Who is gonna try this game out again now that you can go anywhere and do anything without level restrictions?

Who is gonna try this game out again now that you can go anywhere and do anything without level restrictions?

Shit game

I'd give it a try if there was a trial.
There's no way I'm going to pay 50 bucks for this.

I was going to, because I own it, but now I'm not.
That sounds like a fucking terrible idea. RPGs are good when you CAN'T do everything that you want to do as one character, and I imagine MMOs are similar.

>RPGs are good when you CAN'T do everything that you want to do as one character, and I imagine MMOs are similar.

thats not what thats even remotely saying

you still gain levels and have classes and have limits as a character

its saying the world isnt level locked

like you cant go to this dungeon because you arent level 40

you can go in at level 10 if you want and it will get scaled relative to your level

Restricting where you can go based on your level is stupid.
If some noob wants to die by running at high level enemies then let them.

>That sounds like a fucking terrible idea. RPGs are good when you CAN'T do everything that you want to do as one character, and I imagine MMOs are similar.

idiot has never even heard of UO

>7 Million players

Does that mean WoW is BTFO?

It's most definitely total accounts since release and not current base

7 million accounts.
Just like WoW has 100 million 'players'.

Yeah, and that sounds terrible.
Level scaling is the ass that ruined RPGs.

Shut the fuck up, Hisoka.

No, it actually allows you to do any content you want to. It provides complete freedom.

So in the end they ditched the MMO and made basically a normal TES game with multiplayer? And all the content is scaled to your level like it did in Oblivion? Maybe it's fun to play it as another single player TES by this point. I own it so no harm in trying it out.

When does the change happen? Did they give a date?

They didn't say. The update is called One Tamriel though.

Where did you get that pic?

Hisoka is alive and well

That sounds absolutely fucking awful.

It's 12 euros in G2A you idiot

I hate to be that guy, but you're making it so obvious I pretty much have to. Stop marketing this shit, you're not fooling anyone.

Remember me?

Honestly why would anyone give a fuck. Bethesda doesn't even care that I refunded my steam copy, they still let me play the game for some ungodly reason I won't question. The game is just an intro to a cash shop and the only reason to play is some lore and the combat not being cycling through skills. This isn't horrible by any means given its so dogshit you can't find a fucking group through their groupfinder, at least with this I'll FINALLY be able to play a dungeon with someone else.

Level scaling sounds damn stupid - if there's no fixed difficulty content it's hard to understand why there are levels at all. Should just make a co-op game in that case.

That's actually inaccurate.

YOU will get scaled to champion level 160.

That means your shitty non-set gear with shit enchants gets a flat stat boost to be c160. Plus, you don't have the stat points or skill points that an actual c160 would have spent.

On top of all of that, why bother leveling at all if everything in the world is scaled?

Nope not shilling dude. Just came from work and didn't watched the presentation. TES:O was a mess and I never managed to get to the end game because it was this strange mix of MMO and TES but more like a jack of all trades master of none.

If I can fuck around on my own like a normal TES game then my copy would at least be used again. Didn't touch the game in a year.

I'm just saying those posts are written as if they were devised by a marketer who doesn't grasp how people actually post here.

It's an improvement.

Eh I dunno. I've seen people have a diverse posting style before but it's okay. Honestly this update is a godsend to me. Playing around in an mmo pretending it's anything like modern elder scrolls while I wait 5 hours for a dungeon killed this game for me. I never made it past level 23.

>The game is just an intro to a cash shop
This is seriously one of the MMOs that indulge the least on this.

Actually the dungeon finder is broken right now. It used to work like a month ago no problem. I would get instantly but now its brokeded. But i imagine it was always shitty being dps. But im a healer so yuh

>I don't like this post, so it's a shill

>indulge the least in this
Nigger when you login the first thing that shows up is shit for you to buy with "crowns"
I play the fucking game m8.

Everything is scaled in GW2 too, and that was never a problem.

That sucks.