


I like how if you didn't see the uniforms you wouldn't be able to tell what kind of war is being fought from the gunsounds since everybody has automatic guns.

>I won't have my drone/claymore combo like i did in BF4 because this takes place a century ago

Fuck sweden

looks just like BF3

>WW1 game
>Only 'sniper class' has bolt-action rifles

N i c e


I wonder how fast the tanks are in the game
considering that they went around 8km/h reality

slightly faster ingame


hills with grass arent exactly something new


Did he just bury half is rifle into that guys back? I'm not sure bayonets work that way.

But yeah it's just another standard 'run around till you see something to shoot at, die, respawn, repeat' affair.



holy fuck dude they might want to put a big circle indicator pointing where your shoelaces are just in case you forget

Holy shit this looks so fucking bad and boring.

>A fucking sniper running around the whole map
very realistic ww1 scene...

They should've taken note on Red Orchestra. Battelfield started going to shit since Bad Company. EA really turns good developers to bad ones in a blink of an eye.

Where are all the trenches though?

Is it just me getting old and grumpy or are moden MP FPS HUDs pure cancer?
Some youngster please answer.

Babbys need to be directed, minimaps are for nerds

Aside from the eleventy million markers on the screen it looks fine to me

i don't see the problem with it, you get every bit of information you need

It's really fucking annoying when you know the map already so the information turns irrelevant.

it's photoshopped

I mean stuff like the weaponslots, like you can't even walk 5 steps without fogetting that "2" is bound to pistol.
And the huge intrusive XP/level up popups which are placed in the most crucial place for aiming and spotting enemies.
Older games have a little list at the top right or left to tell you who you killed, this just seems a bit overkill.

maybe because it's the first time any of them have played it and many of the attendees were obviously inexperienced


Are all the niggers just placeholders too?

It's already been confirmed that there are multiple announcer voice packs that come with the game.

You have
>Femme (One in video)
>Male (Dunno what this one sounds like)
>Soldier (Dunno what this one sounds like)

I don't see the problem with the black player character. He can bayonet charge way faster than anyone else and he can hop right out of the trench really quickly.

it looks fun but it's on origin not steam so I'm not buying it

>we can finally play as Baba on the gallipoli/arabia maps

fear the t*rk

it's over
battlefield's success proves society is finally dead, people no longer have a minimum respect for the dead, shit like that wouldn't be tolerated 10 years ago
it also proves how modern gamers are the pinnacle of human scum
just end it all

>respect for the dead
but it's okay for WW2, even though it was a larger conflict with more casualties?

Are you forced to play as a black?
Or can you choose?
Oh also are you forced to play as w*man?


this looks like such fucking shit

It's just multiplayer. I highly doubt there will be a lack of customization for it.

>games based on real wars weren't made before the last years
You're retarded

i was thinking the same, there is something about ww1 thats very different than 2, for me its the fact that they didnt know what they signed up for, like verdun or the fact that they still used military tactics from times without automatic weapons and bombs, they rode freakin bikes to battle and just slapped on metal parts to cars and called them tanks, it was like cavemen fighting with modern equipment

i think ww1 brought greater horror to the soldiers that fought it than ww2

b-but it does have a minimap

Why didn't they make this an alternate history WW1 or something. The aesthetic is legitimately somewhat interesting, and if they stopped trying to act like it was in any way historically accurate it could be really cool.

You sound triggered.

It's a fucking video game jesus christ.

>shit like that wouldn't be tolerated 10 years ago

is gallipoli confirmed?

What's that user? That's not something the US, Britain or Italy fought in, clearly it can't have been important.

yes ofcourse i sound triggered because i am, otherwise i wouldnt be posting about this

still do you think that someone who fought in ww1 would look at this game and say that hed like to play it

I doubt they'd do it. Too much risk of it backfiring on exactly the people they'd want it to pander too.

nerve gas urself melodramatic cunt

Was the phonetics really that way in those times?

I just didn't expect to hear them say Butter, Dove, etc.

It'll probably be the only time in the game when the ANZACs aren't made up of 90% black dudes.

no because they would be dead you fucking retard

>Too much risk of it backfiring on exactly the people they'd want it to pander too.

Australians? we're not that big of a market so they probably wouldn't care about offending us


why are his hands black but his voice white?
its like the bf3 beta all over again

>i think ww1 brought greater horror to the soldiers that fought it than ww2
Try telling that to Poland or just about anyone on the Eastern front.

What you said was only really true for the first few years of the war. By the end of the war there had been a live and let live system in place for a while, there were recognizable tanks, and the Germans were using combined arms tactics with shock troops if they aimed to gain any ground. The people who were being recruited were very aware of what was going on at this point or at least that it wasn't going to be a quick war like they were used to.

It was a transitional period and you don't simply drop 400 years of military doctrine instantly, but by the end of the war they had made significant advances. There's no one left alive today who fought in that war, but I'm pretty sure they would've been more offended at being compared to cavemen just because of how they fought with unfamiliar weaponry than anything in this game.

>Dude should we allocate some of the budget to getting a black voice actor
>nah we modeled some hands it'll be good

They were never going to do trenches. We knew this from the start.

The whole reason there's been almost no WW1 games is because it turns out Trench warfare makes for really shitty gameplay.


>stab someone

Youngfag here. Have to agree somewhat, especially since this is a WW1 game. Anons say its photoshopped, but still, games giving too much info takes away the fun, while too little can ruin the game.

Like everything, there is a happy medium.

He can't swim tho

The game looks reasonably fun, if a bit fast.

If I recall correctly even the tanks in 1942 were slower than these.

Why is the German/prussian soldier black? Sure there might been black soldiers in axis but really?

why not just make it bf1943 if you're not even gonna bother with actual ww1 battles

or hopefully your characters are customisable and all the people playing the game were black like snoop dog

>all these automatics/semi autos

It's a shame, the sound effects and visuals are better than I thought. But with all those autos, it really breaks any thought towards a WWI atmosphere.

Add the following loadouts and I'd have day 1'd it

Bolt actions with bayonet, or shotguns, or flamethrower

MGs. Most can only be fired from a mount or prone


Scoped rifle or option for carbine with no scope

It looks like Battlefront with a thin WW1 paint covering it.

What the fuck are you talking about,
I would be more worried about that shitty announcer voice

>using the battlefront font
Lemme guess, no classes?

You do know those weapons were used in WWI? They are definitely overplaying the prevalence of automatic guns, but they were still in the war,

they literally only appear just as you spawn, so you instantly know where you want to go

everyone who fought in WW1 is dead you moron, last one died in 2011

the obvious answer

>but they were still in the war,
barely if at all

that's some top notch surprise attack.

Any game studio that puts irl politics into games should be closed and it's employees send to jail.


I understand your hate for Paradox employees, but they should be sent to jail for other reason

How much are they?

This is a terrible excuse akin to making a WW2 game where every German soldier carries an Stg 44 and every German aircraft is a jet because, after all, "they were used in WW2! You can't say it doesn't fit!"



fuckkkk meeee that looks fucking great!

>caring about offending Australians

Ausfag here. If they don't want to offend us just make the deaths realistic. We won't ever see it.

Can you at least try to pretend you're not shill/underage/newfag?

>people replying in earnest to this blatant shoop

Sup Forums is more excited about finding something to shit on than it is about actually looking at what it actually is.

>sprint faster with 'HAAAAAAAA' charge attack
>entire map is filled with 64 players anesthetic hooning every 5 seconds to get around
>mfw this game is gonna be the laughing stock of the entire industry for decades to come

I'll give DICE credit, they always do a great job with sound effects and visuals. Those were the best aspects of Battlefront.

Looks pretty much like BF4/3 and those did great, even though I hate it
I doubt this will flop, there's no indication that it will

I'm just happy you can run semi-fast with your charge attack. Looks like some fun memeshit.

>play Ace of Spades with Sup Forums
>people dig down and build encampments
>map is filled with trenches and foxholes
>eventual no mans land always appears in the barren middle of map due to building and gunfire
>everyone using semi-automatic weapons
>fighting over inches of land to build more trenches

>Battlefield 1 gameplay revealed
>it's just Battlefield 4 with bayonets and lower tech flying vehicles

AAA Games were a mistake

i didn't know black british people sound different.

games back then used to remember the horrors of war
now we got cawadoody with a ww1 scenario

>you'll never again play early Ace of Spades when simply turning the camera would cause you to throw up

>making a WW2 game where every German soldier carries an Stg 44
you mean like BF1942?

What? How are you not familiar with British acting legend Idris Elbow

>couple thousand of smgs and semi autos were fielded
>im a war with millions of combatants

The amount of automatics in the gameplay we've seen is even too much for a WWII game.

I'm totally fine with planes being a little faster or tanks being a little more functional. I kinda want an arcadey WWI game where a syringe can bring a dude cut down by a hotchkiss back to life.

But the WWI paintjob isn't enough to not ruin the atmosphere where everyone is running around solo'ing with smgs. Why even make it WWI themed if you're not going to put any effort in making it remotely WWI.

I'm not asking for a simulator, I just want some semblance to the war Dice advertised it as.

Why not just play Rising Storm and yell BANZAIIIII?

Oh wait, BF1 has no Japs because blacks stole all spotlight

Looks like fun too bad it stars a nigger otherwise i would have bought it.