I'm just pirating your wallet lol

>I'm just pirating your wallet lol.

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cool, luckily it replaces itself instantly, and i only have cash and some coupons in it anyway

That's cool. That's just a copy of my wallet


If it's an exact COPY sure, why not

>Yeah just let me copy your wallet.
>Here is your wallet sir
>See, no problem.

If you're 3D printing it that's fine.

lmao just pirating some money, don't mind me.

Video games are an infinite recourse once they are created. They litteraly have no value. Infinite supply = 0 value

Your wallet probably contains some variety of credit or debit card, which an exact copy of would essentially lead directly to identity theft.

Stupid smug anime girl

Not unless he knows my pin.

But that would still be taking something that I own, not making a copy of it

By taking my wallet and cards, they now have an exact copy of my bank account and whatever cash is in it for them to use as they want, while I still have mine that remains untouched

Don't mind me guys just supporting the game developers with my hard earned money!

As long as you give it back haha.

I'll gladly support game retail stores for letting me buy games for cheap
if the devs want me to buy their games first hand, don't make the starting price so high

>t. someone with a frighteningly poor understanding of electronic banking systems

If he's wrong then the analogy does not hold up

Sorry man, I was using it last night; forgot to bring it today. I'll bring it to class on monday though.

Because the analogy doesn't hold up.

Analogies never hold up.

Analogies are stupid.
I bet you're the kind of moron that compares computers to cars and tries to find exact analogues of each major component.

The pin that can be reset with a single phone call?

How does he get my social security number in order to reset it?

>But its just a copy!

Oh thanks a lot fags, that's exactly what we needed, MORE inflation.

>shitposting during e3 outside designated e3 threads

sure is summer here


>The copying of some neckbeard's crinkled up $1 notes and KFC coupons is comparable to the Fed printing millions a day during QE

You'd have to copy a great amount of money to make a noticeable amount of inflation.

Death to all robotic scum.

Good thing I don't keep the password required to reset my pin in my wallet then


What program did he use to pirate and distribute peer to peer bread?

I would pirate my wallet all the time

Faith, mi familia

How come it stopped working for two millennia?

So what about the hours the employees put into making that game is that suddenly 0 value now as well? if so you should work for free.


They get paid either way as far as I know.


>just pirating this wine lol

and im just knocking you in the face pinning you to the ground and smashing it into the cement lol

Oh you're going to copy my wallet bro? Sure, make an extra copy for me too while you're at it.

Just crucifying this guy. Lol.
Don't worry he makes a copy of himself when he dies.

That's pretty edgy user, he didn't do anything to you, he just copied the wallet.

ain't that bad since I'm getting everything for free anyway

*transforms into kirito*
pirate this!
*jumps in the air spinning sword awesomely*
aiiieeeeeeeee todomeda!!
*cuts you in half*
huh...i cut u in half...its like there are too of u...hah...you got pirated!
*transforms back into david*
that was fun

You watched that Duck Tales ep as well eh...


Why do you assume people give a shit about the industry I just download stuff because its free and the industry can get fucked.

Don't mind me, just handing over my servitude shekels back to the Jew

I work hard for my money, why should I pay for something I can copy for free? The development team already got paid, so who is losing out here? The middle man in the store? The parasitic publisher who makes a profit off other's work? Shareholders who already have enough money to last 10 lifetimes? Suck my dick or fuck off

Some would say that if there were widespread piracy, there'd be a lesser demand for games, and so people would stop making them because they become less profitable.

The middlemen also get wages so that leaves the jewy publishers and shareholders.

I'd rather have less demand and niches filled instead of this everyone should play our games crap.

>piratescum using magic as logic behind their niggery

>take a copy of my money
>we both get rich
i dont see a problem with this :^)

Actually if you pirate a wallet, granted it contains ID cards. That's identity theft and impersonation as well which is bigger offense.

Make many copies while you're at it, there's only a few dollars in there.

Don't worry, I'm just pirating some sex

If he would copy the girl and the clone would consent I wouldn't see a problem.


The woman loses nothing from having sex with a stranger consent or not

Hey kid, want some stolen books? Don't worry, it's all free. Take as much as you want.


Leave it to consolecucks to misunderstand words. First Cuck than Scraps now pirating. Pick up a book you fucking degenerates.

>Monks hate him!

Post bike thief please

>Takes wallet out of pocket
>Makes one of my dollars equal to nothing
>Spend the dollar on lunch later
>It doesn't count towards my food

Mi dios!
My bitcoins, NO!

Would you wantto get ridden by an ugly tumblrina landwhale ?
I wouldn't and I'm sure it would scar me for life.
What I mean is that rape is damaging the victim.

Gee, remember when Sup Forums was about games and not moralfaggotry and twitter/eceleb shit?

Which is why the industry is now complete shit. In this day and age the power is in the consumer hands instead of corporations. The idea of defending piracy as try before you buy is retarded since you can watch an entire game being played and the majority never buy the game anyway. Trying to justify it as companies already get paid couldn't be more false unless its AAA

This is why we have overwatch

This is why we have dlc

This is why we have micro transactions

No one has ever had the motive to make good shit, there's just a big enough number of bad shit together it's overwhelming and feels good to process.

If they make a game 1000 people want to play, and half of them pirate, the company is probably already bankrupt because no good soul actually triples their spendings to get their final price


>Hi, where is the new bike
>I stopped making bikes in this town. I simply couldnt feed my family because you kept copying them, and didn't sell a single ones
>But I want to ride the new bike!
>Then you have to move to Consoleville and buy one
>Fine, whatever, your new bike fucking sucks anyw as y, I only want to ride old bikes, they are not as shit as yours!

When did you realize that the Republic in Star Wars employed stolen humans?

*pirated humans

yeah but if jesus pulled that shit every day he would have put all the fisherman and breadmakers out of business

>where is new bike
>I spent so much money on advertising i forgot to make a new bike

But nobody would have to work anyway, there would be free food and drink for everyone


You're overestimating consumers.
Speaking on a mainstream level people buy everything en masse as long as it is well marketed, see skyrim for example.
So eventually corporations can do anything they want.

There are enough games which are niches and still sell enough for sequels to get made with selling 100 dlc packs next to it. See warband for example.

>t. Spaniard

>the wallet was super shit
Now i know if i should or shouldn't buy this wallet

>But nobody would have to work anyway
Jesus would.

Meant without selling 100 dlc

good thing no games worth playing are released every year



I pirate games from countries I don't like.

What countries don't you like?

>Special officer

I'll bet.

Every one of them.



all of them :^)

t. American Banking system

The jews realized this and had him crucified for that.

I don't pirate a lot (never games) but if I'm downloading it, I was obviously unlikely to buy it so nothing was lost.

No physical object is lost if you pirate something since it's a digital copy. You only have one wallet, maybe a spare, but once that money is gone, it's gone.

If you're on the fence about buying something (maybe a blu-ray box set etc.) and you can't watch the show on Netflix or something (thanks HBO and Sky with GoT) then it's good to be able to watch it without waiting months to give them your money, or to see if it's any good at all.

Piracy is born out of poor service. We got rid of our Sky box long ago since it's just too much money a month, basically had TV channel DLC, and the same thing can be accomplished by a Freeview box with a hard drive.

But I assume you already know all this and more, but you just want to shitpost while you wait for TL;DR videos from E3.


I'm qualitatively easing myself by talking to my therapist .