Microsoft forces people to upgrade to windows 10 and everyone throws a fit

>Microsoft forces people to upgrade to windows 10 and everyone throws a fit
>bethesda is going to force PC skyrim owners onto the special edition and no one says a thing

its only ok when bethesda does it

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Who said yall forced to buy their game?

i bought it years ago how could i have predicted this forced upgrade 5 years later?


what forced? You can still play normal skyrim

>computers literally updating to windows 10 while the person gets up for coffee
>not forced

until oct 28th and then it will be this new shitty special edition that NO ONE asked for i am fucking pissed

They're phrasing it as such that it is an "upgrade" meaning there won't be a separate steam library entry

Wait what?

I thought it wasn't coming to PC, but because of that I haven't been keeping myself updated.

As it stands, I think my extensive modding has made the game look better than the update... but I guess I wouldn't mind if I had the OPTION to check out the remastered version.

Besides, updated version has no Cloaks of Skyrim which I cannot live without.

Of course it will force you onto special edition, just like Deus Ex HR, Sleeping Dogs, Bamham, Wasteland 2 and D:OS did
Fucking retards holy shit


Except that's wrong.

It's literally an optional upgrade. You only get it on PC for free if you have all of the DLC. And even then, it will be a seperate title.


Let's move on now
Sup Forums is retarded

Op you're a fucking retard, what the fuck are you thinking? Jesus fucking christ

>it will probably take another 3 years for all of the titty, rape and BDSM mods to work with the "special" edition

I'll pass.

My copy of skyrim came with a steam version and a stand alone disc version so I'm good.

>that frame rate

Yeah, I hate when companies force me to upgrade to an improved quality remaster for free.

he is your typical secondlife player what do you expect i have seen them flip out because i told them their client FPS has nothing to do with their internet connection


You'd have a point if Bethesda didn't have a history of making their games objectively worse with patches

Bethesda games really bring the complete fucking morons out of the woodwork on Sup Forums

>Second Life player
Stay in your containment general on /vg/ fag

>He didn't have manually check for updates
>He doesn't look at his updates.
>He didn't know about the options to hide and stop updates
>He's to lazy to look through the settings of a PC since windows XP to 8.1
>He spouts bullshit like they were forced to update to windows 10 even though there are stop update or manually check and install updates

The only people complaining are normies so tech illiterate they have no weight in an argument of why they shouldn't have upgraded. If they can't be fucked to take 5 minutes to look through settings then they need Microsoft to hold a baby bottle up to them to keep them from catching a fucking cold.

You do realize they do that even when you have updates disabled right?

>implying i play it

other than trolling i dont go near it

Haven't done it to me and the offer has been on my PC for close to 11 months now.

This webm never fails to get fags mad for some reason.
Here have another one.

Noice. post some horse action pls

Stop lying I have manual updates since 8.1 came out, you may wanna do some research also and uninstall the fucking getapp update KB3035583 that's the win 10 ad that got installed

While I'm at it, you're a fucking ignorant mouth breathing mongoloid who needs to upgrade to windows 10, because it's the only way you'll keep your PC safe is if it does it for you. I should probably also note to you all update notes to any and every update Microsoft has done is on their site by reference if you took more then 5 minutes to do some research. You're one of those dumbasses that skims through shit though so you're unaware of so much shit.

Y tho

[spoiler}what mod?

Did Bethesda suddenly acquire the guys who did SKSE, FNIS, Wyre Bash, and ENB then smash them together to suit the entire engine up to not be garbage? If not, then mods will not be coming to consoles except in the most bare bones texture replacement.

The armor you need to find yourself

Too many to list and most likely outdated anyways, go to loverslab and build your own fap adventure game.

>four autistic fucks in the same room trying to do something together

i think there would be a murder

Just woke up and missed Bethesda Presentation, what'd they announce?

>Boris would glass someone within the first few minutes with a glass of vodka, because they said some shit to him about being lazy with ENB's source.

that they will be closing up shop and removing al your games from your steam library to honor the orlando shooting

Wasteland workshop: machines edition
Build your own vault with overseer mode
Fallout shelter update
Skyrim 2

I forgot, TES: the card game

The update is free if you already own the game + all DLCs.

IT's a single player game, you dipshit. On top of that, you get the game free on PC if you own all DLCs or Legendary Edition. You know, something a real fan would already own.

It'll be a free upgrade that is added as a separate game in your library. Kill yourself.

A remastered Skyrim running on modern consoles would mean it'll natively run at 64bit and on Dx11 or better. This is a good thing but I don't think a temper tantrum throwing tech illiterate like you would understand. Go back to Bethesda's official forums since you have about as much know-how as a fucking console user.

inb4 I was merely pretending

Are you retarded?
It's just going to be free for the Legendary Edition owners. Even if it starts downloading by itself, you can just cancel the download, this is Steam.

Theyre upgrading yours to

The remaster will be a separate entry in your Steam library.

About a month or so from the release, you'd make the game twice as good by modding.
Is the author of CoS active? I'm sure it'll be updated if he is.

I'd rather have TES6 than Skyrim: Now looks almost as good as if it were just modded edition

The problems Skyrim has are not from its graphics

So it's literally a graphical update?

My sides

It's a big update for consoles, I think it will run at 60/1080 or 60/900 too since Skyrim is already 5 years old. Current consoles should have enough power to run it.

>Only real improvement is physics not being tied to framerate
>Implying console players can fit all the fixes, quests and porn mods into their game

delete this

The update is free if you already own internet access to sites

I'm curious how this is going to effect modding since that's the only reason people still play Skyrim nowadays. Going back and tying that aspect into their online system is crafty, hiding under some 'Super Special Edition' makeup is even craftier.

Slightly worried that Bethesda are going to start strangling PC mods by using console as an excuse.

>Current consoles should have enough power to run it.
>Can't run Fallout 4 at a stable 30

Wtf are you talking about?
Special edition has no function on PC and there is no point in buying it unless you're too lazy to install graphics mods yourself.

show me one mod that does volumetric god rays or screen space reflections

It'll be 64bit and DX11 which means you can use more than 4GB VRAM on Windows 10 and DX11 will allow for better looking mods.

>all those upcoming Bethesda forum posts complaining that some mods aren't available for consoles

>5 years after release consoles are ready to handle it

So this is the power of consoles?

>it's skyrim with better graphics
>no new gameplay features
>just the same fucking game again

You could've at least done Oblivion remastered, but this? How the fuck is this acceptable? Fucking trash bethesda. Fuck you todd.

>Windows 10

How can I apply as mod to Bethesda forums?

>bethesda is going to force PC skyrim owners onto the special edition and no one says a thing
Because they don't you fucking retard.
It's a separate game.
Read up on it before posting dumb shit.

Prey 2, Dishonored 2 gameplay, Quake Champions.

I wasn't paying attention during the Skyrim thing. Is actually going to be a free upgrade to PC?

Oblivion would have been playable only if they would've replaced the whole Main Quest.

It will literally be an ESM and ESP, mark my words.

>le windows 10 is bad maymay and steals all your precious informations


That's not why I don't like it, I have it installed on my laptop and have decided that I prefer Windows 7 for my desktop.

>take game
>mod on a few new grafix dongles
>charge FULL NEW BOX COST for it

It was okay when FROMsoft did it when they charged $60 for a dx11 version of dank souls (meanwhile, real PC devs have dx9 + dx11 support from the get-go)

>charge FULL NEW BOX COST for it
Only for console cucks.
You get it for free on PC if you have the 9$ legendary edition.

kek, as soon as she said it I knew that what the next 50 odd posts in the Sup Forums thread would be.

This, if you have the GOTY or Legendary version of Skyrim you get it for free but even then it's STILL A SEPERATE GAME in steam.

it wasn't ok, there was massive complaints everywhere and a lot of people refused to buy it

Any sensible person would buy Legendary edition for £4 and upgrade for free. Consoles need not apply.

I upgraded to Windows 10 at the first opportunity and have had nothing but great times.


stop being a buncha faggots. Reddit is better than you.

Why would I want to?

I got SOTFS for PC right from the get go, it was like version of the game which comes with all the DLC and it blew me away with how much better it looked and ran than the PS3 version.

Although, what they did was pretty shitty. Should've been a free upgrade for current owners, or at very least they shouldn't have separated the online between the two.

Why not?

That's good for you user, but as a computer repairs specialist I've got to admit that in my experience that windows 10 is much more problematic. I prefer windows 7 for my personal computer, but if windows 10 works for you then that's good.

Kind of a dick move how they forced everyone to upgrade though, I'm pro-choice senpai. That being said;
>retards having their computers on auto-update
That's how problems arise, not doing everything manually can cause problems. Guess I'm just a control freak.

DX12 is not worth the upgrade, so few games use it and im not even intrested in them
>what is vulkan

>how this is going to effect modding
Nigga, 64bit and DirectX 11 or 12 (Vulkan even?), it'll be able to run more mods and more graphics heavy stuff.

Then again, this is Bethesda we're talking about.

There is the security argument to be made on this as well as Intel products now being w10 exclusive in the future. You'll be getting only IMPORTANT updates on older operating systems which leaves security holes open apparently.

>why is there only a few games using this new API?!
I dunno, user. I'm confused too.

Because it's not worth the 4 dollars

They haven't stopped defender updates on any version from 7 and onwards, believe it or not, but Vista will be the first to lose support sometime in 2030.

What are some good ones?