For those who played it blind, before the hype/all the shitposting, what was your honest opinion of Undertale?

For those who played it blind, before the hype/all the shitposting, what was your honest opinion of Undertale?

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Pretty good, not amazing.

Solid 6/10 on the non-journalist scale

You cannot discuss this game here anymore.

Because it's popular, and because muh fanbase.

Give up, and try to talk about it elsewhere. Here it will never happen again because Sup Forums shat a big one in its bed, and now you decided to lie in it.

I liked it so much I played it twice in one sitting.

I thought that it was pretty great. Few games make me finish them in one sitting, even short ones.

It was hype as fuck and I still rewatch the true ending sometimes

Decent game.

I still get emotional hearing the hopes and dreams music even after the "just do it" edit. Just a great finale with amazing music.

I really liked it. I felt that author really loved doing this game and it shows.
Fanbase is pure cancer though.

I didn't really know much about it then a friend gifted it to me on Steam. I enjoyed it and ended up buying the soundtrack.
I generally don't pay much attention to the fandom of things I enjoy so it didn't ruin it for me.

>Fanbase is pure cancer though.

It's in a fanbase's nature to be pure cancer, though. The only way to not be a part of that is to not get too obsessive.

Decent enough soundtrack was hardcore chiptune garbage doe

alright story, but anything about the game plummets if you get spoiled beforehand. I still think sans is an idiot

I played the demo when it was first announced and expected something decent, I felt like the world that the demo allured was very different from the final game, I can't put my finger on it exactly but the game past ruins felt so goofy and less coherent. I really can't describe how I feel, but overall I liked it even if I was expecting something a bit different. It was a pleasant experience.

Wasted potential. Mercy system is entirely useless as in i basically forces you to play as Hitler or as a pacifist, may as well just asked once at the beginning if I wanted to spare people. Neutral ending is just a setup to the other two.
It is also easy as fuck with the only actually challenging boss being Sans in the entire game.

The only thing turning me off it for some time was Sup Forums bitching about it.
Didn't personally play through genocide because I wanted to do it on my first route so I killed everyone on the neutral route but didn't farm the enemies till they stopped spawning, getting that without a guide is pretty obscure.
Aside from that ASGORE was a great fight with good music, Flowey was spoiled by Sup Forums but I didn't know the slightest thing about the pacifist route which made that pretty good.

The game could've been a bit longer but asides from that preddy gud.

Fuck off with this same thread you post everyday, and the retards who respond to it seriously everyday.

it was a nice little game, entertaining for 2 or 3 playthroughs but nothing more


Neutral was, in my opinion, probably the best ending ironically enough.

I didn't enjoy it much after the part where the demo ends. Some of the boss fights were still enjoyable but everything else kind of sucked. I don't understand how people were able to replay it over and over, there isn't enough new content to do that and everything that could have been discovered was spoiled so shortly after release.

Great music, smart but not that funny. Some parts were too long. Went pacifist but I'll never imagine doing another run to see the lore. I've finished it so it must have been a good game. 7/10

Pretty good, but like all hipster rpg the game is ingenious but really short, easy and ugly.
But it was really good, it deserve a 7/10 if you don't really like the characters, otherwise it's a 8/10

It was ok

95% of atmosphere/emotion for me is audio; games with fantastic, aesthetinc defining soundtracks always win me over. I've replayed Bastion a dozen times just because of the soundtrack

I've never played a game that uses lietmotifs as efectivly as Undertale, and it became one of my favorite games as a result. It manages to make you feel nostalgic and sentimental over moments/characters with it's audio alone, despite being a measly 7 hour game

>The mood shift in the Papyrus fight when Bonetrousle starts playing
>Toriel's theme mixed into Asgore's fight (Along with the pie easter egg)
>The corrupted Snowy theme when fighting that one Almagamate
>Hearing traces of the Ruin's theme in, like, half the soundtrack
>Hopes and Dreams in general

I couldn't put the game down

Meh in all regards, mostly cringeworthy writing.

Thought it was going to be a horror game until the dog armor enemy, pleasantly surprised 7/10

It was alright, felt rather shallow and rushed in some areas but that is somewhat made up in the boss battles.

It was pretty good. I personally think that the core was too long and was more annoying than entertaining


the music is great

Solid and very unique take on the mechanics that inspired it. Music is very good, and the story is nothing special but entertaining enough. I'll probably play it again someday.

It was a nice little short game.

I thought the "best" ending was fucking retarded.

Renders that entire spiel Flowey gives you at the start of the game, about the possibility of having no choice but to fight, void.

One could say that he was just wrong but the neutral ending final fight is so much better than either of the other ends, almost bizarrely so, because there's no choice but to fight and win or to die.

There's no convincing Asgore not to fight you, even if he's one of the least willing person to fight you in the whole game. It's a classic example of a tragic antagonist, and there's actual weight behind having to defeat him, especially if your playthrough was like my first one where I didn't backtrack when I was right at the end section to do the True Lab, but had done pacifist up to that point.

Then True Pacifist just shits on that potential with a dumb anime ending.

Before you fags got ahold of it and went insane a friend recommended it to me and I played about half way through then bought it and lost all interest.

I haven't played it since.

It was fun but the gameplay took a back seat so I had a very limited attention span. The story was good but it wasn't good enough to get me through pretty unfulfilling gameplay.

Inferior to this

Tried for half an hour, after an user giving me kindly the mega link. Pretty meh, can't see the appeal, story seems shallow.

pretty much.

It was good.
worth the money but not worth the hype it got afterwards.

>42 minutes
>Half way through

I highly doubt you got past the first skeleton boss

I loved it, the whole ending with flowey was fucking amazing. Great music, nice story. The threads about the game were great too, unfortunately when other sites latched onto the game Sup Forums decided that it's time to become the contrarian and the threads were nuked into high orbit and now discussion about the game is dead. Still, it was a fun ride.

It was ok.
Stopped after 4h because I thought it trying to be too clever for its own good. Also, it started to get boring.

read the fucking post it was one sentence

I played half way through then bought it and lost all interest.

A bland 6/10

>good music
>good combat system
>fun character designs
>fun bosses and boss fights
>admittedly some fun humor and moments

>choice system is garbage
>multiple endings are pointless
>story is mostly shit
>some bosses are utterly pointless (spider?)
>too many "artsy" moments
>breaking the 4th wall is really stupid and obnoxious imo

I honestly don't get why it garnered so much hype later. I don't get how people were that into this game. I have no interest in ever revisiting it

It's sorta like a rookie magician who found a really cool new trick
you go see his show and the first time you're just blown away.
Then you go and see him a few more times and you still think it's pretty damn cool the shit he manages to pull.
Then a few weeks go by, the act starts to lose its luster. You notice +things you didn't before, figure out how things actually work, and realize that it's really not as amazing as you first thought.

Basically, it's pretty good. Definitely worth ten bucks. It's refreshing and unique but you won't really get much more enjoyment out of it after you play a few runs and sorta reverse engineer how everything works in your head.

At least the music kicks ass.


Cutesy, quirky indiegame. Really simplistic, kinda charming.

Decent music, visuals were ass, gameplay was okay.

I thought it was genuinely clever, though I'm easily amused

The whole process of getting the shed key from Sans at the end of the game had me both impressed and in tears laughing. And his ever changing dialog before/during his fight made constantly losing fell like not so much of a chore

Had fun with it all three times I played it and managed to share some revelations and theories with Sup Forums in those precious few coherent threads before it exploded.
Very memorable game and I'm glad it exists. Music is GOAT too.

It was pretty darn good.
But versing Omega Flowey and then going on to getting the true pacifist ending made me very giddy and my emotions got the better of me, I went straight onto Sup Forums after the credits and made a thread that's just me writing walls of text gushing about the game, I gave the fanbase a really bad name in that thread, this was before Undertale completely blew up and got the fanbase it has now.
I'm very happy I got to experience the game blind, I feel like if I watched a playthrough first I would have missed out on this great experience.
I was a little turned off by sans at the beginning because honestly I just expected the game to be about you, goatmom and flowey after playing the demo but he slowly grew on me overtime but he's not THAT great of a character, I don't know what everyone shits their pants over.

>We'll never have UT demo threads and release week threads ever again
feels bad man

I just remembered that Asgore wasn't actually the final fight, Omega Flowey was.

I guess fighting Asgore felt much more significant considering the whole game built up to him while Flowey turned into a photoshop conglomerate out of nowhere.

That fight was fun but not compelling storywise, but it makes up for it at the end I guess by giving you a choice whether or not to destroy something that is a definite threat to fucking everything or let it live out of some feeling of principle.

Did the neutral and pacifist route in one sitting on LSD and genocide months later on amphetamine
It was a nice, funny, heartwarming experience.
genocide was something else

thematic elements were enjoyable until tumblr hype (or whatever the fuck, sjw audience eye was focused on it)
it was a new interactive bullet hell experience, worth playing once, or to some people, twice.

I just don't want to talk about it anymore, it's old news and the people who shill it endlessly are cancer.

I'd give it a solid 7.5 or 8/10. It was nothing extremely special, but it did most things well enough and felt like a very genuine little game, for whatever that's worth.

I like Sans, he's relatable and interesting.
Problem is, he's TOO relatable to 99% of the fanbase.
>OMG he's secretly super depressed just like MEEEEEE

Nothing great. Narration was annoying for most part. Puns were horrible. I didn't like a single character.
Scientist should've died.
Goat mom was overpossesive bitch.
Sans was kinda cool, but again, puns were fucking horrible.
Combat was nothing noteworthy. Decent, taht's about it.
Backgrounds were kubo tier. Graphic were pretty bad in general.
It was nice, that your decisions actually mattered, but narration and fanbase think only pure pacifist is the only right way to play it.
Lv/LOVE reveal was nice, but expected something along such lines.

I'd give it 4/10, maybe 5/10 if you like puns and breaking 4th wall.

>secretly super depressed

I mean I guess apathy is a symptom of depression but he didn't seem unhappy at all

I personally liked the humour but then again I get a chuckle out of idiocy, soundtrack was 10/10. Art and gameplay was just average.

I wanna say 7/10 or 8/10. Its a short game but it didn't really do anything wrong to me

3/10 if we're taking fanbases into account though

I liked it. Got True Pacifist.

Can't say I liked it enough to give it a second go, but I liked it.

I enjoyed it. Wasn't the best thing ever but I had a great time.

I thought it was great. It felt like a breath of fresh air however I couldn't get myself to fully defend it due to how poorly the 4th wall break is done. I also disliked how conventional the game's themes are

Good game. Glad I played it. Never will again.

Played the pacifist route first! The final flowey-fight almost gave me a heart-attack!
/10, would sacrifice my carthartic systems again!

I went in fully blind pacifist, and loved every minute of it. I'm don't watch anime, I'm not a furry or fishlover. I didn't play Earthbound, but only a few JRPGs in my lifetime. The characters worked very well together, the story was videogamey and cute and I cried like a little bitch multiple times during my playthrough.

Good, but unbelievably overrated.

Sans and Undyne the Undying fights were the only challenging ones. Asgore and Muffet had good mechanics in their fights.

Only thing worthy of its praise is the soundtrack.

>All of these people in the fanbase saying Asriel is their favorite character and how much they cried during the final sequence when you SAVE him.
I don't fucking understand it, Asriel is literally the worst main character in the game. I understand the purpose for him existing, it gives Flowey an origin backstory, but he just comes out of nowhere, fucks your friends up, and then you're supposed to just de facto give him sympathy when he starts crying all over your text box. He's flat as cardboard and has literally no character development arc at all. He goes from soulless demon to a whimpering innocent child within like five minutes. Why can't I kill the motherfucker like I was able to kill Flowey at the end of a neutral run? Oh, because I'm locked into the Pacifist ending. Same reason you can't kill Alphys.
The Pacifist ending was just too neatly tied up with a ribbon for it to feel fulfilling at all. It shits all over the concept that sometimes there's just some people that can't be reasoned with. It's only purpose is to give pacifist runners a cookie for their effort.

I complete game in 40 minutes by walking to the right of the screen. It would've been less but someone had to tell me you had to run from undyne

It had some good characters

He actually was. In the true end scenario where you have to save him, you'll notice his text is all wobbly, which only happens when characters cry. It's one of the few instances where anyone does in that game.

Fights were fun, didn't get to fight Sans. Asgore was an absolute baller fight, was an idiot and didn't realise the whole Flowey invincibility thing so it felt like I clutched. I enjoyed it, even more so going back and doing Pacifist.

Probably an 8-9/10, I really enjoyed it all things considered.except for the flowey thing at the end of a neutral run I mean I get it he's this big omnipresent big bad but he just goes noep xD and does the thing baka toby

Felt like tumblr in 8bit, dropped it after the meme skeleton showed up.

It was a pretty great experience going completely blind. I had no idea there were other paths to the game and that you can save things of your own will.

I basically started the game with the mindset like it was a normal rpg. Just killed stuff to level, ended up killing the frog that tells you about sparing before it could tell me. Thought Toriel was some fucked up monster with a bunch of dead children in her basement so I didn't take anything she said seriously and was waiting for that plot twist until I actually got to the fight and was a bit surprised that she genuinely cared for my safety. And me, not knowing about sparing, ended up killing her and thinking it was the way it's suppose to go. Felt a bit down but I wasn't depressed or anything, just surprised how the game wasn't going the way I thought it was going. So I figured it'll just be one of those games where you keep progressing and it makes you feel bad about all the stuff you do. Like a self-aware jrpg. And it was. There was lots of moments that gave me a chuckle, made me surprised, and kept me immersed. Though my experience greatly differs from most unfortunately. I ended up accidentally sparing papyrus by finding out that you should just not do anything and let him capture you and just rolled with it. The Undyne part where she called out all the things I did to get that far was a nice twist and made me realize what exactly I was doing. And when I killed her, that call from papyrus made me feel bad (I thought it was intentional).

A lot of his genocide dialogue sorta gives credence to his comical nature being a front. There's also the fact that, when he's absorbed by Asriel in the pacifist route, he loses his normal "hurhurhur" talking noise and doesn't speak in Comic Sans.

It's most likely playing on the common pattern of real life comedians suffering from crippling depression behind the scenes, using their comedy to cope with it.

I didn't like it.

It's better than the sum of its parts. The graphics are shit, it's very short for an RPG and the setting is a big mish-mash of stuff. That being said the music is excellent, the fourth wall breaking, little moments like Asgore breaking the mercy button, the blue attack, the final boss etc. It's an 8/10 game. The final sections of the game made up for most of the issues. Bits of it were genuinely pretty heartwarming.

A shame it can't be discussed without counter-fans, more autistic than its disgustingly autistic fanbase, ruining things.

Alphys made me feel worse for killing undyne too. But even after finding out about sparing, I decided to keep moving forward and keep killing. When Sans was talking about the lady from behind the door, it made me feel like shit (again) for killing her. The mettaton parts were meh, I didn't care about him but again, ended up feeling bad when alphys saw what I did to him. And Asgore, when I got to him I felt like we were both there to finish a job we didn't want to do, but something we had to do. The fight held meaning to it. And when Flowey showed up and did all the game crashing stuff, and looked extremely overpowered, I thought it was my punishment for all the sins I committed, and that was the "bad end". When I found out I could actually kill him and finished him off, I kept doing the same thing I did the entire run and killed him. And then I got that neutral ending. The one where it's only pap and sans alive. I've looked through all of the neutral endings but none of them made me feel worse than the first one I got. So all in all, I felt pretty shitty after finishing my first run. But it was that feeling that pushed me to do the pacifist run and sought to make everything right. And that's what made my pacifist run so good. There was surprisingly so much more to the game and I loved every second of it. It kinda sucks there's no one to talk to that experienced the game exactly like I did. I felt like my experience was near perfect. But I'm sure other people that enjoyed the game probably think that too.

>it's a pretty great expierience because i failed to comply with the idea of the game originally
yeah ok

Omega Flowey wasn't the final boss, it was Asriel.

Cute but boring start
Midgame was ok
Core was fucking annoying and I hate Alphys
Ending was ok
True ending was nice if corny

I still hate Alphys.

Great game with a satisfying ending, but replaying it made me realize that each route can only be played once and not be boring. The pacifist fight with asriel was pretty gay, especially the part where he cries and shoots a laser at you while screaming "LET ME WIN", which always seemed silly to me. Goat hug at the end was nice though. Genocide route is garbage except for the undyne and sans fights, both of which don't really require you to git gud since the attack patterns are the same everytime. The sans fight was still one the most fun bosses that I've fought though, up with ornate and and smough in dork souls

>letting trendy shitposters on Sup Forums affect your opinion or experience
>letting autistic tumblrists affect your opinion or experience

I played it last month and it was great.

during the hype: 6/10
after: 5/10

It was good but OFF was better and free

I liked it a lot, I was surprised with how much they could do with what seemed like a very simple gameplay mechanic. The enemy encounters felt like I was playing through a webcomic. There were a lot of small thigns I like such as all the shopkeepers being taken aback when you want to sell something and then it finally paying off when you sell stuff to Temmy because she's an idiot.

Toby himself said the best way to play Undertale is to go in completely blind. The experience of discovering the game's spare mechanic instead of being told about it before starting is one of my favorite parts of the game.


When I refer to "final boss," it's in reference to what boss you fight before you basically replay the game.

If I had chosen to do Genocide mode last, Sans would have been the last boss if you consider every run to just be part of one big playthrough. Thus there are three bosses that qualify as final bosses.

yeah ok


Ah, true. But if you want to leave the game contented and happy then you'll want to finish on Pacifist and never even touch genocide.

I like it a whole lot. I really like non-lethal options for some reason, and I also like dialogue heavy games and it even had a bunch of my favorite stupid tropes.

Yeah, I'm kinda sad. I played it almost blind, but people told me to try and not kill everyone - something I'd do otherwise. And even telling someone that is kinda a spoiler, looking at what the game is all about.

As for the game itself - I got what it wanted to do, but it wasn't amazing. It was just okay-ish. There's tons of games better than this, even FNAF was better as a game.

too depressing to catch on
seriously, I felt awful finishing that

Friend I think you're the one who failed to even understand the idea of the game. You're supposed to go in blind and mindlessly kill them like its an RPG then realize that shit, the monsters are people too. If you knew you were supposed to go in and spare everything for the "Good' end then you just went in wrong

Here's how to fix the game:

Add in a small segment at the end of True Lab where you have the option to kill Alphys. There doesn't even have to be an entire battle sequence. She could be depressed enough at that point where you just one-shot her. Throw in an extra neutral ending that takes that into account.

Change the final Asriel fight so that you are able to actually Fight him somehow and potentially kill him. The ending wouldn't even need to be changed much since nobody even remembers getting absorbed by Flowey.

Look, I just made Undertale about 15% better.

liked the music but it just felt this whole
" meh " after, didn't ever want to play it again .

Omega Flowey was annoying as fuck though, stop crashing my fucking game its aggravating to have to turn it back on.

but toriel tells you that you can fight by talking, after that point why would you first try to kill anything?

buh buh goatbro cute xDxD

Loved it.
Still do.

When I first played the demo to the game and I got to that point, my instinct wasn't "Never kill anything ever," it was "Kill only things that seem to actually want to harm me."

I think I killed a couple Migosps since I couldn't figure out the mechanic of sparing everything else before sparing it, and it was the most visibly aggressive monster in the area.

A lot of people would probably end up killing Toriel too, not realizing that you can actually spare her, since one of the Froggits says you can only spare a monster if its name is yellow.

It's a good game, 7/10. the soundtrack is a 10/10

Meh the music was the strongest part of the game.

It's a very lite rpg. Maybe 10 hours long. No two characters were identical outside of like random encounters. You had a peace and genocide route of gameplay.

If I had to I would give it an uhhhhh out of meh.

Loved it. I got promised a 2-3 hour long game that would be a little quirky and got a lot more.

I thought it was amazing for its length, I enjoyed it thoroughly. My favorite game of 2015.

Still planning to play it all again after the summer term.

Lisa is extremely unpleasant to play. Which is the point, I guess, but it doesn't get a free pass for being shit on purpose. Also I'm just plain sick of stories about le dark nature of man and post-apocalyptic shit.