Paying money for video games

>paying money for video games

>even people working on minimum wage can afford any game they want

You're either 14 or REALLY bad with your finances

>supporting the artists who make art you enjoy

>buys things he could get for free
>calls others bad with his finances

What did reddit mean by this?

you dont get the working multiplayer for free

>if you object to paying money to cancerous sjw developers and gaymer companies you must be poor

>paying money for food/drink

>playing western games at all

>haha, i don't buy videogames because i'm SMART, because i have the CHOICE
>not because i'm fucking underrage and broke as fuck, haha !

Every single time. You won't fool anyone Timmy.

>not having a job
>being poor
>basement warrior
>posts on Sup Forums

Did you really think the majority on Sup Forums/v/ was working?

Press F to pay respects

what is tunggle hamachi etc.
u can even play on steam serwers on fucking spacewar

>pirate everything
>never give a cent to devs
>complain bitterly when companies make casual crap that panders to the people who actually buy games
Entitlement, thy name is Sup Forums.

>hurr i have a job LOOK AT ME i can waste money on free games normie master race420
thats how u look


Sounds fine to me. Get a job and contribute you lazy kid

I pay for all my goods in polished beads.


>I think I'm part of some underground revolution while in actuality my ISP is funneling lists of shit I'v illegally downloaded to the government so if they ever need me drafted it's either go to war or be sued in to poverty.

And that's you. Best way to fight the system is to be a part of it newfriend.

>paying game for video money

>buying food
>buying house

>not supporting capitalism
>being a thief
The Trump Train can't pull into station fast enough