How many games actually have a TV you can watch shit on?

How many games actually have a TV you can watch shit on?

The Darkness


Pokemon tv

this game fucking sucks

Pokemon Channel revolves around watching 15 shows with your Pikachu and some of which act as minigames, and if nothing's on you can explore a few areas and collect trading cards
I loved the shit out of it

Most of the time it's just a bunch of short clips mashed together, other times you use it to watch old cutscenes.

The Sims (you can mod the TV in Sims 2 to play custom vids like porn for example)
Go Vacation
Crystal Bearers
3D Girl Custom Evolution (Only works when the girl watches TV)
Watch Dogs (random DedSec broadcasts)
New Vegas (with mods)
Pokemon XD

Pokemon Channel was my shit. Looking back it was probably fucking terrible but when I was younger I was all over it.

GTA 4 and 5

VTM:B was pretty good

Harvest Moon

The Max Payne games.


I did too. It was maximum comfy. My parents sold it so I have to re-buy it and see whether I would still find it to be maximum comfy.

>Plant full field of crops
>Check weather report the next day

My mate just got it so him and I could get Jirachi at the time. Neither of us played it really, afterwards.

Megaman Legends

I savescum in Harvest Moon. I savescum hard.

alan wake. boring gameplay, but moderately enjoyable story and plot

iirc, the tv show is like.. a 2 or 3 minute satire of twilight zone and there's quite a number of episodes, maybe 1 for each level.

I do that too, but some of the games have it where the weather is decided 2 days before so you can't change it unless you didn't save a full day before. So I got fucked.

Gotta like how the news broadcast changes to reflect your actions in the game, similar with the radio in San Andreas.

Using a no clip cheat in any building you can see it, you can actually find the news room outside the boundaries, I think you also find an item in it.

Well that's just cheeky.

Clock Tower (2 in Japan)

You can find Scissorman watching cartoons at one point in the game, this is also hints to his true identity