>every video game protagonist is a black male
The future is looking promising.

>playing western games

Just play Japanese games, all the protagonists are white.


>every game is a remake

Name one game that does this.

>Playing jap games

user i don't want to play anime/mech garbage.

But user, Tracer is the face of Overwatch, not Winston

Name 17 games that do this.

>Implying this isn't just a temporary trend
Don't you remember a few years ago where every main character of everything was a latino? a time where latino-pandering shit like Ugly Betty became popular?

How can we stop being such beta cucks?


>Complains that not enough diversity in protagonists
>never any racist/homophobic/sectarian protagonists

Name me 10, faggot.

>pro tip, you can't

You sound like tumblr complaining about female characters with big tits.

It is if you're Black.

On Sup Forums, no one knows if I'm Black.

>jap games

being this delusional

when was the last western game with a blonde blue eyed protagonist?

I miss Malcolm, was a good show.

I sure hope so
>bought gear vr for porn
>it's all from a white guys pov
So immersive

i agree, it's been proven that having a black protagonist makes sales lower. some companies probably have a diversity quota that they have to fill once every couple of years.


It's either black dude or white woman - Never white dude or black woman.

Black male dude:
Mafia 3
Battlefield 1
Watch Dogs 2
FIFA 2017

White female dyke:
Mass Effect Andromeda
Dishonored 2
Titanfall 2

Wolfenstein? Though Blazkowicz is a jew.

yet you will still buy them and they will keep making more

>a few years ago where every main character of everything was a latino

Holy shit you guys turn into a bunch of whiny children when a game doesn't pander specifically to you. You can always not buy these games

There's a key difference. When straight male devs makes big tits, that makes sense. When white devs make black protagonists, it doesn't.

he's a jew and kills nazis so it's allowed

White guy
>uncharted 4
White guy

And that's just off the top of my head, and all the time I'm willing to dedicate to this retarded thread. Racist crybabby whiteboy morons.

White guilt is a thing.

>latinos never win any Oscar
>latinos never are the MC in videogames
>latinos never actually do anything wherever

Do you see them complain? No.

He is the son of polish jews? I don't think he actually identifies as a jew, does he? I didnt finish tno yet.


First 3 i could think of, I'm sure there is more.

Maybe because white males from ages 12 to 28 are the primary demographic of players.

It's like selling fucking Bibles to muslims.

I don't remember any games with a latino protag, any examples?

>uncharted 4
>white guy loses in a fight against a black woman
>this white guy that has taken out armies

Whatever though, we need more racist characters. Pic related was always good for a laugh.

Geralt is black?

Well fuck me, looks like I'm colourblind.

his polish, hence people assume he might also be jewish

either way slav =/= white, but Sup Forums is very confused nowadays so they'll accept him because muh blonde hair

All latinos care about is anime and cartoons any way.

Witcher was released in 2015

We literally have no idea about Doomguy, he could be italian or some shit, that's not white

Nathan Drake is definitely proper white though

Who even cares? Only slavs and nips make worthwhile games.

If slavs aren't considered white, who do you consider white then? Anglos?

>Blqck male mcs in violents games
Só the sjw will be triggered?

One again no one is forcing you to buy these games and them not selling well doesn't effect you in the slightest. If anything them not getting huge sales should be a positive thing because they're ubisoft and ea games

Both of the expansions were released in 2016 and they're better then 99% of the games that were and will be released this year.

Drake is swarthy as fuck
Yes, pink skinned anglos



>y-you don't have to buy them
is such a shit argument.

>>Thinking jap games have "japanese" looking people.
>>Being this stupid
Youre a retard. "Asian" streetfighter characters never look asian for example. In street fighter 4, the only people they made look asian were the asian background characters.

Anglos are not only nonwhite but also not European.

He's the direct descendent of Sir Francis Drake according to the game, he does look pretty swarthy though

I'm not from the US, care to explain?

>White female dyke:
>Dishonored 2

You have the choice between Corvo and Emily. And even if you didn't I wouldn't mind playing only Emily, Arkane never fucks up.

Poles and Balts have the highest % of European genetical admixture. If they're not white then no one is.

they're pretty much the perennial white people, none of this ivory skinned nord niggers with nipples browner than a fucking spic
prolly mixed

Slavs are literally whiter than interbreeding anglos

>they're pretty much the perennial white people
Sure thing Muhammad.

emily makes absolute sense as a protagonist in dishonored though

Didn't the actor that played Dewey died?

Reese and Francis were my favorite brothers.

maybe by Sup Forums definition which is wrong
no need to be mad

either way whiteness is an abstract concept nowadays, you can get mad all you want but pretty much every european country is accepted as white in the real world, even paler albanians and turks lmao, I'm just telling you that truthful, actual white people = pink skinned anglos

>>Implying jewish is an ethnicity
Hes a fucking polack moron. Jewish is his religion. Jewish isnt an ethnicity.

t. a pink skinned anglo

I'll sure miss Mr perma scowl, short hair cut, designer stubble in his mid 30's man

As it should be.

>this damage control
I'm sorry I can't hear you over the sounds of inbreeding and mothers screaming that their kid went missing in Rotterham.
>anglos white
>anglos european
tip top kek

I thought according to the new game, Francis Drake was just someone his mom was researching on before she died and he and his secret brother back from the dead had changed their identities to being related to that guy when they fled the country or some dumb shit.

t. a brown-nippled "white" American

nah I'm canadian but sadly half german half italian

I'll never make it as white :(