ever being this obnoxious in any of the Pandemic games.

Game A + Game B = Game C (Quake Champions)

Game A + Game A = Game A: Rehash Shit (Your desired Quake)

Fart yourself to death

Nope. I wasn't :)
Sorry virgin.

rehashed hero shit + rehashed arena fps =/= something new fucking retard

He will have widowmaker's ult

>that's exactly what slapping hero shit onto an arena fps is doing

pic = you

Visor already has it.



why is it so hard to realize that changing core gameplay mechanics isn't an improvement on a genre, it's just making it a different genre entirely?

your chart needs to be more like:

Game A + Game B = Game C (Quake Champions)

Game A + improvements on Game A = Game A 2.0 (Your desired Quake)

but no, let's simplify and reduce everything down to a retarded strawman so that you end up sounding right even though you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

Please don't tell me that they're sticking with the fucking gay ass sci-fi AYY LMAO STROGG shit

Man, precisely what made games like Quake really good was the fact that everybody was equal. No excuses, no overpowered abilities, just skill. Just being the best.

I guess thats just too much to handle for todays gamer.

The fan reception at QuakeCon is gonna be the indicator on whether or not it's gonna be shit

If they're going about this the way that I think they are, it could be cool. Basically just keep the same quake gameplay but give each character a special ability to change things up a a bit. If it's truly OW style, which I highly doubt, there's no saving it

Hero FPS isn't a genre.

Unique hybridised experience that stands above as every other alternative has been done.

>simplify and reduce everything down
Is what you're doing in regards to assumptions about this game.

Nice try

it's a pathetic cash grab and nothing more

>it's a pathetic cash grab and nothing more

so is doom 2016, still 99% of Sup Forums love it.