Should I get it for PS4 or PC?

Should I get it for PS4 or PC?

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ps4 because skill ceiling is lower

I play both.

PC is better but I will say PS4 is more enjoyable because there's no chat so you won't get bullied by asshole teammates.

>Should I literally throw 20 dollars in a fire or not?


This is literally the only time having a PC matters, user. Do not falter.

>because there's no chat so you won't get bullied by asshole teammates.

You sound like a bitch and you deserve to get bullied

The new Quake is going to be PC exclusive.

ps4 because I want to be on your team

You sound like an asshole

>playing a FPS on consoles
>game is also more expensive on consoles
PS4 of course.

PS4 easily. PC version just doesnt feel right.

Whichever one has your friends playing.

More friends to play with on PC?
Get it on PC

More friends to play with on PS4?
Get it on PS4

No friends?

PS4, because the average player is worse compared to the average PC player meaning you'll at least perform better.

Or PC, because mouse and keyboard feels so much better.

Ps4 is 20 dollars more so

I have it on PS4 and I like it for the most part. Controller can get used to but I'm comfortable with it now. Also it takes literally 3 seconds to find a match anytime which is awesome.

But I do think it'd be a better experience on PC cause of chat and KB+M of course.

I'm on PS4 and I find certain characters would be so much better with a mouse+keyboard. Like Tracer who's ult is the triangle button, it's just weird.

I'm considering buying it for PS4 because my PC's shit, are they going to throw it away like how TF2 was abandoned on consoles?

Reread your post and look at how ridiculous that sounds

how? PC is objectively better in terms of controls and visuals but I still found myself enjoying it more on the console.

This. PC players are scary good. A Widowmaker on PC will fuck your shit up but on PC you'll see her miss like 3 times

i got it on ps4 because i wanted it on ps4

also crossplay is being worked on so thats good.

it worked for rocket league so thats neat.

yeah im aware, mouse and keyboard vs controller but wasnt it mention its possible to use mouse and keyboard for overwatch on console? or am i mistaken

He's right though, what an enormous faggot. I wish I was younger so I could bully you online grown dipshits in real life.

In what possible situation would it be a better decision to pick a fast-paced competitive online FPS game on anything other than PC?

You can use M+KB on PS4

worked fine with team fortress 2 (when orange box first game out),

how does one do this?

>Cross-play is being worked on


> mouse and keyboard vs controller but wasnt it mention its possible to use mouse and keyboard for overwatch on console? or am i mistaken

Pretty sure you are mistaken.

>You can use M+KB on PS4

Show me evidence of this.

Please provide proof that you can play Overwatch on PS4 using M+KB.

Get it for PS4 and also buy a Xim

How the fuck in TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN do you not know the PS4 can do this?
You fucking plug in literally any PnP mouse and keyboard and it will work.
Here is a video of some schmuck playing BF4
This has been known since the console came out.

Avoid multiplayer games on PC - hackers are abound and the developers can do nothing about it.

That isn't proof, show it working on overwatch.

are you retarded

How can people play an FPS with the dualshock?

No, but you are. You can't just plug in KBM on your PS4 and play whatever you want with it, the game needs to support it.

Please, go ahead and try it yourself if you don't believe me, you can't play Overwatch on PS4 with KBM.

>Avoid multiplayer games on PC
>pay up Sony a monthly fee instead
I wonder who's behind this post.

are you retarded

did you click that youtube video

the fellow clearly states you need an adaptor to do it

No, but you are like I said.

Show me a single instance of someone playing Overwatch on PS4.

why would buy this pile of steaming shit? do yourself a favor and save your money.

>Mouse and Keyboard controles, objectively the best for FPS
>Superior community to consoles

>Fast paced FPS + controller = just give up
>Inferior hardware
>%99 of the community is little kids
>Everyone sucks
>have to pay a monthly fee to access you're own internet

If you don't get this game on PC when you have the choice you're really doing yourself a disservice.

PC Master Race

are you retarded

are you retarded


get it for PS4, PC is filled with hackers..

That's the thing
You can't.


git gud and don't be a faget online user
follow this guideline and nobody will bully you



You use the left one to move and the right one to aim. Easy!

>Playing a FPS on a console, EVER
holy shit what the fuck is this thread.

this picture literally made fall in love with Pharah, god damn shes hot as fuck.

Play nice, play Pharah.

Why does she always sound as if she is smiling when talking? Apart from talking about her mother.

Rumble Pak inside her suit ;)

I found the kid who sucked at Halo and blames controllers for it.

>on a controller


muh dik


>implying it matters when everyone else is using a controller

Just because you're bad doesn't mean everyone else is, user.

>i will limit myself in skill and movement because consoles

>movement on consoles inferior with analog technology vs PC shitty on/off buttons.

Try again, user. I bet you play SFV with a keyboard.

Serious question. I didn't play an fps on consoles for like 15 years or so.

How do you play?
Left thumb on movement stick
Right thumb on aim stick
How do you shoot while playing? Do you switch?

I'm probably stupid now.

The input speed on keyboards is faster than with controllers. I don't play fighting games by the way.

whichever one your friends have it on, as solo is a terrible experience

Yeah man that's why people buy fight sticks and not Keyboards to lug to the local gaming convention.

Come on guys, you can do better; I know all you do is play MOBAs and shitpost in Sup Forums but play a fucking game once in a while.

the only reason to get it on ps4 is if your friends are on the platform instead of pc.

Fighting sticks are literally keyboards with a stick. Why aren't they playing on controllers if they are so good?


Blizzard said no to that, because even they realize PC players are better than console peasants

You forgot


ps4 cause pc full of cheating cucks

post more pharah

Reminder that if you play fps games with a controller you should kill yourself.

I don't like you.

PC, cheaper and better with mouse+keboard