>use Genji's forward slashing attack to move out of the way of three enemies shooting me
>still die
>killcam shows me standing still dying like a retard when I was turning and getting away to cover
Use Genji's forward slashing attack to move out of the way of three enemies shooting me
>light genji up
>he starts doing the deflecting shit
>stop shooting and do a 180 and run away for a second
>turn around and melee
For real, I haven't seen an fps lag as badly as Overwatch. Especially one so simplistic.
I'm starting to think physical debris and props are part of the netcode.
This shit happens to me at random times. Some games seem good and I do very well. Others are shit and I get killed because of lag. I would at least like to have some indication why one game is worse than another.
2 0 T I C K
But you can't complain about this. The playerbase will just yell "NO YOUR PING MUST SUCK THAT NEVER HAPPENS TO ME"
Fix your shit.
Your internet is being more or less shit at the time.
Sure man, you can totally die that fast. The real high intensity 0.05 second kills are super common in this game. Literally 0.05 seconds by the way. Couldn't be lag, this makes way more sense.
>30ms ping
>Your internet is shit
Hearthstone lags a bitch sometimes too but that's a forgiving game for it.
I think Blizzard need to invest in more servers or something.
>Be pic related
>See a clear straight line at an unsuspecting enemy
>Charge at them
>Charge abruptly stops halfway
>Notice a tiny ledge broke your charge
>Got shot to death.
None of Rein's skills are consistent. Even his shield doesn't block some attacks (Symmetra's, Rein's and Winston's) for no reason. His ult is a buggy mess and his pillar of flame either kills someone by whiffing it or didn't destroy a mine at point blank range.
Then there's Winston, whose jump never works well in Hanamura because Winston's hair grazed the low ceiling even while jumping horizontally.
Then there's the weird map rotation. I've played Hanamura and Temple of Anubis (the two worst maps) back to back 4/5 times while not seeing based Illios for three straight levels.
This game is really casually fun, but with the crappy 20 ticks issues, buggy heroes skillsets and badly designed maps that keeps showing up while good maps never pops, this game has no business being "pro" or "egames worthy."
>Winston's damage is so shit that I had enough time as Turret Mode Bastion to kill a Reinhardt with a half broken shield and headshot him to death, then turn to a full HP (700) Winston and kill him in 5 seconds
>when he had been shooting me since I had started killing Reinhardt
>Charge at someone
>They jump
>Flung harmlessly out of the way as you barrel into their teammates
>Jump as enemy Rein charges
>You're magnetised to his dick and instantly killed
>Even his shield doesn't block some attacks (Symmetra's, Rein's and Winston's) for no reason.
That's the point of those attacks.
Get the fuck out
>Charge someone
>They don't jump
>Hit them with MY SHOULDER
>They bouncy away
Or better yet
>Hit someone with a charge
>It connects
>Drag them fucking miles
>lol 150 damage
>They walk out of the stun instantly.
>Get killed around a corner
>Game shows me just being in full view
I dont mind shit like this too much, what I do mind is not knowing wether I'm lagging, or the sniper is lagging, or it's the tickrate.
Also dedicated servers when, I dont want to play your shitty KotH maps and if I see any more stars on the enemies' team I'm gonna kill someone.
> Their Mei
The harbinger of death. A literal magician, every time you think you've got here, she will teleport behind you and freeze your entire team. She doesn't even need help. Her ranged attack has picked off your Widowmaker, her spray attack has frozen your Ultimate'd Winston and Mercy in mid air, Tracer turned a corner and was frozen immediately, her wall went up as you tried to rain down Justice, and the wall is now down to reveal four turrets and a Bastion behind it. It's Overtime on the final point and a block of red ice is stood in the centre. You can't even dent it, only for her to pop out and use her Ultimate that covers half of the map. Her team arrives to mop up all your team, except for you. The last thing you see is the frumpy Chinese girl holding her gun up to your face and taking forever to headshot you.
> Your Mei
You just tried to go Whole Hog but she's blocked the only entrance to "Help"
>Nepal village
>enemy Dva drops ult on the cap
>speedsong the fuck out towards cliff side
>friendly mei blocks that exit
>Dva gets potg with 4 kills
>their mei duels your widowmaker you boost as mercy
>mei wins
I wish this game had a fail of the game.
>Zarya throws her graviton grenade
>Five enemies stuck in it
>Nows my chance
>Our Mei puts up her ice wall in front of us
>My missiles crash into the wall, killing me with splash damage
>None of the enemies die
>Bump into junkrat
>Instantly die out of nowhere
>Kill cam shows him throwing remote bomb and detonating so fast you never saw him throw it because 20 tick
>play a really amazing KOTH game as lucio
>actually racking up kills for once
>get play of the game
>get off of Overwatch for the day because nothing is going to top that
Anyone else know this feel?
>get two environment kills with one sonic blast
>POTG is widowmaker bodyshotting 3 people to death
>Blizzdrones will defend this
>Someone will actually defend this
No one will, have you even read any of the OW threads?
Im definetly the top mei regardless.
I always put up my wall at the spawn in a way that people can go out from the sides.
>Roadhog can pull Rein out of a charge
>Even if Rein charging straight at him
Like, what the fuck, man.
It doesn't make any god damn sense.
how's it going dsp
Hanzo players know they're not welcome in those threads.
cant tell you how much this bothers me
shielded charge when
Finally got my first lucio POTG. I know that feel
The technical issues are pretty bad but what really kills me is the terrible map design. I'd be fine with playing nothing but KOTH forever.
Shield charge would be pretty op.
There's a reason people say you should have at least 60 fps to play a shooter. 20 tick is irredeemably fucking stupid.
>. I'd be fine with playing nothing but KOTH forever.
I wish I could get a queue without KOTH. Once one team wins in a pug match you just have to look at your team rushing in one by one getting shredded. Also without a lucio you are at a big disadvantage and I dont like playing lucio every game
>Playing as the attacking team on assault maps
Whoever was in charge of designing the layout for b-site on Anubis needs to be fucking buried alive.
Post your face when you ALMOST bought it but waited to see what people thought
Things like basketballs are but most of the random junk isn't.
At least an uninterruptible one. How the fuck does
>A guy pulling with a hooked chain
>A plastic table in a chinese sreet side restaurant
>A tiny ledge on a random city
>A tiny (or moderately sized) turret
>An ice wall that the payload just runs pas through
can stop a (at least) halt ton slab of reinforced metal sped up by a rocket turbo?
>mfw slaying Reinhardts all day as McCree because they charge into you but get flashbanged
I feel a mix of misery and unrivaled joy
I ended up buying it, but once I heard a friend of mine had it on Xboner I definitely tried it out for a couple days at his house before making a decision
b side of Anubis is exactly the same as b side of Hanamura. I get they wanted to give an advantage to the defenders and make it a "last stand" situation but holy shit, the chokepoints and far away spawn for attackers are too much. You need a team kill or a bunch of moron defenders with bastion and widows off the zone for the attackers to have any chance to survive.
Volskaya's b site is the best, the defenders have a bit of distance between the zone and the choke points are further away, meaning the defense have to take the fight to the attackers instead of camping on the point.
I think literally the only way I've won easily on that map was going 6 D.Va's and NERF THIS spamming at the end
Don't lean too hard on the McCrutch. He's getting nerfed very soon so he cant melt tanks like butter any more. Save your pocket sand for the genjis and tracers, brokeback mountain.
> After Rein, Pharah has the most armour
> Is squishy as fuck
> Half naked fatass has tons of health
he still has flashbanging charging reinhardts, fan the hammer, roll, fan the hammer, reload and all that other shit
it's harder but I doubt he'll be notably unable to 1v1 tanks still
>pick pharah
>fly out the door
>insta killed
Still though neither of us can really say for sure how hard they'll hit him with the nerf stick. So we'll just have to wait and see I guess.
That's to counter her mobility.
This so much, I fucking hate the maps in this game. Between those 2 maps and than the escorts that end the same fucking way, whoever designed some of this shit needs shot.
How is it fun requiring a team wipe to win every damn time?
i fucking hanamura and anubis would just get deleted already
She has VERTICAL mobility that can put her in a seriously bad situation if you face any of the better heroes (Soldier, McCree, Widow, ect)
The only horizontal mobility she has is on a 12 second timer, requires her to look away from enemies, and only works if you're right next to a surface.
Theres a picture of an orange square...thing and an arrow that appears on the upper-left corner of your HUD when your internet connection is slow. I see it pop up every now and again but i didnt know what it meant until i looked it up. Didnt really notice connection problems when i saw it, so take that as you will.
>playing with friends
>that VERY noticeable forced 50% win/loss
I guess I'll just wait until ranked
Honestly I don't give a fuck about my win/loss ratio after noticing I'm suddenly playing with retards to maintain a 50% ratio. Use this as an opportunity to train with a hero. I wouldn't have been so good with Zarya if I didn't decide to pick her for fun instead of to win.
>mfw they force it in ranked too
Seriously Winston needs a buff. Slow as shit, almost non-existent damage output, and his shields don't even last long. Why does he even need all these setbacks when every other hero has broken horseshit?
>get enough friends for a 6 man
>only other teams are all super serious
>get rolled 90% of the time
>friends all hate the game now
just dont play him against certain heroes
reaper mccree roadhog all counter him hard
Even the autistic Blizzard forums are in agreement the 20 tickrate is breaking the game.
His role is to be an annoying twat. He jumps in the enemy's back line, occupy two or three enemies so your team can do a 5v3 and win the fight before either dying or jumping away.
The problem is that most people don't know this is happening (Winston jumping in too early/team mates are retards) so Winston dies and the fight becomes a 5v6.
He's also excellent against snipers since he jumps in and has a good chance to kill a widow or a hanzo.
His main problem is that he is very team dependent and needs a good team to notice what he's doing. And that's a rarity in a game where everyone wants to be the dps hero.
the only fucking game where I can play on the burger server instead of the yuropoor one and feel no difference even with a +120 ping because of the disgusting tickrate.
thanks blizzjew
isn't he one of the top picked heroes in tournaments though?
>One of the best tanks needs a buff
He's a counter to genji, Widowmaker, Hanzo, Tracer, and generally a good tank if your team isnt shit. Hes one of the BEST counters to the characters i just mentioned.
genji and tracer cant get away fast enough unless they wanma be useless, widowmaker cant dps him down and he can just follow her around. Hes insanely powerful. Just cause he cant do everything doesnt mean hes bad.
who /hogmain/ here?
>playing mei on Hanamura defence
>want to be a good Mei for the team and contribute
>freezing Genjis, blocking off widowmakers, sniping healers from far away etc
>match goes into overtime
>Suddenly all the enemies roll in at once
>enemy Zarya pops ult in sync with a DVa
>somehow im far away enough to not get caught
>entire team about to be destroyed
>holy shit this is my moment
>people will love me for this
>here it comes
>pop a wall between team and bomb
>save them all
>feel really smug, we now have a chance to fight back
>turn around
>its a pharah
>she ults and we all die
>noone comments on my deed
well it stuns him first.
i cant wait till the nerf him and the right click clints cant get kills anymore. meanwhile ill be doing the same amount of kills, but maybe a couple less fth kills cause ill leave the tank busting to reaper.
>Play really good Zenyatta game
>Nothing amazing but just really solid, discording tanks to melt them, sniping people in the backline, healing on par with a semi competent Lucio
>Get POTG for sniping Pharah ult before any missiles even came out
>Meanwhile Rein and Hanzo both got triple kills later in the match
Uh ok then, that's cool.
Nobody upvoted me at the end though.
With a tickrate like this you can die insta tly on another map than your killer while killcam shows him getting in front of you, doing a few pirouettes, push-ups and sit-ups and then shooting you consecutively for 10 seconds as you stand still
is 20 tickrate
>Hollywood last point
>Lijiang tower temple chokepoints
In fact every single KOTH map sucks.
the defense just spawns too close to the point on both of those maps
This just happened to me
>game starts
>zenny blasts me with a full charged M2
>gets POTG because he killed 2 more people after me
>people saw
i just left before anyone said anything.
No one gives a fuck
Your shit game will be dead in a year
Are you mad you can't afford it/run it because toaster/are simply bad at it?
Find a better hobby than try to shit up other people's fun
>Getting hit with multiple hits of M2
Lmao @ u
He can't even apply discord while he's doing that shit, You had to get headshot by like 3 of them.
>You had to get headshot by like 3 of them.
No shit, any other observations dr. theopolis?
That's fucking embarrassing mate
>blocking the friendly whole hog with the ice wall
I did this 2 days ago on Lijiang Tower... If that was you, I'm truly sorry user.
Another astounding observation good doctor, anything else?
Why'd you post if you cant handle people telling you how terrible you have to be to eat that
>team kill
>all move to the point
>enemy all respawn and are instantly on top of you
>couldnt even get the capture after the team kill
Seriously who the fuck puts the sapwn point of defence closer than of attack
>shoot charged bullets down the road
>mercy flew by and just got hit with a burst
>instantly dead
this guys damage is insane. Shame about 150 hp though
I never said i couldn't handle it, and your assumption that someone is terrible because they got hit with a cheap shot leaving spawn is stupid. This game has the least accurate hitboxes i have ever seen, i wouldn't be surprised if none actually hit my head, but they still did headshot damage.
zenny's damage in general is surprising, at least if you're using your discord orb.
Why you crying then you baby.
>Why you crying then you baby.
I was mocking you.
Just stop here.
45 damage orbs, 35x5 charged.
Unless you're landing headshots or have discord it's not that amazing. However it is 100% accurate.
Nah you were crying like a baby.
for a support it is pretty amazing. Like it better than lucio or mercy their derpguns
>tfw getting PotG as Zenyatta
>tfw it involves Trascendence followed by killing three niggas and capping the point with the team
It feels and looks so fucking good.
Well yeah but that's the point of him, without it he'd be completely useless.
Man, it's literally impossible to get potg with Lucio without doing a multi kill by throwing at least two players off the map
>literally impossible
Kill yourself nigger.
>Playing Tracer
>Use my shift ability or whatever you want to call it
>Sort of die mid way through
>On kill cam I never used it
1 - favor the shooter
2 - 20 tickrate
3 - latency
your actions take time to reach the server and then further time to reach the player that shot you
I didn't really think much of it until recently. I figure, if a matchmaking system works properly it SHOULD be about 50/50, since it's matching you with people at the same skill level.
Then I (only level 21) got paired with 5 other silver-wing players and steamrolled the other team.
Post YFW you let a place that is purely for bashing videogames tell you what games to play