Not a single star wars game in 2016

>Not a single star wars game in 2016
thank mister satan

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ur welcom


Why would you even want it?

Nobody can make one until Disney solidifies the lore for the sequels.

didn't blunderfront come out or was that last year? anyways who the fuck even wants SW games when EA has the reigns.

>not a good star wars game in the 2010's

Why even bother?

>Still no better Star Wars space game than TIE Fighter
>Still no better Star Wars ground game than Jedi Outcast
>Any new games will be based on the new movies

end me

This. I didn't give up because Disney. I gave up because EA.

Is The Old Republic still going?

glub glub glub

what is luke doing

Yep. Outcast was THE SHIT. Though I enjoyed x-wing Alliance a tiny bit more than TIE.

>yfw there will never be a Star War game as good as Jedi Outcast

>star wars 7 8 9 : the movie : the game

I hope EA fucking chokes on that SW licence. Fucking Satan.

I know I shouldn't but I want to be hopeful about the game being done by Visceral + Amy Hennig

yep. if this one will not deliver at least an 8/10 experience i will fucking commit sudoku.

>Any new games will be based on the new movies

aw come on man a new sw game from the new movies would be great! you could create your own jedi and use the same indie bands from austin and portland name generator that they used for the movie characters! you could create a dark jedi and when run you low on force you can just find a closet and slash your saber into the wall and throw a tantrum to refill your force rage just like the movies!

Honestly, I'm just glad they're not rushing Battlefront 2 (the first one was clearly a rushed piece of shit that might have well been an alpha for the next game). I feel bad for anyone who bought the season pass for 50 dollarydoos, DICE is clearly too busy with Battlefield 1 and Battlefront 2 to give any fucks about Battlefront's DLC/patches, so have fun waiting half a fucking year for 2 maps, 2 reskinned characters, 2 game modes stolen from Call of Duty and 1 weapon (times two).

We are getting LEGO: The Force Awakens this year which is a cash grab if I ever fucking saw one.

>Traveler's Tales: Shouldn't we wait for all three to come out so we can have the game take place over a trilogy like the first two LEGO Star Wars games?
>Disney: Fuck that, we want it TODAY. Don't forget to cut out enough content for a Season Pass!

Even worse than the shit they pulled with the Hobbit. WHERE'S MY FREE THIRD MOVIE DLC FAGGOTS?

What sucks is we have to wait 'till 2018 for Visceral's game which will probably be the best one of the three.

Yeah, I was surprised to see her during the little Star Wars video EA showed. Probably the only time I got hyped during the thing, given they announced FUCKING NOTHING we didn't already know about.

Nah, that's LEGO's department. For the most part they seem to be avoiding the direct license game (Disney is probably worried about movie plot leaks and "tarnishing the movie brand")

You forgot

>Still no better Star Wars RPG than KOTOR

Laughably, yes. They even dedicated a bit of their video to it but didn't announce ANY new developments or features, just showed 2 vaguely minority kids playing it or some shit.

>mfw during the mobile game part of the video

I was laughing my ass off at how hard they were trying to sell their mobilegarbage as hard work or relevant to SW canon.

Last year. Only thing from EA this year for Star Wars is Battlefront DLC. Only new Star Wars game (besides possibly mobile stuff) this year is LEGO Star Wars: Force Awakens.

>the in-game Old Republic footage they used
it looks that bad??? holy fuck my sides

It actually looks even worse outside that cherry-picked shit.

Meh, you could have it worse...
tfw star trek online is getting a console launch. A 6 year old MMO is getting a console launch. A game where folks working with its code have a similar success rate as Adeptus Mechanicus has whenever they bring tech plans from the catacombs of Mars.

you can tell the whole point of mentioning Old Republic at all was
>w-we're s-still r-relevant!

it's a pretty excellent waifu simulator though

>imperial agent in short shorts

there are like 5 or 6 star wars games in development. 2 of them are aaa single player games

whats up with the nazi flags?

Breaks my heart what happened to Star Wars. It really does.

reminder that bioware rewrote revan into a brainwashed idiot purely out of spite

padmÄ— pls

how the fuck are you supposed to play that on console when you get to like level 50 and have a bazillion different abilities to use?

i think it is possible that the Galactic Empire (tm) might be fascist

Star Wars was never good.

I just want something like Moviebattles. Battlefont sucks in comparison.

By what i have heard, you get to set your skills on autocast and you can roll through the skills through some sorta action wheel you bring up with one button and scroll through with analogue stick or something.

>autocasting dps abilities that have huge cooldowns


get the fuck out plebian

> tfw still no better Star Wars flight game than Rogue Squadron / Rogue Leader
> tfw PC never got Rebel Strike
> tfw the ground sections were total shit

No, really. It wasn't. It's one of the most overrated movie franchises of all time. I guess flashy bright colours and swords made out of lasers appeals to the average mouth breathing 'teehee im so nerdy xD' faggots who worship it like it's sci-fi Jesus.

PC got Rogue Squadron 2?

i dont even like star wars that much but i can say you're a faggot

le bait.
Thats because you are a child who didnt see the originals before they got digitally raped.

>thank mister satan
It's really the least I could do, kid. You should spend less time playing video games and more time learning martial arts!

Unfortunately no.
I was just hyped for 3 on PC back then because I was hoping for Jedi Outcast with good star fighter action.

> tfw no gf to learn marital arts with

Eh, it can take as long as it wants. Unspecified SW game written and directed by Amy Hennig is as high as my hopes can possibly go when it comes to EA production.

I'll never be as much of a faggot as anyone who likes Star Wars, though.

>Thats because you are a child who didnt see the originals before they got digitally raped.

That's just putting a coat of bad paint on a steaming pile of shit, but you wouldn't want to ever admit you enjoy eating shit, would you? Better fasten those rose tinted goggles m8.

I can hope mobile games is the best that studio can do otherwise it seems like such a waste of time.

underrated post 10/10

How on Earth does a rating get that low?
I know it's EA, but... What?

Not sure if it is useable on those.
At least bridge officer skills can be chained somehow.

>>Still no better Star Wars RPG than KOTOR

>Mfw I didn't know what Star Wars Galaxy Of Heroes was when skipping through the ea conference
>Mfw I found out it was smartphone/tablet trash

>Sacramento-based studio


Too much hype + too much dissapointment. Im a star wars fan, and even I spent only 3-4 hours in that game.

So is it dead or is there a chance it could get picked up again?

100% dead. Disney will not allow it.

Well it's on Dolphin with HD texture packs, widescreen, higher resolution and shit like that.



Honestly, I think it's the game Visceral is working on (retooled of course).

They're the only dev of the three that has the right track record for it.

Cool as fuck. Thanks.

1313 is totally dead. disney cancelled it when they took over. the only new news about it was that one of producers of the new movies thought it had nice concept art.

Don't worry, EA has got you covered for the next years.

EA CEO, like the crafty Ventrue that he is, is probably waiting for Disney's TFA2 to handle all the marketing for them for free like TFA did with Battlefront.

Because a project has never been canceled and resurrected under a different studio?

At least people still remember your franchises exist. As long as they do, there's at least a chance of a decent game.
>New Dune game fucking never

>battlefield hardline
god i hope youre right user

>Implying a Dune game created during the year 016 M3 would be decent

Emperor frowns upon you.

At least almost every Sci-fi scene in existence aped something out of it. Some more than others.

Hold the fucking phone. What is this from?

You're right, it probably wouldn't. But at least the possibility of one existing at all would be something.

The EA Play event yesterday.

That was the only shot there was. I mean it was like a 3 second clip but it was completely context-less minus the fact that Studio X was working on it. I think this was the Visceral Studios one.

>What is Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel

user, Hardline is far from their first rushed turd. They have talent, it's just EA hasn't trusted them with a decent game since Dead Space 3.

>Not trusting the Godfather/Dante's Inferno/Dead Space dev with a third-person action game with a creepy vibe and underground crime elements


I fucking knew it. Thanks for putting this together user.

Eat a dick.