Is there any other fighting/beat-em-up game that's NOT fight night with actual good boxing mechanics...

Is there any other fighting/beat-em-up game that's NOT fight night with actual good boxing mechanics? Seems like every game that let's you use boxing just makes you play as a Mike Tyson clone too other than pic related.

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How many different styles of boxing are there? I know there's in-fighting and out-fighting but that's it.

Boxer-Puncher and a Slugger, that's it. But really only a boxer-puncher type of style can work gameplay wise.

It's all about mah flying kiks brah.

Beat'em ups are no about good boxing mechanics, you stupid dildo. They are about you and your buddy/buddies beating the shit out of an entire gang.

>Not wanting to be able to dodge and pivot around attacks and enemies

What a pleb.

>other than fight night
eat shit

There's a controller with a jump button for a reason, you stupid whelp.

If you aren't going to do boxing right then don't put it in a vidya as a style, simple.

There's an arcade JP only SNK 3D game that's all about "realistic" fighting styles fighting, and even has a unique control scheme where you moved back and forth with 2 buttons and attacked with the stick a la Fight Night.

nobody cares. boxing is an incomplete art.

I think this game is called, "Downtown Detroit."

Seriously, why would you want a sport that is so niggerly to stain glorious vidya? NBA/NFL games are bad enough as it is.


Boxing is a refined art.

Boxing is a gentleman's sport user, what are you talking about?

>beating up point fighting karate faggots

so refined, amirite?

>I can beat up a krotty guy pulling his kicks without hand protection

horray for you

>yo dawg im a gennelman an sheet


>believing nipponese lies about what boxing is
>not realizing it's just a game of "who is the fastest strongest minority"

>I can only beat you if we're rolling around on a padded floor like homosexuals


what's it like knowing you literally couldn't stop someone like that from raping you? Like, they could literally just tackle you, choke you, and then rape you, and there's nothing you could do about it?

>Only black and spanish people do boxing!

Look at england.


I've already seen my friend(boxer) beat the shit out of some blow job jutsu faggot because he thought his "get in mah guard brah" style was superior.

He found out it was hard to grab someone throwing multiple punches at your face/body every time you try to come in.

Yes, look at all of this technical english excellence!

>it's a "i live in a fantasy land" edition Sup Forums thread

Are you literally in elementary school? That's the level of lie you have crafted.

Don't see what the problem is here.

So you think fights only happen in videogames or something?

Mike Tyson's Punch Out

What's the difference between him and Balrog?

>n-n-n-uh uh! i totally have a friend that beat people up with muh epic fistcuffs!11!1

yea, fights take place in real life. but this guy is full to the brim of bullshit.

Dudley is honestly a more accurate representation of Mike Tyson.

Not that user, but it looks like it's just two mongoloids swinging at each other and then hugging.

That's because heavyweights over 230 are slow as fuck, should have posted a fight of Kell Brook or even Amir Khan.

And this isn't believable how again? I could understand if he said he himself was a golden gloves olympic boxer, but I have friends who practice martial arts too.

Balrog is a defensive charge character whilst Dudley is a faster motion boxer

So basically you just want a game where you can punch, but bob, weave, and slip punches like a boxer?

I want a CUHRAZY boxing game.

Isn't that one guy from that that one Dynasty Warriors game a CUUUHRAZY boxer?

I haven't played a Dynasty Warrior since PS2 launch.

Not him but I've badly beaten two seasoned boxers the exact same way:

Front lead snap kick directly to the nuts.

Boxers are better in brawls then grapplers due to the how increasingly dangerous they are without gloves, but they're still can't defend themselves from fuckall. Anecdotal, but I can bet not too many people here have fistfought too many boxers.

>muh style could beat up yer style! look at this shitty old YouTube video for proof!
Who the fuck cares. How well a person was taught and how much they practice matters more than anything.

Oh god.

Sup Forums is pretending they are street fighters now.


user, you can beat most men in a fight with a swift kick to the nuts, trained boxer or not.

Just the game for ya OP. The english version got shutdown but there are some other versions i think with more content. Chinese i think.

It's an MMO but damn this combat was the tits.

That was exactly my point. I actively teach the traditional side of a sort of a bastardized gung-fu, but at the end of the day mostly rape defense tier tactics (nut kick, eye gouge, etc) is what I've resorted to in the fights I've been in. There is a reason JKD expresses the value of the nut kick, the straight lead, and the defense against those.


Dudley is a more technically refined boxer. Balrog is supposed to be Tyson in his prime and most of his technique was based on his ridiculous athleticism and small frame allowing him to slip under, get in close, and destroy opponents with hooks and uppers. Dudley is supposed to be more of a textbook boxer who uses more of the scope of boxing technique.

Fight Night does a surprisingly good job of emulating boxing.

Four major styles:
Swarmer/Brawler - Get in close, use headmovement, eat some punches, punch them harder. Also known as an in fighter

Out fighter - Footwork, long jabs, counters

Boxer-Puncher - Jack of all trades. Has good footwork but can step inside and fight there.

Slugger - Defense? Fuck that. Hit them really hard.

>Not appreciating the technical aspects of said sports

Right user, because vidya is a bastion of refined culture. What with the waifus, Tumblr faggotry, casual racism, and neckbeard autism that infests the gamer base. Not to mention the esports scene.

Dude, I've been jonesing to try this again since PW shut the english one down. I had 40 bucks worth of account currency to throw around and I was still trying games.

That Gracie/Jimmerson fight looks like a fucking joke
>one hand gloved
>other just wrapped
>obvious which he's gonna lead with
Gracie basically just has to stand in the right place and wait for an opening, it's not even a proper fight. I'm a judoka too so i'm not even bootybothered

>wants a decently refined fighting style system in a non fighting related game

OP's pic is a good example of boxing done right in a non-boxing related fighting game. Pivoting and boxing footwork, instead of kicks he can dodge and slip attacks. The punches are obviously the easiest thing to do right.

If a boxer and a grappler got into a street fight, assuming they're equally skilled, the first strike would literally decide the fight 95% of the time. Grapplers will generally have glass jaws so they'll get rocked bad if they get one early, while a boxer won't know how to defend if the grappler gets right in or even worse has him on the ground.

This is the only correct answer to this dumb as shit question

Do you know Brad Burns from Virtua Fighter?

Yes, pretty cool how he switches seamlessly from a Muay Thai style to a sort of Boxing style.

Boxing has shown to be more effective in a street fight 9/10.

Buriki One