All these vidya youtubers making the tragedy about themselves

>all these vidya youtubers making the tragedy about themselves

What the fuck

Other urls found in this thread:

>rule 34 Disney


TB actually knew someones that died at least. Does Boogie?

Sorry, I dont watch youtubers. They're all pushing their own agenda and use lame memes to satsifty their 12 year old audience.

>watching vidya youtubers
you are part of the cancer. feeding it by watching.

Click on the rule 34 Disney video

Youtubers capitalising on a profitable subject.

What's next? Newspapers capitalising on it?


I don't watch boogie but TB's video is literally just him saying he knew a person in the shooting and then he started rambling on about the faggots that use the incident to promote gun safety and no violent shooters

and what do these videos have to do with video games anyways? kill yourself

What did you expect from someone whose product is themselves?

Also, explain how this is different from what politicians, the media, and corporations do with every tragedy.

Why can't this fat motherfucker lose weight already, especially with all the support hes getting.

>killing fags

can you fuck off now?

They all probably went to that same gay nightclub.

e-celebs sharing their views on topical subject, how revolting

Dickriding for the attention and $$$ they can get from milking a person's death. Yes, they must be very traumatized.

That's all.

Have you ever had pizza before? How can anyone lose weight with such a temptation?

Not what you'd expect, but here

>Not "Francis rages about homos!"

Wasted opportunity desu

He literally can't, his thyroid

>vidya youtubers
All faggots, user. It's only normal that they feel touched by the attack. Same goes for all pc gaymers and xboner enthusiasts.


Funhaus is usually somewhat funny, but they can also be massive cocksuckers as well.

It's always a mixed bag with them.

>Lime in chicken
[Desire to know more intensifies]

>I know what this is like, I also received a lot of hate on youtube

>muh thyroid

my favorite meme, next to "slow metabolism"

He literally can. Calories in, calories out.

This. I mean what are you gonna do right? Gays aren't like transpeople, they aren't gonna off themselves once they realized they fucked up. Sometimes you gotta help a bit.

>inb4 triggered tumblr/reddit visitors
pic related: deal with it

It's begin a fucking worthless piece of shit
dude just wont eat less

YOU DID IT, Sup Forums. You made the best conference

Literally stop eating.

You want more? Alright...

>Muslim registered Democrat kills 50 faggots

Trump is all but assured as the POTUS.

Say you're prayers leftists.

An over/underactive thyroid just makes it more difficult to lose weight, not impossible

good thing doctors can treat thyroid issues with drugs

This problem pops up a lot with their vids. Sometimes they are legit having fun and talking game strats and making jokes or fun of each other like a normal group of friends, other times it's completely phoned in and literally not a single one of them is into it. I hate when they all sound so bored and like they just need to reach a quota, it makes it hard to think of them as friends and not co-workers.

Ow, the edge!

and why is it Always muslins, no matter where it happens?

why would he?
it's not what is gonna kill him.


good taste

>We also want to make more videos like that, but they don't make as many views, so we won't

How ironic they only became more jewish after Joel left

religion of peace

Oh god let's not turn this into a ja/ck/ thread

It's standerd practius for the Normie on Twitter/facebook/YT to Try and make as much Browne points as possible during a tragedy


That's what the fags screamed before they get lethally edged though.

I know exactly what you look like just from reading this post.

And it's not looking good for you, bud.

With his body weight he can walk around the house for 10 minutes and he'll lose a pound.

boogie is a real dipshit
he's too fucking scared to voice his actual opinions on things and always does that "post your opinionated comments about this current news thing in the comments, this side is cool but so is that side of the argument but anyway like and subscribe"

Am I on Facebook?

They had an episode of youtube comments where they openly admitted that they have to also follow a formula and follow the video statistics to pump out the views they need to pay the bills.

They followed up by saying something like, "hey we don't like it either, but we have to do it, so sorry for selling our souls". and the like.

They finished the episode by laughing together.

>trying this hard

>walk for 10 minutes
Yeah, and destroy his joints. At that stage, you need to go swimming to lose weight without hurting yourself.

Who are you quoting?

lol, let's cry over the death of the worst nintendo businessman of the last decade.


yea rip

>this fucking kshit dumbass shitposter is shitposting again with that same fuck awful kshit gif

end yourself already, you retarded manchild

TB is actually somewhat familiar with one of the victims though.

No comment on Boogie,

>30 minutes

Holy fuck I cant make it past 20 seconds

Oh shit, Iwata died over a year ago!

How time flies

>cooking while still wearing a ring

fucking disgusting

no this happened because there are guns in america and that's why this happened, this would not have happened if Trump weren't preaching a culture of hate thus making this happen.

I'd rather have faggots than plastic gook lovers like you

He just need to eat healthy and way less than is doing now


Most of these people are attention-seeking asswasgons that's why they are youtubers. Should be no surprise here.

There is medicament to cure that shit. Why doesn't he use them?

Not the edge, the muslim



I mean, it's pretty obvious how that shit works. Ray left Achievement Hunter because everything he liked and was passionate about were things that didn't get views, meanwhile he could do the things he liked as a streamer and it got views. Nigga got sick of GTA and Minecraft so he left.

Funhaus doesn't have the option to leave and do something else. They're stuck.

Chibi is the master at cringe, no one will surpass him.

>muslim kills 50 fags
Just meme my shit up fampai

Make your own pizza with cauliflower base and cut back on the cheese. This halves the calories.

So a Muslim walks into a gay bar

it took them 24 hours and 24 cases of RC Cola to come up with these
these are worse than the Osama Bin Hidin ones
i'm not against making fun of fags but at least be funny

So, whats the Sup Forums consensus. Heroic Hetero Crusader, or Filthy Muzzie Mudshit.

>tfw the ass cancer fags butt buddy died

At least politicians use the incident to argue how their politics would help preventing such an incident. E celebs do it for the youtubedollar alone.

>inb4 triggered tumblr/reddit visitors
Thats some grade A foreshadowing. Little boo boos can't handle opinions? Poor you...

I could never get into Achievement Hunter, don't they have a cast of like 15 people? The hell man

I remember way back actually did achievement tutorials that looked up sometimes, do they even do that anymore?

Are we supposed to know who this fat shit is crying about?

not even healthy desu even dropping from 3000 calories a day to 2500 would make him lose weight

Oh come, 'Don't eat ass during my holy fast' is pretty funny.

>50 people died in this attack
I never like TotalBiscuit
Any British person who calls themselves a "Brit" deserves cancer
Oh wait

and says, "I'll take 50 shots please."

What, terrorists attacked Orlando? My sub box is fucking spammed with it. 5 videos in a row.

Not Sup Forums but it's nice to show that every race is filled with assholes because of how media made whities the devil.


Since they hate shitskins every other time they do something, I'm going with regular mudslime hate. Plenty of people on Sup Forums are gay, but none are muslim

>boogie has had homosexual incidences in the past
>scored a 2 on the kinsey scale

But trump has been warning about stuff like this from day 1. Your narrative doesn't hold up. Might as well blame Americans for not converting to Islam.

This is basically isamu's reason iirc

Why would you give a shit about strangers?

If 9/11 happened today, would everyone be apologising and yell "not all muslims"?

it's easy money for them.

It's another Obama false flag. There's been more mass shootings under his presidency than any other President in the history of the United States.


care to cite some sources?

I completely agree, that's what I'm having trouble understanding