Remaster of a game that's not even 5 years old

>Remaster of a game that's not even 5 years old
>Fallout DLC
>Elder Scrolls Online DLC (that is already avaible)
>Card game that nobody cares about

Can we say that there won't be a worse conference?

It's your first E3, right ?
Every conference is worse than the others

Wait for "PC Gamurr", "Ubisoft" and "Microsoft" one and you'll see.

>B-b-but da game barely 5 year old!
>I d-d-don't undatand! How dey remake young game so soon
>I j-j-just got my first xbawx guize I don't undatand remakes

fuck off todd

Post YFW they relaunch the DLC separately

You forgot Quake, Dishonored 2 and Prey.

Nah, EA's was WAY worse.

The only game they announced was a fucking indie game.

There was a reason they didn't even bother doing their conference at E3. They had fucking nothing to show.

>muh soccer story mode
>Madden's gonna be balanced this time, I swear!
>We promise we won't fuck up Mass Effect this time!
>TITANFALL 2.0, Half-Assed Campaign Edition

The only good fucking announcement was the aforementioned indie game. Here's hoping they do more instead of giving up again like they did after Warp.

>waaaaah I don't want free things
>waaaaah I'm going to have to completely remake my futanari orc mod

Oh and don't forget


Both EA and Bethesda were terrible. Terribly terrible.

EA's was boring as fuck. Bethesda was kind of cringeworthy. Sessler and Morgan really lost their touch with these things.

Why did Bethesda even get their own conference?

Advanced butthurt

>Ubisoft will have the Sassy Black #GIRLWOOD Woman again




Same reason EA would get one. They're a big boy publisher now.

It's awkward when the thing that interested me the most was news of a Fallout Shelter update.

It's a shitpost, user. He "forgot" them on purpose.

EA's conference wasnt even watchable. So it's automatically the worst.

Just wait for the conference where a bunch of dancing cosplayers take the stage.

Who will it be, Sup Forums?

>You need to be a good boy and purchase ALL the DLC to get it.

>all these faggots forgetting the new Wolfenstein announcement


>he didn't buy them years ago when they first came out
>he didn't buy them during the steam sale 2 years ago when they were bundled for $10us
Nigguh, you fucked up.

>Remaster of a game that's not even 5 years old
Why make new games for the new generation when you can just polish an old game and act like it's new?

PC fallout shelter, with update for quests and new areas, as well as modding capabilities

I'm content

>waaaaah old games aren't apreciated and fall into obscurity
>waaaaah don't try to keep games from falling into obscurity.

I don't see people talking about it, but it would seem that we've already hit peak games. There's more games in the world than we actually need. Poor AAA devs have no choice but to remake old games and churn out DLCs lest they increase the total amount of games in the universe even more.

If you're (((hyped))) for any of these games you should probably literally kill you're self's.

That would be EA.
At least Bethesda had Quake, Dishonored 2, and possibly Pray.

>I dont like these games and neither should you

It's ok when Sony does it.

Unless sony does a sony, I can't imagine anyone could do worse than that.

EA basically put a nail in the Star Wars coffin during their press conference and it still wasn't as bad as Bethesda. How the fuck are they still a company? Their brainwash machine must be stronk to convince people to buy their garbage.

Goddamn you Todd and your hypnosis

>4 the players

How is the ps4 so popular this gen?

I'm in the Elder Scrolls Legends Beta and just by saying that I have broken the NDA. How the fuck does that makes sense. How can you invite people to play your game and then have a NDA that forbids you from discussing the game anywhere but the barely functional Bethesda forums?

How is that going to sustain interest? And the worst thing is most people that signed up for the Beta were the most passionate supporters. So if you burn them out before the game launches with a really shitty NDA, who is going to be there when the game goes into open Beta?

Enjoy your one video from a quarter of the big Hearthstone streamers and then have interest completely dry up.

EA was much worse. Bethesda was upfront with their stuff and only shows things that are close or ready to release this year with some teases.

While EA said yeah we're working on Star Wars here is some people looking at monitors.

Plus, Dishonored 2 looked great and Prey might be very good. Quake, we'll see. I have confidence in them after Doom and Wolfenstein reboots but the things he said weren't that appealing. Then again, Doom had the worst marketing campaign ever so we'll see.

>Full power of PC mods to consoles

I wonder how people would have reacted if it was Morrowind or Oblivion instead.

I'd buy it. But since this remaster is free for people who already purchased the game, I'm not mad.




Because Xbone gave up and Nintendo has its niche

Sony is basically that guy who won the cookie because he was the only one to show up

Prey 2 looked good, sure. But think about it, the trailer came out in 2011. It was an open world game where you could play stealthy or action full of repetitive bounty hounter side quests where you basically hunt people down.

Now, every game is like this. And I'm kinda sick of those. So maybe it's for the best? Still, would like to give Prey 2 a try... it looked great but it could very easily fall into the trap of being generic open world garbage with some cool aliens and visuals that gets boring real fast.

Sneaky Wolfenstein Teaser? Where was that?

People here would be bitching regardless. Something something sanctity of the original games something something for 2000 straight 500 post threads.

Man I don't give a shit about yet another spooky haunted space station, I wanted to be motherfucking bobba fett and do crazy bounty hunter bullshit

Is it any good?

In the intro. It listed all release dates and game names, but it had "New Colossus" and then unknown release date. Will probably be announced next year or one Quakecon (probably Quakecon will have a teaser and next E3 full gameplay like they did for Dishonored 2).

I don't know, might be good. Arkane is really good and didn't make a bad game yet. Chris Avelone is the writer. So I'm optimistic.

It would be a LOT better, both games could use a remaster and the modding community would be more than happy anout it.

Holy shit what the fuck


>Bethesda conference was so bad it gave anons permanent brain damage.

I don't care about any of that, they teased an amazing fantasy and then snatched it away in favour of yet another game where you crawl through a fucked up space station while some prick goes off in your ear about muh human advancement.
Video games are for escapism, I want to play a game where I really want to be there.

Best game ever. Even has cyborg vampires. The story leads you through a dragon break into the future where tamriel has had to adjust to technology.

I agree. It's because EA has already announced every single last thing they're working on even when the game is years away from release.

Their plate is pretty much full at the moment.

>Mirror's Edge 2 (DICE), Unravel (Indie) and PvZ2 (Popcap) just came out
>Yearly sports games, yearly Battlefield
>3 Star Wars games still ages away from release
>Titanfall 2 which we already knew about
>ME: Andromeda which we already knew about

Do they even have dev studios that aren't busy with something?

>Visceral's busy with 1 game (they aren't that big a studio)
>DICE is busy with 2 games (they're big enough to handle it)
>Sports is sports
>Respawn's also incredibly busy with 2 games (a lot to ask of a new studio)
>Bioware's busy but The Old Republic doesn't count

I guess Popcap is free? They're working on free shit for PvZ2 though. Bioware could announce another Dragon Age, I suppose.

You say it like it's two different games.

I will hit you in the throat.

Sup Forums BTFO

What did he mean by:
>We are working on it
Was he talking about Skyrim or Elder Scrolls VI

And why are they pushing DisHonored so hard?The game looked boring and dull.

Microsoft will actually be good though. Can't wait for Sony movies and exclusively first here (and then on everything else later)
Sony is a garbage company these days.

That's if you can get up your chair you fatty.

>muh dumbing down of morrowind
Honestly, i would have liked a new Morrowind. Keep the story and update the gameplay, it was always shit anyway. Would be a shame about the magic system, but i wouldn't care that much.

You don't know what it's about yet. It might very well be similar to System Shock, a spiritual successors judging that half of Arkane worked on it. That should be good - great world building, good gameplay, decent atmosphere and story. We'll see.

They basically just had the conference for investors. That's it.

I still want to fuck Lana

>Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to E3 2016
>We are proud to announce our great new game

From what was shown you are fighting shapes hitting aliens. This seems hinted at when the black thing turns into a chair.

EA had fucking nothing so anything after it would be an improvement, even Bethesda.

They were pretty goddamn upfront about it in the trailer, they're throwing you into a fucked up space station like prey 1 and all the heavy handed shit in the trailer heavily implies some idealist is gonna be jacking off in your earpiece for the next 8 hours.

I didn't even know of the game. I was really interested on it when they started the trailer, but as soon as I saw the dead space shit I dropped immediately.

Cool post /r/gaming.

These two conferences are the worst conferences TO DATE in E3 history.

Xbox has scaebound, recore, cup head and some other shit. Yea alot of their stuff now is on pc but as for consoles they still contend. Sony is pulling the shit Microsoft pulled when they first announced the Xbox one and Microsoft turned it around. Sony is cocky and doesn't care, look at last year's E3

Jokes on you, I've got wheels on my chair.
I'm rolling to your doorstep as we're speak, buddy.

dude idubbbz lmao

grow up you pleb.

Its okay when sony remakes a 1 year old game and sells it for full retail price tho

Just wait for whatever human meme ubi has cultivated before you can say it can't get worse.

The only thing that bugs me about Prey is that it's called Prey. Just fucking call it something else if you want to do a System Shock spiritual successor, you faggots.

>I just want another Star Wars: Bounty Hunter game

I know that feel, user. I even bought the re-release on PS4. Too bad fucking Disney canceled 1313.

Is this your first E3? 90% of the E3 conferences are complete shit and the rest is decent at best. This has been going on since 2010.

holy shit they keep saying -- with mods.

That is absolutely embarrasing. Also are Bethesda going to start uploading console mods from the Steam Workshop for their to be a big list when this shitty remaster launches? Or is to just going to be an empty Mod List till modders do all the work again?

>The only thing that bugs me about Prey is that it's called Prey.

how did they even managed to give it the same name as the 2006 game?

did you even read his post

Fucked if I know. Why should I learn to play a new CCG when there is no real community. You can't go on reddit or youtube or twitch or whatever and find strategies and ways to use cards that you just didn't think off. And I mean there is like 20 different lane effects, I want to learn about half of that in game and the other half on youtube.

From a visual viewpoint, it's just boring.

They pushed Dishonored because they had nothing left. They're definitely working on the new TES, they won't let the chance go, it's easy certain cash.

I was still hoping Todd would show up in the last minute and announce something good.

From what another user posted they need to do something eith the ip or lose it.

I'm still not going to buy from them. It's a reskinned oblivion with a shitty enb slapped on.


>1313 cancelled
>prey 2 cancelled
>battlefront turned into battlefield: star wars edition

What is the remake everyone has been talking about?

every year I hope gaben walks on stage in the sony press conference and reveals hl3/portal3/l4d3 orange box2.0

And the fallout DLC isnt even about unfucking the game but instead LMAO VAULTS XDD YO DO EXPERIMENTS ON OUR SHITTY AI XDDD! oh and fuck established lore

How are Bethesda and EA conferences yesterday worse than usual? It has always been like this.

don't forget quake moba

They expect modders to relaunch for both the remaster and console version. A lot of useful mods haven't seen any activity in years though.

they sometimes show gameplay

I'm just going to part out my gaming rig. It's over. Consoles have won.

Bethesda last year was very good senpai. And Todd showed up in the end, so everyone expected it to happen this year too.

They showed a fuckload of gameplay though

To be honest I think they are hoping that people will take the clean slate as an opportunity to make a name for themselves. All they have to do is rework their very unheard of content to work for the update and it's done.

All I wanted was an official announcement of where the next Elder Scrolls game is taking place. They didn't have to do anything but give us a 5 second teaser. Yet they still fucked it up! Who the fuck wants Skyrim again?!

Don't expect an answer till 2018 when its almost done.

>Bethesda last year was very good senpai
I wouldn't go that far, but it was better than .this. But still it's hard for any conference to be worse than EA or Ubisoft conferences in the past 7 years.

Look at last year's e3 where they showed 3 games people wanted to see?

The remaster comes out after Skyrim's 5th anniversary.

I doubt it. The new TES will come up in some 2 years and most people are tired of the game already. This changes absolutely nothing for the PC community aside of the fact that you will have a lot less mods if you play the new version. It's literally the same game and we can already make it look better than the remaster.

It was though. They announced FO4 and the crowd was ecstatic and people were screaming their lungs out. This year they just had a couple paid people to scream amidst the silence.


every e3 is shit we all fucking know that so shut the fuck up with your plebbit reply but some conferences build some hype, these literally did nothing yesterday, showed nothing.

Last year they had FO4, Dishonored 2 and Doom.