Would you consider this a guilty pleasure ?

Would you consider this a guilty pleasure ?

I'd consider that a shitty game.


>thread made multiple times a day
>faggots on here unironically admit enjoying it in every thread
summer needs to end

More like one of those 'so bad it's good' experiences

You need to end

It wasn't really good but I found it extremely comfy.

nothing guilty about these feels

Someone post the summer posting image

you're pretty generous.

I consider it a good game 8/10

It's shit.
You're shit.
You should consider doing us a favor and killing yourself.


Got your back family

Yes I watch a let´s play of it

Thanks friend

>edgy mcedgelord edges

summmmer is hereeee again ohhh loorrdd



Founder of 9fag I believe... Real name is Mark Twain and he died from a car crash last year.


Guilty pleasure would imply enjoyment. I played it twice and only hated it more.

>dont think much of it
>play it because a friend of mine asks, shares her library with me on steam
>stream it for a few friends
>it's ok
>2 lines in the game trigger Sup Forums
>men need to be checked
>stupid gun
>18 hours or so, 2 playthroughs

Honest question is there lesbianism

Yes. But only if you want it.

He's some liberal cuck brony

I can comfortably enjoy a telltale or puzzle game like Bard's Tale or Myth. But the ending of Life is Strange is really disappointing so it's hardly worth remembering.

...I'm buying it

Yeah but you gotta trigger the right flags

Better than choosing the beta cuck

>2 lines in the game trigger Sup Forums
Idiots literally call the game Tumblr just for the two lines.

I'm guilty of wanting to pleasure Kate

You do not. Kate is pure. Defile not the maiden.

>wanna put the dick to Max
What's wrong with me Sup Forums?

The story was fine. The gameplay is just like TLOU.

The controls were a fucking nightmare.

I prefer to go blind than play this shit again

Comfy af, good until ep5.

Watched a friend play bits and pieces.
Was really boring

>But only if you want it.

No it doesn't matter what you choose cuz whatever you do main girl has hots for that chick. And that shit haired guy always getting cuck'd

Nothing, Max is a cute

Playing games with gameplay(example. Not Life is Strange)


But I want to impregnate and marry her

You don't have to cuck him but he does deserve to be cucked for being such a beta

You still want to do that after listening to her talk?

You have fantastic taste.

it's an enjoyable experience even if the last episode is lacking


Anyone who likes this shit should have no right to complain about walking simulators ever again jesus christ, why these episodic CYOA(not really because your choices don't matter) "games" are popular is beyond me, fuck telltale for unleashing this cancer.

>beats the shit out of a chad

I very strongly doubt anybody that enjoyed LiS complains about walking simulators.

It's indepenent from player because girl always cucks him one way or another

That may be so but it doesn't make up for all those cringy text messages and how he does anything Max asks him to.

>not Chloe

Shit game

I only liked the setting

Idk maybe i'm a bit too sympathetic. But yeah i don't understand how those frogs thought Warren was acceptable

I'm not even guilty about it. It's definitely lacking in a lot of ways, but it hit enough sweet spots with me for me to at least enjoy the experience.

>beats the shit ouf of a drunk kid who beated the shit ouf of him three days ago

that's a big deal

Are there any other comfy school games?

That one columbine shooting game was pretty comfy.

I tried playing it for a couple of hours but the interactions between characters were just too cringy for me and I couldn't continue anymore.

Bully Scholarship Edition

got real good when chloe was in the chair, but the last episode was a serious let down