I know some of you have been there.
I no longer find games fun
I've tried new AAA games, I've tried indie stuff, I've tried old games I used to enjoy, I've tried emulators.
What do?
I know some of you have been there
Take a break from em.
Pick up a secondary hobby and do that for a while.
Have sex, that should fix things right up
I've no hobbies. Any suggestions?
NEET who never leaves his home here.
No hobbies? We can't realistically recommend anything since we know nothing about you, try out a bunch or whatever comes to mind and see if one sticks.
Try creating something; drawing, playing music, 3d modeling, video editing/recording, designing a game idea, writing something, etc. If you don't know how to make something, learn
start playing while high. weed is the best for it, adderall is also a great choice.
Keep trying. Eventually you'll find something, then play it crazy for 20 hours in one day, then get to like 100-200 hours and get bored and fall back into the same slump.
I thought i hated games for like 5 years straight before playing Rogue Legacy. Same thing happened with VTM:B way way back in the 2000s, and Mount and Blade back in 2008
>What do?
You ascend to the next level and start making games.
It used to be harder to do, so people who got to your stage would just end up killing themselves, or something worse like getting married and having kids. But in 2016, with things like Unity, you could have your own game by tomorrow.
Books, films, art, literature, comics, anime, manga, TV, sports, music.
Why do white people always ruin weed with their shitposting?
go outside
go hike some mountains
fuck some bitches
come home
play vidya
always worked for me
Go back and finish school, I did and ended up not playing vidya for 6 months.
Though that was because my computer died and my parents said they would only buy me a new one if I got good marks.
i don't know, why do niggers and spics kill each other over a plant? the world may never know.
You sound triggered.
These. OP, the last vidya I played was transistor, before that minecraft. I used to be an Idort, but none of it is worth my time anymore. The games industry makes awful products for dumb people now.
Play Jap games with cute girls in them.
best advices ITT. Been there OP, did these two, fixed me right up. Now I'm addicted to Age of Empires 2 and Diablo III again
How do I into intimate relationship?
hearing things, chicano? stop smoking so much of that laced cartel weed.
Not even a spic or a nigger, famalamborghini.
then i guess you live in the south. good thing we don't have that mexican garbage reefer up here.
I'm not even American lmao
then butt out of this american discussion, vlad/nigel/hans/chang.
Why do Americans think the world revolves around them?
Tbf weed makes vidya fun again like how it was when you were a kid
Time for a new hobby. Get into literature, learn an instrument (piano is a gratifying experience, guitar and bass will get you bitches), start fishing with your father, learn how to fix an engine, go camping for a little while.
i don't, but if the discussion is about whites vs blacks then the people having the discussion are very likely american. so go have some tea and crumpets and let us shitpost each other.
How about just not playing games for a while?
>designing a game idea
Not him but how would you imagine this? I have an image which I've been adding various shit to as my "game idea" for about a year whenever I feel like it or come up with something, but it certainly doesn't work as a consistent hobby.
Just stop playing video games, do something else, and wait. Someday, you will feel the urge to play video games again, and enjoy them.
It's time to start seeking social life, and I don't mean this in an insulting way at all.
Find a group of friends, everything's easier when you have a group, however shallow it might seem.
It helps with confidence.
btw OP is also european
never heard a european talk shit about white people. although with the migrant crisis i suppose that might change soon.
Try making videogames, there's a lot of Unity tutorials out there.
It can be fun, doing your own stuff, thinking different about videogames, sharing a thought or two.
Yea that happens. i wouldn't call myself a gamer post halo 2. Since then I've probably played and bought at max 20 games.
The problem for me is time. I'm not a child anymore and dedicating 80 hours to a game over the course of a month is way too much time wasted in my opinion. I've been playing mgsv since release and I'm only about 140 hours in. I like taking my time with it since it's a solid game.