Let's hear your game idea, user!

>Let's hear your game idea, user!

Other urls found in this thread:


you become super hitler, killing jews niggers and faggots with your fists and creating pure aryans with your dick, its a racing game

My ideas are too good for you to appreciate.

Not that I think you'll steal them, it's literally too good for you to understand.

n million dollar contract first
ima not givin out ideas for free

Bomberman but on PC

What are you talking about, I applied to be a burger flipper.

Futuristic city gang wars between a faction of cyborgs and a faction of biohackers, with a neutral evil megacorporation as an overarching antagonist

Kinda like Saints Row with the gangs being Deus Ex and Prototype

Start out neutral/normal and gain rep with either faction to unlock more powerful gene mods/cybernetic enhancements

You press a button and the game plays itself.

Sound extremely generic and boring

There's literally no gameplay described.

You wot

It's an open world racing game combined with Skate

The gameplay is you fucking yourself up the ass with a dragon dildo

Happy now?

let me rephrase

bomberman but not from 20 years ago

You mean you just want a new bomberman game?

I can dig that.

>You work at bethesda studios
>in a meeting about possibly remastering skyrim
>mention that TES 3/4 would be more meaningful to remaster
>table goes silent
>Tod giving you the death stare
>meeting ends
>go back to desk
>decide to work late
>last one in the office
>time for home
>get to the doors
>try other doors
>all locked
>silhouette of a short man in the corner
>"This is my castle and I'm the master"

You need to escape bethesda studios alive, all the doors are locked and Tod has the only key. Travel through 20 years worth of vidya to reveal the discover the horrible truth about him.

Sci-fi lw-scale farming game in rural sweden, connect with other farms through an in-game git/github-like system.

First of all you're all fired because none of you are Japanese.
Second of all this is my swamp.



>warhammer 40k
>Same mechanics as Mad Max
>You play as Ork warboss
>Have to take over the land
>capture territory
>recruit boys
>fight other bosses
>upgrade your character, weapons and vehicles
>lots of customisation
>lots of upgrades
>race others online
>fight others online

4 player, co-op ASCII roguelike


An Oculus game where you suck a cock.

it would have to be real-time then, so it'd just be ascii gauntlet

It's an ARPG set in 7-8 century Russia. With all sorts of mystical creatures.

I've seen that Pajeet in a different pic. I'm glad for him that he got better looking friends

internet as playable VR, parkour guns swords and all.

like second life I guess but without being shit.

then when you tell someone to -go to- a website it will actually make sense.

>four normal people and the Rajeesh they brought out of the IT department in the basement

Who let the WHITE MALE in?

I think Myst and Souls are actually polar opposites.
I didn't play Journey but I assume it's a walking simulator.

you must hold your poo until you go loo

How do they find all these really out of place people to do these stock photos?

First person hand to hand combat with minor parkour elements (think somewhere between breakdown and dying light).
Focus will be on multiplayer where there will be different game modes ranging from
1.smear the queer type free for all where you hold on to a baton and have limited parkour abilities and no offensive capabilities (only defensive blocks and evasive counters). You gain points the longer you hold onto the baton, you lose the baton by being knocked down (tackled, pushed off a ledge/slammed into a wall, leg sweep, thrown) but you also only lose health if you're holding it so you can only "die " if you are holding the baton (to prevent players from hitting the other attackers to cheese a victory, but not outruling it in the pursuit of an open baton)
2. Races Players will spawn and traverse an obstacle course for best time.
3.combat races. Players will spawn equidistant away from a skyscraper. They will race vertically climbing skyscraper until they reach the top. You can fight and hinder your opponents on the ascent but your time will be scored. Once you reach the top you will initiate a countdown where other players HAVE to also reach the top or be disqualified. IF they reach the top you will begin fighting to the death. If this finish line is contested the countdown for other players will halt until only 1 player is in the finish area where it will then continue. your time and combat prowess will be compounded for a total match score.
3.obstacle courses. Think extreme frogger. Players will have things like high speed traffic to dodge, moving trip lasers, or crates on a conveyor belt to circumvent with death and boundaries being the way to lose these matches.
4.dojo/freeroam. Players can socialize and openly challenge each other to specific tasks (combat, best high jump. Longest wall run, jumping through hoops) practice and hone skills.
...I'm not gonna get any replies, fuck it.

you have to line up like that for workplace penis and pussy (p&p) inspections

>TWO fucking white male

Its a horror metroidvania. I've been popping in here to ask for help and opinions. Surprisingly valuable. This is my first boss.

You better add lots of skeletons

Where is the fucking race car

Ofc the black dude had to be the tallest.

It's gotta be a Charger 69 or an El Camino.

It's a First-person shooter game set in the future. You play as a bearded man with brown hair.
The game features QTE and a Multiplayer. A season pass will be released containing new maps and weapon skin.

So skate 3

Looks like taken straight from saturday morning cartoon. Feels like scooby doo.

I'm doing my best to avoid cliched enemies like zombies and skeletors. I do have some in a graveyard but they have horse heads, and the boss is a tree made of bones.

Great. What's her name ?

I'm actually going for colourful late 80s/90s horror. Elvira style.

No idea yet, I'm just building levels, movement systems and enemies right now. Then story, then I'll figure out the name.

Space Station 13 fighting game. Takes after SFV with the IK system from Guilty Gear.

i fucking hate these adversity trainings. I really do. Whenever there's some insensitivity, racist, sexist or malicious intent its always portrayed as white man. why can't they portray it as some rajeev or tyrone? fuck these shits

>sci-fi sweden
I guess the main characters are Mohammed and Shaniqua?

I envy you. I can't make a game because i can't program for shit.
I hope you'll continue this project, it looks really cool.

>it's a racing game

Accuracy is racist

Fishy McFishFace

Just make an old school survival horror a la REmake, including tank controls and static camera angles, but change the setting to something unique like Louisiana and add a Voodoo crafting system.

>Uhhh, user? You're giving us settings and gameplay, but where's the diversity? It's 2016.

sounds good user I like it

Use something like Fusion, you don't need to code at all.

Some friends and I wanted to make a mario kart style race but with dictators, we got as far as to make the obvious joke about Hitler having a jew oven powered car.

I can dig it. Continue it

a racing gamess in the universe of Warhammer 40000
powered by unreal engine 4

>no africans or middle eastern people

I can live with this.

Deathwatch crpg

there's still poo and too many asians

It's a harry potter game set in the north-east of the USA
>British protagonist that wears a cloak with the union jack on it
>skinny American kid that's very smart, reserved and blut yet loyal >short American kid that's shy and fearful and will betray you unless you become a close friend >Italian-American kid that builds an empire around liquor and gambling
>Irish kid that gets into a lot of fights
>black kid that's the star quidditch player, does minor drugs and tries to push them on you
>Jewish kid that loves money and will always try to nickel and dime you but with a huge influence
>German girl that's a blonde twintails tsundere with S&M tendencies
>American girl that's a cheerleader for the quidditch team and is outgoing >Japanese yandere that's an up and coming singer and with yakuza ties
>Russian girl that's stoic and aloof
>very shy Canadian girl that likes snow

At least poo's religion doesn't try to conquer the world, and 75% of the Asians appear to be moderately hot women.

> It's a harry potter game set in the north-east of the USA

oh shucks, I thought you were gonna suggest Harry Potter/Gilmore Girls cross-over.

You play as a woman who's pretending to be a man, pretending to be a woman, but actually you were none of those things all along. You were actually a blob sent from space to learn how human genders function.

It's more of a harry potter meets persona in the USA

Alright guys hear me out on this

Harry Potter
You still listening? good.
Open World ARPG.

One game for every year and DLC for each one telling what happened in summer and christmas holidays

By the third game we'll be trillionaires I promise guys


>it's a racing game

This actually sounds really comfy and interesting.

I always assume that I've grown to dislike video games because I practically never enjoy them, but every now and then I'll see something or imagine an idea that gets me super excited.

Why does everything have to suck so much?

>Sonic 5 by Taxman
>Metroid 5 by Retro
>Nehrim being officially published by Bethesda

do you rike it guys?

Explore a full, Shogun 2 style overworld as a travelling Ronin. Depending on what you choose you can either be a Dynasty Warriors style super warrior, or a Warband style Leader of an Army.

Across japan there are shrines and dojos ect you can visit to learn new squad tactics / attacks depending on which style you chose.

The game is supposed to take place over the course of your life, so you start at 16 and age over the course of the game. Every game progresses differently aside from there being a war for the Shogunate (which you can pick sides of).
I'd like clan politics with dozens of clans across japan, and you can spark a war between clans by doing something so innocuous as helping a struggling village, that hate another village and after becoming the dominant trade town thanks to your actions another town suffers and two clans go to war.

Game ends with you dying / certain 'dead end' endings (you support the losing side of an army), or of old age and plays a little Fallout style ending with vignettes describing all your actions and how they affected Japan in crazy ways you never thought possible.

It has to be the ultimate dynamic game and would probably take like 10 years for a AAA to make as many branching options i want.

So I was watching a show and the character was getting into miniatures, like figurines and cities and such. I got to thinking about it because I've always had a small interest in miniature cities and trains and the like, and it hit me.

What if you combined a city-sim like SimCity or Cities:Skylines, with real life miniatures and cities. You could use an projector over the top to project people, cars, and whatever you want on the roads, which could be colored or tagged to be recognized by the projector, technology that already exists. You could basically have a real life progression system where you physically place road systems and buildings (that don't get recognized by the projector and integrated into your game unless you can "afford" them), and get to watch you city grow right before your eyes without all the tedious boredom of clicking through dozens of submenus and dragging stuff onto a screen.

Imagine being able to "check on your city" with your eyes and hands, being able to let it run in real time while you are away and at accelerated rates when you're playing. You could have a living, thriving, dynamic city on your table.

Obviously it would be expensive as fuck and ripe for DLC exploitation but I feel like I'm not the only one who would play the ever-loving shit out of this.

I've worked with johnny blow, shoot me with your amazing ideas

No. Sounds like Skylanders or Amiibo for adults. Dont give them more ideas to rape us with.

>thats..interesting. We'll call you
>hello security?

That, or a One Piece adventure game where you build your own crew (again, you can either specialize a few really good fighters, or go full Whitebeard / Capote with hundreds of Mooks on your ship).

Each instance of the game is you reaching the half way point (with a sequel covering the last half once that's wrapped up). Each instance is different because you get randomly sent to one of the 4 next islands and are always moving forward, so its got replay value and variety of levels. You can also end up on islands where the strawhats have been (after they've left) and see the consequences of their actions in the show.

When sailing between islands you can enter a Dragons Dogma style online play where you fight online versions of other player character ships / crews (controlled by AI), or actual player controlled ships if you so choose.

The ships and crews are fully customizable, and at the end of each run you unlock certain stuff for future runs, like doing a run with 100+ crewmates who are less than level 10 earns you The Moby Dick. Or doing one islands quests a certain way unlocks a Devil Fruit for future captains.

A win in PVP would net you whatever the opponent has that you don't (they have a Devil Fruit and you manage to beat their crew you get that fruit for future runs). Whereas winning against an offline opponent would just get you some currency or items for the current run.

i get to spread my seed into an asian a nignog and a Caucasian woman and murder a douche and a pakicunt to save America from Communists

>Dragons Dogma style online play

By this i mean, while you're offline your ship (similar to Pawns) fights other player ships and if they win they net you rewards.

This whole threat is settings and genre's. No gameplay ideas at all.

That paki and black chick scare the shit out of me.

>cyberpunk third-person walking simulator/point-and-click - similar format to Life is Strange but with first-person point-and-click sections
>branching story paths - your choices matterâ„¢
>you are a NEET living in the city
>you have 4 close friends who you talk to over the internet and have never met in real life
>3 years ago one of your friends stopped logging in and essentially disappeared from the internet
>you decide to meet up for the first time IRL and try and find out what happened to him
>feels ensue

>you can explore the whole city, do sidequests, buy stuff, eat at restaurants, etc. kinda like persona 3/4 minus the dungeon crawling
>in certain places the game goes into point-and-click mode to look for clues etc.
>soundtrack by 2814

TL;DR: Comfy cyberpunk amateur detective simulator

Fusion ? Do you have a link ?

>2 women
>That baby faced shy looking fucker on the left
>Literally UNGA BUNGA on the right

Am I supposed to believe these people are in charge?

>dlc in the concept stage
Fucking kill yourself

Underrated post

i just want a game that let's you silently drift over a post-apocalyptic landscape

pictures like these crack me up because of how obviously hard they're trying to be diverse.

Offer 3d printer plans for free/super cheap

i'd play that

An episodic beat-em-up/RPG hybrid. With 6 set characters that you could freely choose from each episode. It'd start off almost like the Misfits (the british TV series) with bizarre shit like in Jojo.

It'd eventually evolve from a thriller/teen drama/horror type thing to sci-fi as the entire Earth goes through a particle explosion.

They spend some time in space and eventually find a planet similar to Earth only a little bit bigger. So those would be 3 episodes.

rural nigger. They are lars and karlton

I don't know how to tell you this user... But sonic already exists

>Theres some really nice concepts here user. Tell us, how do you plan to monetize your game?

An mmorpg with oblivion style graphics and sandbox gameplay. Make it extremely hard to level up and learn new skills, so you cant just start throwing fireballs left and right. Food is needed for survival and eating a lot of it makes you fat. Eating it raw makes you sick. When you die, your character get's deleted or maybe a ghost thing. Farming needs to have attention, you cant go plant a crop, water it and then wait for 12 hours to do the same thing. And since food is required, and you can actually die it would make for a lot interesting things like an enemy faction razing your corps and letting your people die.
Basically real-life medieval style gameplay with some rpg elements in it

You can buy additional genders to customize your character as.

>critical area with thoses jokes

but i like it.