Is this shitshow of a video game really not going to include the French?

Is this shitshow of a video game really not going to include the French?
I'm not buying it if that's the case

I'm German and frogs are clearly those we see as our primary foes in WW1
When we think about the horrors of this war, we think of Verdun, not of some battle we fought against Brits

I'm getting really tired of Anglo revisionism
I already ceased to buy WW2 games because of how Germans are depicted, and now that they finally make a WW1 one, they can't even do it properly

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Dude learn your history. Obviously ww1 was Germans vs nignogs and female sandniggers

And? Most modern fps games tend to twist whatever war or l time period they base on to their whim. I however agree that they shluld include the french, maybe itll be a future dlc (most likely).

>I however agree that they shluld include the french, maybe itll be a future dlc (most likely).

Why would the French who were one of the three most important countries in that war make a slight appearance in a DLC when Austrians, Americans and fucking Italians are included in the original content?

What's next?
A WW2 game with Romania and Italy as Axis factions but no Germany?


once happened to be

among royalty

and such

What's with every triggered white guy wanting to rewrite history after finding out black people existed prior to the 60's?

I dont see any mention of black people in the OP


Dude niggers lmao

Why are mods deleting BF1 threads that mention nigger protagonist?

>I'm German and frogs are clearly those we see as our primary foes in WW1

t. Todd Schmidt 1/64th German glorious Aryan master race

>uh oh, a BF1 thread started without race baiting! better fix that!

Fuck off.

TY kraut

nobody should buy an EA game anyway

>he has a military reputation for getting fucked
>by canadians

wew i'm not surprised you don't wanna relive the experience in 4K

That will not happen and won't ever happen unless it's a decision between putting in a white ethnicity and a brown one, and as we all know the nigger will be put into the game no matter what.

I'm fucking triggered to hell

How can they bring americans opportunists before frenchs

This is why I hate your fucking country, this is why everyone hate your fucking country beside absolute cucks


swedish game

Im suprised they will allow this game to sell in kraut land.
You filthy hun got battered in both wars so why cry who it is ingame beating you?

>Dude learn your history. Obviously ww1 was Germans vs nignogs and female sandniggers
Are you really this stupid? There have been black and arab fighters on both sides. There was a whole theatre of war where mostly muslims fought each other in WW1.

You do realise that war was going on in Africa dont you?

Took the bait

You have to be American to attempt to claim 1/64th, only you dumb cunts think this way.

He's being sarcastic you fucking autist

>I'm getting really tired of Anglo revisionism

They're swedes

Sure Tyrone. Guess the history books were wrong.

People here are really this stupid. Just look at most comments. I don't even know why I post here anymore

Yes yes and Ubisoft are French and canadians, who cares it's only an etiquette, the fact is that they're obviously not pulling the strings , no they didn't just forget one of the three biggest actor of that war, it's not an accident

>Guess the history books were wrong.
If you say so user.

Sweden is so cucked to English language they're basically Anglos at this point

>armenian genocide DLC banned in turkey
can't make this shit up

the middle east theatre didn't have afro americans in it.
they had indians and colonial africans but no afro americans which is what we are arguing about

Who said they had? Maybe the Strawman you are trying to create that doesn't exist, because you realized that you were wrong.

No french confirmed.
Maybe in DLC.

>Occasional blacks who fought in the British army very well represented
>French army, one of the three biggest players in the war, not included

You can't make this shit up


EA and DICE, had plenty of Frenchmen representing your country last night.

>the fact is that they're obviously not pulling the strings
There's no nefarious american plot to keep french out of a video game retard. It's a swedish developer making a ww1 game where everyone runs around with smg's lmg's. Obviously they don't give a single solitary fuck about even trying to mimic what the war looked like.

But le conspiracy!!


literally paleniggers

Not pale for long

WW1 is arguably the whitest thing in history + turkroaches

Why does it need to be all multicultied up?


Das waciss


Fuck swedes and American sjw's desu

It's not an american game, you yuropoor

That's why I added Swedes Jamal.

>no gay or trans character

If they were going to make the game all about black people, they should have had them be nazis as well.

It would show that the nazis weren't all bad and stuff. Really progressive. It doesn't matter it it never happened because we need to rewrite history to include things that sound progressive.

god im so fucking tired of this faggoty bait threads, literally no a single quality thread






England had a black queen.

Attila was a nigger.

WW1 was won by Jamals.

Thank you SJW's, after all the books I've read I didn't know this.

>Attila was a nigger.
Well, he did go around doing pillage, rape and murder so...

>Attila was a nigger.

He was by behavior

>Well, he did go around doing pillage, rape and murder so...
Typical Germanic and Nordic behavior
Fucking niggers, they stealing our culture and traditions!

>Austrians, Americans and fucking Italians are included in the original content?
>no French
wait, is this for real?

that's retarded as fuck

France isnt tolerant enough for Swedes to like them

Can't we just bomb Sweden and be done with them?

That would be very intolerant (unless you're muslim)

>frog is so upset that his minor footnote in history was ignored that he's lost his mind
Oh lawd.

Not adding frogs is like removing the Soviet Union in a game depicting the Eastern Front.

Thanks EA

We could have the bomber pilots convert to islam for the duration of the bombings.

Frogs were super fucking important in WW1. The whole reason Hitler was so assmad at them in WW2 was because of how far they pushed Germany's shit in in WW1.

>Germanics are niggers
This one is actually true.

>look at me I'm fucking dumb
Way to go daMarcus

Yes, because that was what important back then. Not the fight against Germany, some nigger tribers trowing mud and shit at eachother and calling it a war, was the thing we all read about in our history books.
You can just as well make a war game right now in Africa, because those niggers are still at war with eachother.

are you both retarded?

Wow how can anybody defend this shit?

Nigs have always been at war with each other, so have Native Americans. If you listen to the liberal version of history, big bad whitey stole all the land and resources, enslaved them and all white men are evil oppressors.

In reality Nigs were uncivilized and savages and sold each other off to slave traders. Native Americans had like 1,000+ different tribes that would fight, kill, rape and cannibalize each other. None of these people even knew about the resources of the land possessed, civilized whitey showed up and tried to use the lands resources while civilizing the people in it.

Hundreds of years later nigs are still killing nigs at retarded rates and Native Americans act like we stole all of their land and that there was some unified native coalition that even mapped the land and wanted the resources.

Facts are the natives were fucking savages, never mapped shit, killed each other, and nigs sold each other off to slave traders. The nigs that did get sent over got treated like shit but eventually they worked their way into gaining civil rights. Now they all blame evil whitey for oppressing them while reaping the resources of white society, using white inventions, speaking the English language and playing victim - going so far as to trying to rewrite history.

and then on the other side we got white guilt liberals that live in gated communities that don't practice what they preach arguing for more multiculturalism and diversity yet avoiding multiculturalism and moving away from it every time it comes to their neighbourhoods. The white race has become self destructive while the other races have become professional victims.

It's fucked up. Now we got retellings of WW1 that instead of focusing on what WW1 was actually about, focus on tellings of some black guy and muslim woman on a horse because the company (DICE) wants to appear multicultaral, diverse and accepting - also because they fear the marxist brainwashed journalist writers.

I completely agree with you. The world is fucked and theres no way to restore it. If you support Trump or other Right wing candidates currently in European countries, you are labeled a racist.
Even when a terrorist shoots up a city, lefties will alter the truth and blame gun laws or anti islam culture.

They even had the guts to turn pic related into Harlem vs Black Sturmtrupen


I kinda glad my country has a shit ton of powers so people dont lose time with that political correctness shit.

>No Frenchs
>No Russians
>Is there even Italians?
>Good heroic black guys & females vs bad blonde racist nazi Germans
>Every soldier have totally accurate and efficient auto or semi auto guns
>Crosshair attachments on guns
>Close quarter house to house fights
>Most historic battles are forgotten

Well, this one was based on the real history at least

ok but where are the nazis???


There's none since you cant be both black and racist

what a cuck.

>Early Alpha footage

Not him but it's not a coincidence that France gets systematically erased from history.

Not all of it is francophobia, a lot is just Anglo self-aggrandising, and once the ball is rolling it sustains itself since today already most people don't even think of France when thinking of WW1 thanks to the way it's been depicted by Anglos. But the fact remains that this started with intention.

>It's just an alpha/beta
>Final game is exactly the same as the alpha/beta

>tfw there will never be a videogame about nazi niggers

Epic, simply epic.

I don't understand. WW1 can basically be summed up by "Germany Vs France". How?

Why? Why the Italians and not the French?

Nobody wants to play as surrender monkeys.

Everyone thinks of WW1 as Britain+America vs Germany. Any other faction is just there for flavor, and France has the lowest priority since it's boring and lame and nobody wants to play as cowardly froggies anyway.

This game will turn out like the WW1 scene in Sucker Punch+nigs, right?

Fuck man that movie was amazing

how could they not include the french but include some american nigger battalion? thats utterly ridiculous.

No one wants to play as monkeys in general, yet guess who have been anachronically added?

Nobody exept for braindead americans thinks so.

>Everyone thinks of WW1 as Britain+America vs Germany.

In Britain and America maybe
Here in Germany it's mostly seen Germany vs France and to a lesser extend Russia

I would be more mad that german soldiers in europe are now suddenly kangz

>this is what american learn in school
as fucking brainwashed than the north koreans

And Swedes, apparently.

Face it, American culture is world culture. Since the Iraq War France-bashing campaign, the whole world now jokes about French surrender monkeys, from Britain to Russia and from India to Sweden.

You might think at least France got its reputation wrecked for a noble cause, since it stood up alone against a war that needlessly destroyed the Middle East and created ISIS. But nobody even remembers that.