Game where humanity has colonized dozens/hundreds of worlds

>game where humanity has colonized dozens/hundreds of worlds
>people from the "frontier" worlds have stereotypical country American accents

>game where humanity has joined the galactic community
>they all look like humans with minor changes to their faces

>tfw no Mass Effect side game where you play as a hanar during their pre-space flight age

>game where humanity has been using FTL travel for centuries
>technology is incredibly advanced
>only usable weapons are 20th century firearms with virtually standard design and a fucking stick

>game set on some random planet in future
>there are still niggers

>game where humanity has colonized the stars
>politically and socially revert back to feudalism, monarchies and religious fanaticism

Can't get enough of it

someone post the gif

I wonder if, in the future point where we terraform and populate planets, there will be segregated race worlds.

>far flung future
>humanity has colonized the stars on a wide variety of planets
>all humans still look like any human today, no adaptations via evolution, genetic engineering or even cybernetics

Works for me. They can all live in the forgeworlds. Or the plantationworlds

Why the fuck is space feudalism and space nobles so fucking cool? They do nothing for me in fantasy but in space? Hell yeah

This one?

yessss. thank you user

The Feudal age was quite flamboyant, and space is pretty, so combining them creates an interesting setting. Dune appreciates this, even does it with a bit of Space Arabs

I prefer the idea that the educated and wealthy will be the only ones able to escape earth and that such people would be left to rot on a festering earth destroyed by pollution and corruption. In such a case earth is merely a forgotten backwater. And that makes me incredibly happy.

But user we will need workers for our galactic manifest destiny. Until human labor can be completely automated on a planetary scale we'll need undesirables to man them.

You can bet that someone is going to take pity on the starving africans, load millions of them onto a ship and send them to your new, nicely colonised planet.

fucking matt damon

genetic diversity would be a pretty big problem for any colony ship unless you build it to be fucking huge or we develop some faster mode of travel.

What game is being referenced?

>game set in the future
>white people still exist

At a certain point the generation ships we'd send out would all come out looking like basically the same race

Why do you want fictional groups of people to be identifiable by their dialect? Are you that desperate to be able to know which people you should be prejudiced towards? Would you feel better killing spacer rebels if they all had cockney accents?

Halo 5. Specifically the mission on Meridian where nobody likes the UNSC because it's a frontier world.

nah, china would probably load theirs up with han and say fuck your diversity

No, I just want more accents to be used instead of hearing the same few over and over again in games. They should make the voice actors work for their money and not use the stereotypical Russian/American/British/etc etc accents in so fucking many games.

Oh, hello there, eh! Er, welcoome to thee Borderlands, eh?

I washed my hands of Halo after the abortion that was Halo 4.

What the fuck is 343i doing? The state of the Halo is fucking depressing.

Halo 5 is a lot better than 4. Especially gameplay wise.

haven't played any halo since 3, beat that faggerts

>Game where humanity has been using FTL for 30 years
>Weapons are similar in basic operation to 20th century firearms but are entirely different mechanically and this has a meaningful impact on gameplay
>Sequel has an 'improvement' that takes firearms technology back to the invention of the detachable box magazine
Thanks, Bioware.

Halo was always shit.