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EA has cornered the ugly women and nigaboo market
EA and Bethesda really screwed the pooch this year. Maybe 1 or 2 games worth checking out from both of them.
Here's to hoping Sony or Nintendo have something in store that can rev things up a bit, otherwise this year will be another AAA flop.
I told you in 2012 that with the new LGBT push by Sony the industry would destroy itself
just nig my shit up
>Just shit my shit up
Triggered again eh buddy?
because people like yourself the world is so fucked up and even gaming has become degenerate and bad.
Thanks for destroying everything you fucking liberal hipster
The sheer avarice required to be so angry when a tiny handful of games don’t 100% cater to you and your background is on a level I don’t think I could ever conceive.
Still, there’s comfort in knowing that, as time goes on, it’s only going to get worse for them.
You can’t really stop this ball rolling, folks, and if you’re so sensitive and hurt over this, you’ll be in tears later down the line.
I love watching Sup Forums get triggered.
But what if John Constantine was black and played by Idris Elba
when the gaming industry was not cultural marxist we had good games
now enjoy your we wuz hacks and kangz games you fucking aids skrillex
how does this affect gameplay
As these games continue to bomb companies will realize diversity is nonsense and give people the white males they want and deserve.
>playing western trash
>any year
Lol, enjoy your cucking. Anyone with taste only plays Japanese games.
world's not yours anymore user. best that you come to terms with it.
why aren't you complaining about morgan yu?
I personally thinks it's great that there's an asian (albeit half asian) protagonist in a mainstream game.
>The sheer avarice required to be so angry when a tiny handful of games don’t 100% cater to you and your background is on a level I don’t think I could ever conceive.
The irony of this statement is it literally can be applied to SJWs as well as those rascal toxic gamers.
I guess that's why it's so amusing when all this coordinated effort goes into ''diversifying'' video games, and then people say ''ooh, it's just a handful of games."
This might be bait but it's the truth.
Fuck! DAMMIT!!!
Corvo is white. If he looks like that, he must be Irish.
>Sup Forums kiddies getting triggered
Black people have been around in vidya for years now. Stop getting your ass inflamed from inconsequential shit.
I swear even that 7 second clip from the new star wars game they showed the protagonist was a nigger
>this triggered
>Sup Forums in charge of not throwing a babbyfit over dumb shit
I thought he looked like whatever race Jango Fett is.
Why does diversity always = add black men and white women with dark hair?
Gotta push that "black man hero" archetype.
This is reason why we have so many canonically white character played by black actors.
Also, these cucks writing "pol triggered" are the ones this shit is aimed at.
How does it feel to be a nu-male? To be an emasculated, testosteron-lacking, good goy?
He is asian in name only. Looks nothing like an asian, the half doesn't mean anything. Go all the way with it if you're gonna do it.
but Trump is the next president
>white people with dark hair aren't white
It will function as bait, but I'm completely serious. Western gaming is fucking garbage; it has invented literally ONE decent genre (FPS), and of that genre, only a few games are worth playing at all.
I seriously do not understand how the west can continue to fail so miserably compared to ONE fucking country's output, but they do. It's absolutely pathetic.
black man + white woman
Every time.
Is there anything SJWs say that CAN'T be turned against them? It's like their entire repertory is projection.
>not getting mad that black people exist puts doubts on one's masculinity
Shit dude, you could at least try to make sense.
I think all you have to do
Going forward, is release a decent console
God that's it
All it takes are no agenda
Some fun games
Fucking this
I know, there a few good modern western games but very few indeed. As long as there are:
>Salty PCucks who will play anything no matter how shitty because it's all they have
>Anti-Japan westaboos
Shitty western games will continue be shat out directly to their mouths via funnel, because they buy them.
gotta love people's logic
>these people usually end up playing generic weeaboo trash
The average voter is a goddamn imbecile so yeah, this is pretty likely.
>black people exist
Nice reading comprehension.
It's not that they exist, it's the fact that they are trying really hard to make them seem COOL and HERO-like.
Just look at pic related, black kid is a jock, while the white kid is a whimpy nerd.
You DO know why they're doing this, right?
>it has invented literally ONE decent genre
I hate progressives and SJWtards as much as the next guy but let us not be complete retards that glossed over facts. But then again
I guess being retarded is a crucial part of being a weeb.
Honestly if all niggers were all like Will Smith they wouldn't be the most hated race on the planet besides Indians.
I think it's really cool the black community is getting more representation in vidya
Is your whole life dedicated to pushing your cuck agenda on Sup Forums? I bet you were hired as gamergate was in full swing. Are your employers becoming more desperate as your shilling becomes less and less effective? Top kek.
>le i am so above all politics and people i will sit on the fence and remain superior xDD yes i vape and am a proud anarcho-atheist
Democracy itself is a joke and regardless of who will be elected the country will remain basically the same, however, if you're implying in any way shape or form that Hillary would be a better president than Donald Trump then you, my friend, are the imbecile.
>The sheer avarice required to be so angry when a tiny handful of games don’t 100% cater to you and your background is on a level I don’t think I could ever conceive.
>Still, there’s comfort in knowing that, as time goes on, it’s only going to get worse for them.
I honestly have no idea if you're talking about progressives, feminists, social justice cunts, or 'gamers'.
Whatever faggot, enjoy your garbage games. I'll be playing things that don't preclude you to a diet of cheetos and mountain dew.
Don't forget to complete EA challengers to donate money to feminism :^)
If I had to guess, I'd say it's to capitalize on personal insecurities so that people may get really mad on the internet.
No one cares about Sup Forums's boogeyman of the week, some of us just want to play fun video games. I'm not going to buy a game just because a black dude is in it, just as I won't flip my shit for the same reason. It's stupidity.
pls don't insult monkeys like that.
>Honestly if all niggers were all like Will Smith
you fell for it.
Of course they're gonna put a good looking, respectable basketball american on the cover. That's how they push their narrative.
Prey had a Native American protagonist. Native! You know how many asian people there are cluttering the world? They're appealing to a bigger majority now. I'm mad. I can't remember the last time there was a Native protagonist in a AAA game since the embarrassment that was Ass Creed 3.
>still buying western games
Come to the nipponic side, our games are nigger-free
Titanfall 2 is so non-progressive
>this triggered
holy shit i knew my opinions would be excellent bait here but this is exceeding my expectations
Because there are black jocks and white nerds in real life?
>he thinks he's the one doing the baiting
dumb sjws
This is why people hated GamerGate and just Sup Forums in general. You idiot losers are a real;ly sad bunch.
There's nothing wrong with diversity. If I could get away with killing all of you, I would. You people are selfish, lazy, and useless. More blights on this world than any minority you complain about.
>caring about the race of the protagonist
I really don't get why i come here sometimes
two sides of the same coin.
For the love of God, stop buying western shit. They've already shown they don't give a single fuck about you. Why do you care about them?
Not as bad as Dark Tower where an important character's racism against whites is an essential factor in the story, and makes no sense if the protagonist isn't white
Pretty sure white nerds have been a thing long before there were blacks on tv
katana doesn't work irl
whoa chill out there anita
No helping you then. Enjoy being a consumer, I guess.
Sure. And there are black nerds and white jocks too, right?
When's the last time you've seen that in a film?
I disagree with you. Anyone that plays any video games is retarded.
How exactly is Trump better than Hillary?
Both of them are shit options but how is Trump less shit?
I think you take Sup Forums way too seriously.
Less corrupt. Trump could accidentally do some good, but Hillary gets paid to do only evil.
>le boogeyman sjw
ITT: Nu-Males staying on Sup Forums for the summer.
I just hope Trump wins the election and makes Murrica great again. (Eurofag here btw)
But it's always the same: The people who don't have a problem with all this "diversity" are the ones who are voting for Hillary and letting refugees in without checking.
Fuck this gay earth.
I can't deny this.
I don't get it. Both are hot. I want to suck on both their lips
Literally any teen movie ever has white jocks. Also what is urkel and the black guy from revenge of the nerds
That pic. Just no way
>nathan drake.
>get beated by a nigger women.
>Can't figt back in any way.
Why they always sell themselves to this?
Honest question, why do fuckers like you preach PC crap but legit support violence on people who don't conform to your view? Its like you care about your feelings and opions more than human life.
I don't know about film but Ned's Declasified had a black nerd and white jock
Laurence of Arabia is white you goon.
Trump is a liberal pretending to be a conservative. Hillary is a conservative pretending to be a liberal. The big problem with Hillary is that she's famous for switching her views on important issues and is a purebred politician. Trump is an outsider, and for better or worse that's what the country wants right now.
> A ww1 game shouldn't include the Ottomans
wew lad
>revenge of the nerds
You sure showed me.
bait or projection
And a cute tomboy
we have no problem with asian protagonists, in fact we complained when they de-asianed Faith from Mirror's Edge.
That guy does not look asian, and I don't mean in a "ALL ASIANS ARE UGLY SO THIS CHARACTER MUST BE WHITE" retard way, in a "I wasn't paying attention to his name and didn't even consider he could be asian until I was explicitly told online" way.
His whole skull, nose, eyes and general features just look white, not even half white, just white.
is that gus fring?
Shut up you weeaboo faggot
all of those games are good when i squint or have my eyes closed like a zipperhead with no taste
A jew puppet will save us from this.
A jew puppet will save us from this
I love when people think like this.
>Laurence of Arabia is white you goon.
>Sup Forums
>knowledge of anything besides anime hentai shitty weeb games
Pick one
-Loves his country to death
-Will close the borders to protect his people
-Will protect the constitution and the rights of his people
-Will deport criminals who only cost a lot of money to keep
-Will ban muslims
-Liar who abuse her influence
-A face who's only plan for this country is having a vagina
-On the hands of the richest
Yeah, they should die... for progress!
hello alt-right friend. saving the virtue of another aryan woman?