Name a flaw

Name a flaw
Protip: you can't

You're right.
Naming just one flaw is impossible.

The demo was so bad it was the first mainline Sonic game I skipped.


the everything.
for starters.

Beat me to it, my exact thought. The one flaw of the game was it was unfinished. Had it another months to a year or so, it would have been a solid 3D Sonic game.

Load times.

Can thank Microsoft for that one desu. Somehow they thought this game would be an asset to the 360 holiday season and pressured SEGA to get it out by November 2016

Like all 3D Sonics it's treated like a 2D sidescroller but with a 3D perspective. Running fast straight through a narrow course is no fun.

Blaze has almost no screentime at all and when she meets up with Sonic they don't react to each other's presence and don't exchange a single line of dialogue
Aside from that the game is perfect

That's because they changed Blaze's backstory for this game.

But Blaze somehow still knows Sonic because when Silver mentions that he saw a vision of a blue hedgehog being the Iblis Trigger she wonders if it is the same blue hedgehog
I assume that the events of Rush were not changed but her backstory was

Also Nintendo for having a system that was very different from the competition which caused sonic team to split


>to get it out by November 2016
I don't see how Microsoft is the villain here, clearly it was very lenient with the game's release date but Sega decided to push it out a decade to early
Sega is clearly the one to blame here

My fucking asshole.
The game is a mess of shitty design choices and awful story. No amount of polish would make '06 an actually good game.


You know, for all of it's flaws I genuinely liked the game. I know it's a piece of shit but I had fun with it.

If they ever release a port or a re-release with the issues fixed I'd buy it for sure.

Microsoft got sega into a contract where they had to have the game out for 360 in November in exchange for add space on some Microsoft chat site.

Yeah but Microsoft gave them 10 whole years to get it out like the nice guys that they are but Sega decided to shit it out right away as an unfinished and broken mess of a game
Sega is the responsible one

Nice bait

How is it bait? I'm using the information given to me in this thread and this is the most logical conclusion of who was in the wrong here

Funny enough, the demo version was from a more recent, more polished version of the game.

You can see that by comparing the two levels. From the demo and the "final version".

The demo version is more polished, it has less bugs and frame rate issues.


>Microsoft gave them 10 years
Not bait

user said so right here
Blame him if that happens to be false information

November 2016 was a typo that user made. He ment to say November 2006. Anyone could see that

I know that.
I was just playing along to see if he realized his mistake by pointing it out but apparently he didn't