What was the last racing game you've enjoyed?

What was the last racing game you've enjoyed?

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the new nfs

DiRT 3.

Fight me faggots.

Mirrors edge 2

forza 3

Assetto Corsa.

Burnout Paradise City

Forza Horizon

Dirt Rally

Before that first GRID, it's great for eurobeat, it even has Takumi Run


I recently got Most Wanted 2012, but I'm pretty bad at it. Any tips?

I last played Assetto Corsa, but only to mess around for a bit, need to play more to say it's the last one I enjoyed. Last one I dedicated practiced at a lot at was Dirt Rally.

Dirt rally.

F-Zero GX


dirt rally is some good stuff. i put it with some SEB sometimes when tackling old runs. i never put it on for new runs for some reason.

>Dirt Rally
Absolute garbage tastes in this thread.

I enjoy hoping on the new NFS sometimes and drifiting around those mountains and shit. I also played dirt rally for the first time a couple of weeks ago and it was very fun. I'm thinking of picking it up next sale.

>next sale
It's 40% off now. Probably as good as it's getting for a while.

Motorstorm Pacific Rift

GT5, shuffle races were absolutely based

I got into the PC side of things and I can't find a single racing game that has everything I want, just bits and pieces of good and bits in each one



Night racing in japan was pretty cool

I also did 2 of those 24 hours races, shit were fucking mental by the 16th hour

>tfw car simulator taught me enough to pass a driver's test

grid 2 is pretty neat

what wheels do you fellows use? any way to get a decent experience without paying an arm and a leg?

G290 plus gearstick & pedals.

the Ferrari PS3/PC wheel was on clearance at my Ebgames for 99

its decent


Star Wars Podracers on PS2

Kraid Nemeso best pod.

As a longtime TOCA Race Driver and GRID fan I want to stab you in the balls.
GRID 2 is a fucking joke, a sad one.

i enjoyed it fuck off

>I enjoy eating shit

I heard you the first time.

sooner or later you will eat shit too

pic related

how the fuck can you be bad for burnout most wanted?


this and NFS Underground (2 I think) were the last two racing games I really enjoyed.

Initial D is too hard to find where I live now but I'd add the third game to the mix as well.

Burnout 2 and 3


My nigger. Im replaying it now, who's your carfu?

The last good one.


>came out in 2009

its been a while since PC has gotten a racing game that was supposed to be fun and not either a simulation game or autistic career mode

Is that the Isle of Man?

I swear to god that's Snaefell Mountain.

Hachi roku desu shit is cute.

This is now a Eurobeat thread.


how is driveclub after the hardcore mode update?

Flatout 2 because I was playing it at a LAN party two weeks ago.


What is the best Eurobeat song and why is it objectively youtube.com/watch?v=QQ2au57VAvM

>tfw there will never be a sequel

Initial D Arcade Stage 8

its good

Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit remake

Never had I been so addicted to a racing game's multiplayer.

Forza Horizon 2

Rocketing through vineyards or wheat fields in first person is cool as shit

I want a racing game where you can put a turbo on a Ford Escort mk6 or a 306 and race some chavs for street cred

Pretty dramatic difference but it's obviously not what I thought.

Fuck yeah.
I'm sad they replaced the soundtrack in the re-release though.


Mario Kart 8. I hate games that are so realistic you need a steering wheel peripheral to play them well

Given how a lot of sequels and remakes are fucked up, maybe that's a good thing.

This is why I'm here.

What is the best racing game where you turn off the music and let the Eurobeat soundtrack run in the background?

you could easly be fooled, lights and terrain are basically the same


If only you could go that fast in the game without hacks.

>not richard burns rally or rallysport challenge 2
fucking casuals, ruining my genre.

Oh only the best arcade drifting game to grace this earth.

Burnout: paradise

not even close to the best burnout but burnout's a burnout. gotta pirate all the (no longer supported) dlc for it though for shit like the back to the future delorean because you know... EA


GRID 2, shits really fun up until the final season

Grid 1 wasn't that good though, the cars handled like shit

Forza 3

Assetto corsa

GRID. The first one

Two's presentation and progression is fucking retarded compared to the first one. I've not played autosport. I heard it's more like the first one in terms of progression, but with the mechanics of the 2nd one.

24 hour le mans makes you feel like a fucking hero



Colin McRae 04

Grid handled perfectly fine as an arcade racer that tries to be a little realistic. I think it's middle ground, leaning more towards arcade, makes some disciplines (namely drifting) handle weirdly and not very fun.

Grid 2 seemed a lot more arcady to me, but I didn't play much of it.

>People playing racing sims
You know you guys are just as bad as people who play Madden, right? What is even the point of a videogame to you people?


Maybe just coming from grid 2 and hearing about how 1 was so much better made my expectations too high, but I just couldn't get into it because every car felt so incredibly slippery, I was always drifting when I shouldn't have been. For me, 2 pretty much hit the nail on the head for me when came to where the cars slid around like ice skaters and where they hugged the road

Forza Horizon

Racing genre is something I have always had a lot of time for. Whether it be simulation or arcade.

Really wish the Burnout games were still around, I know their was a big distaste amongst a lot of people (including me) in number 3 where crashing into traffic going your way was not punishable making things "easier", definitely took a lot of those tense moments of perfectly overtaking bunched traffic that was going at a snail's pace, the original Burnout was amazing at creating that atmosphere, easily the one that gets my nerves racing the fastest out of them all.

But so much had been implemented "the get out of my way shitters" approach was tolerable. Plus the soundtracks were full of that generic skate and pop punk I have a guilty pleasure for.


I'm glad the genre doesn't appeal to too large of an audience, means they don't have to pander as bad to a disloyal group of faggots who jump on whatever trend is flavour of the month.

>s-sports and c-cars are scary
kek faggot

Me too user, me too.

m8 the new dirt is one of the least casual racing games ever made

Forza 3.

ITT: people that literally do not enjoy assetto corsa and dirt rally

Hahahah, what a load of plebeians, you are all controller trash.

Gran Turismo 6

ridge racer type 4

Gran Turismo 3

I was so into that shit, I loved the 2hr endurance races. 4 was alright, but it didn't capture me as much as 3 did. Everything else was utter shit.

Recently I tried AC but it was meh at best. Dirt Rally was fun for a while, but it got old quickly.

Loved this one.



Does anyone actually buy a steering wheel to play racing games at home?

Only simulationcucks do that.
Arcade >>>>>>>>> simulation

yes? Lighter weight ones don't take much space nor need very sturdy mounting, some being able to play on your lap.

decent ones can just be bolted down to a desk. and removed when needed.

For the most part, it's not worth playing arcade racing games with a wheel though

Does this count?



Yes, adds a level of depth that a control can't give.